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11469972 No.11469972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Slavoj Zizek on incels and the me too movement. Thoughts?

>> No.11469980

>Their imagined enemy figure is “Chad,” a white sun-tanned muscular man.

There is no way this is real, what is this shit.

>> No.11469983

it's happening

>> No.11469990

>doesn't even bother to spell Memerson's name correctly
based trashman

>> No.11470001

I'm too much of a brainlet to understand his drivel, so how does he reconcile that incels are basically the sexual proletariat?

>> No.11470002


>> No.11470008

> The synonyms of “hiding” – battering, trashing, pounding, drubbing, spanking, thwacking… – all also evoke a brutal sexual act. Does this indicate that we can apply Marx’s analysis of a “free contract” to the idea of sexual contract?

Fucking Christ, why are all philosophical boomers such Freud-loving perverts. "Dude everything is sex LMAO you want to fuck your mom".

Anyway, yet another typical "le marxist reading of recent events" 'cept Zizek likes being contrarian and wants to stand on his own island.

Also, how widespread has the Incel-shit been? To my mind it's only been stuff like r9k and /r/incel and places like that, how the fuck does Zizek know what a "Chad" is? Does he lurk?

>> No.11470013

He says sexuality and human rights are incompatible and that the incels, me too feminists and Kant who want sexuality to be egalitarian are basically screwed.

>> No.11470019

Confirmed for not getting it. Chad is not an enemy.

>> No.11470037

>One partner “works on” the other to give pleasure, and the idea is, of course, that this activity of giving pleasure becomes in itself a source of pleasure for the worker.
Pretty good definition of an orbiter.

>> No.11470040

>Are men also not attracted to a minority of women at the expense of the majority?
No. Men will fuck anything except the very TINY minority of truly hideous, deformed, or handicapped, women.

>> No.11470042

>they are mostly white


>> No.11470043

is this real?!?!? omfg
reading now

>> No.11470051

have you been to r9k, the kingdom of incels?

>> No.11470052

Reading that sentence without context made me think of giving oral to a woman, and it's a good analysis.

>> No.11470055
File: 32 KB, 300x310, 1524071108881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the way the Left should counteract this tendency is not to demand a more encompassing egalitarianism that would cover politico-economic life and sex; it should rather turn around the incel position and fight for its own Moebius strip reversal in which the universality of egalitarian human rights implies its own exception, its own reversal – the domain of sexuality which should by definition remain “unjust,” resisting the egalitarian logic of human rights. The fact that should be accepted in all its brutality is the ultimate incompatibility of sexuality and human rights

Lmao, really?

>> No.11470061

The two incel killers were non-white or mutts. You can't blindly say the majority of them are white.

>> No.11470063

zizek is talking about incels in general, not the ones who chimp out and start killing

>> No.11470064

I almost want to believe he is intentionally doing it

>> No.11470065

>two of the most famous ones are PoC
>that must mean most of them are not white

>> No.11470067

The Toranto van guy was white (or Armenian or something but to most people that is just white).

>> No.11470069

How can he possibly know their race if theyre hiding behind their screens?

>> No.11470074

A much better article than I'd expect. Zizek in the end sympathizes with incels as the powerless victim of the capitalism.

>> No.11470076

Yes but men are only really attracted to the small minority of women. It's like saying women aren't only attracted to a small percent because some will eventually settle for someone they dislike.

>> No.11470077

My boy zizek has read weininger he's not about to admit sex isn't violence

Chastity is a true modern mans virtue hear hear

>> No.11470078

His source on the incel phenomenon is literally wikipedia. It's obvious that he hasn't spent any time reading the supreme gentleman's manifesto or investigating more obscure /r9k/ memes like Kent or whatever that black guy's name was. He obviously wouldn't know the difference between a robot and an incel either. I'm not even sure /r9k/ knows anymore. It's probably safe to say that the term incel originated somewhere on the American part of the web. 56% is still a majority.

>> No.11470081

he is probably judging form his own personal experience, maybe Peterson's audience has to do something with it. There are polls on r9k from time to time, but I doubt he sticks long enough to browse those threads

>> No.11470083
File: 105 KB, 849x960, joker guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed chaotic neutral gamer 4channer, Zizek.

