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11469567 No.11469567 [Reply] [Original]

Books under 200 pages.
I need something to read in a day.

>> No.11469715

A collection of essays would be an idea

>> No.11469720

The Stranger
The Importance of Being Earnest
Martian Chronicles
Child of God

>> No.11469723
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Read it

>> No.11469722


>> No.11469728

Noir fiction like The Big Sleep

>> No.11469756

A Rose for Emily
The Lady of Shalott
The Grand Inquisitor
The True-Born Englishman: A Satyr
The Golden Ass
The Misanthrope
A Simple Heart
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Diary of a Superfluous Man
The Death of Ivan Ilych
The Waste Land
Dictionary of Accepted Ideas
The Pearl
Gray's Elegy
Strait is the Gate
de Reditu Suo
The Illustrated Man
Seize the Day
The Crock of Gold
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Of Mice and Men
The Doctor in Spite of Himself
The Old Man and the Sea
Pedro Páramo
Peer Gynt
Lament For Ur
The Sorrows of Young Werther
Doctor Glas
The Phantom of the Opera
Last Words from Montmartre
Novels in Three Lines
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Fahrenheit 451
Lord of the Flies
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
A Hero of Our Time
A Dangerous Encounter
The Impossible
Invisible Cities
A Man from Elsewhere
The Peregrine
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Tartar Steppe
stuff by Shakespeare
ancient greek tragedies

>> No.11469763

>de Reditu Suo

You have to go back.

>> No.11469785

Waiting for Godot and Heart of Darkness are both great

>> No.11469795

Save this for when you have the time to give it attention it deserves.

>> No.11469811


>> No.11469823
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>> No.11470267

No longer human

>> No.11470275


The Physicists by Dürrenmatt
Dao De Jing by Lao-Tse

>> No.11470283
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>something to read in a day
>Takes me 3 hours to read a book of 150 pages


>> No.11470294
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>> No.11470304

Animal Farm
Notes from Underground

>> No.11470346

speed reading is to reading as drinking a steak after its been blended is eating a steak

dont feel bad that autists dont care about enjoying things

>> No.11470357

If you were required to read it back in high school English, Catcher in the Rye is excellent to reread in one sitting.

>> No.11470358

just like my japanese anime

>> No.11470362

Heart of a Dog - Bulgakov

>> No.11470389

Merimee's Carmen and Colomba (each 80 pp)
Flaubert's Three Tales
Barne's Flaubert's Parrot
Longfellow's Kavanaugh (a truly great all but unknown American novella)
Melville's Encantadas, Billy Budd, etc.
Tolstoy's Family Happiness

>> No.11470523

Train Dreams
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
The Long March
A River Runs Through It
A Kestrel for a Knave

>> No.11470532
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I sure wish I could read 200 pages a day...

>> No.11470781

Pick a Mike Hammer book by Mickey Spillane.

>> No.11470805

story of the eye

>> No.11470893

50 pages an hour is hardly 'speed reading'

>> No.11470905

The Invention of Morel

>> No.11470929

measuring by page is retarded. 200 pages of a "light" book can hardly be compared to 70 pages of a book as dense as ulysses, with 10-pages-paragraphs, not to mention page and font sizes and other formatting detaild

>> No.11470957

Everyone understands this. But on average, with most books, reading 50 pages an hour shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.11470985

heraclitus fragments

>> No.11471115
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H.P. Lovecraft. He wrote several short stories, a few novellas (The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, The Whisperer in Darkness, At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, The Shadow Out of Time), and one novel that is far below 200 pages (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward).

>> No.11471123
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>> No.11471144

Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
Animal Farm - George Orwell
The Time Machine - H.G. Wells
The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
The House on the Borderland - William Hope Hodgson
I Am Legend - Richard Matheson

>> No.11471445

This, and anything Donald Westlake wrote under his Richard Stark pseudonym.

>> No.11471578

Less Than Zero

>> No.11471654
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>> No.11471693

the master of go
confessiosons of a mask
a man who sleeps
things: a story of the sixties
nine stories by salinger

>> No.11471931

I read the old man and the sea in one setting. Felt both sad and motivated at the end

>> No.11472345

The point is, I'm a slow reader. I'd like to get as much reading done as I can. It's kinda pathetic that it takes me two to three weeks to read one 200 page book.

>> No.11473448

>Just about anything by Shakespeare, Wilde, Camus, etc.
>One day in the life of ivan denisovich
Soviet gulag prisoner, excellent tale, if you like it read Solzhenitsyn larger work the Gulag Archipelago
>Dosto. has some great short stories, including his novella: Notes from Underground
>Heart of Darkness, beautifully written even better when you realize Conrad isn't a native english speaker
>The Prince, a meme ultimately to the modern man, but has some interesting tidbits of Italian history
>Siddhartha: A german's masturbations to Indian thought, actually a great book and great introduction to indology in a way
>A hero of our time: first russian antihero, a playboy adventure novel
>Norwegian wood: a little longer, depressed-ish japanese guy with a weird waifu-esque girl, haven't finished it yet t b h, but its decent

>> No.11473463

Don't be ashamed, anyone who reads more than 20 pages a day is vicius

>> No.11474148

I fucking hate when a good book is short, because when I'm really enjoying something I want it to go on forever(not really, but a decent bit longer anyway). And if I'm not enjoying it that much, it's probably not worth reading in the first place, unless it's something so educational that it balances out.
Anyway, read some shorter Steinbeck novels

>> No.11474208

not if your mind keeps wandering every paragraph

>> No.11474219

>tfw can only manage 10 pages in an hour
Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.11474279

no, if the book is reaaaally big

>> No.11474282

>how fast you read depends on the size of the book

>> No.11474369

fuck you

>> No.11474448
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>Longfellow's Kavanaugh (a truly great all but unknown American novella)
heh nice synchronicity, was reading about it just a moment ago

>> No.11474472

don't worry as long as you are getting enjoyment out of reading. i used to be adhd levels slow like 5 pages an hour now I am at 20-30 which is still considered slow but dont worru about you will improve as you keep reading just read for fun.

>> No.11474513

>how fast you read a page depends on the size of the page

>> No.11474589

it's the bigliness of the ideas presented

>> No.11474818

Is your book written in meter long pergament scrolls?

>> No.11474829

>he's not reading Plato