>> No.11470094

>Jordan Petersen
Did he mispel his name on purpose?

>> No.11470099

chad zizek simply just doesnt care for incel peterson

>> No.11470120

>misinterpret peterson
>pull out the incel race out of his ass


>> No.11470133

Where does he say that.

>> No.11470136

Does he also admit that income/property rights are incompatible with human rights?

>> No.11470156

I like Zizek, but holy shit I think he's had one stroke too many (in more than one way).

> Petersen, Petersen, Petersen
Never heard of him. He sounds like a real asshole advocating for women, the inferior sex (according to him), to be redistributed to men. Thankfully, Jordan Peterson, limited in his philosophical knowledge, does not advocate what this "Petersen" fellow, probably Zizek's imaginary friend, does.

> all that autism about who gets how much pleasure in the contract
Zizek could've just said that people are hard to please and would've been in the right rather than sperging out Lacanially about how horrible it is for someone to get pleasure "indirectly" by giving pleasure to someone else.

And so on and so on *sniff*

>> No.11470159

I instinctively started reading this in his voice, and then closed the page. I guess I can never read Zizek - but I probably shouldn't anyway.

>> No.11470163 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 849x960, 1531746269882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan just won't post this damn pic for some reason, hopefully it works now. Pic related, Zizek the incel (in a Lacanian sense).

>> No.11470165

"Incel" originated on the now deleted site PUAHate, which is a site that originally exposed devious marketing or scamming of PUA companies, claiming that their techniques don't work and it's all about looks. It's strange, I don't think I ever read this true origin in any third party piece talking about incels. Probably because their "only looks matter" theory is factually correct and a form of biological determinism that is uncomfortable for mainstream publications to admit.

>> No.11470174

not true. men are attracted to like 80% of women and women to like 20% of men

>> No.11470176

Nu-uh sweaty, women like 69% of men and men like 113% of women (boipucci).

>> No.11470183

Is there any source on this aside from online dating sites which come with an embedded sampling error?

>> No.11470186

I think he got some of that wrong, but he's right for the most part. Also, the misspelling of Peterman's name is funny to me.

I generally fail to see how "white supremacist" whatever can be somehow squeezed into something on incels.

Incels are pathetic, really. I don't believe I could ever trust a man who, despite wanting to, hasn't been able to bed a woman in all of his years living. Is he even human? If you're not 'human' enough to manage this, then I could never trust you. I've seen people say, "B-but Newton was a virgin!" but these incel retards aren't fucking Newton, are they?

How, how the fuck is it possible to be a virgin if you don't want to be? And it definitely isn't appearance as incels claim, because ugly people get laid all of the time. The reason they are incels is because they are incels. They want to be. So can they really be called incels?

>> No.11470195

>men settle for like 80% of women

>> No.11470197

>Is there any source on this
Not on those specific numbers, but the general principle is consistent with what evolutionary psychology would predict with our current understanding of male and female reproductive strategies in humans. It's just a rule of thumb, 80/20 comes from the Pareto principle. It's not hard science.

>> No.11470203


God I hope Zizek's bullshit turns into a meme about misspelling Jordam Petermon's name.

>> No.11470204

It was already a meme before he wrote this
Just not very popular

>> No.11470205
File: 950 KB, 1600x1100, 1531601262252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incels are volcels

>> No.11470217

This is fake as fuck

From "Zizek" calling him "Petersen" to the idiotic idea that he would say Peterson advocates for forced monogamy

well made larp though

>> No.11470220

It's true. I'm telling you. They might not even know why, but they want to be virginal and how they are, which is why they are.

I've met them, and I've also met ugly people who fuck more than me or you might. It's something else as to why they are how they are, it's not because they're ugly, etc. I mean, their 'incel' personality is probably something to do with it as well, but they could definitely pretend and get laid, they just choose not to. All of them.

It's something to do with the sexes being pitted against each other how they are now, and everything has turned into a point scoring competition to them of who has a clean sheet... if a women has fucked X before me, she's a slut and I hate her, etc. And they REALLY do hate her.

They're all voluntarily celibate. (Obviously, there might be extremely rare exceptions who are just fucked, but..)

>> No.11470221

This was utter shit. Zizek's worst piece yet.

>> No.11470225

It's fake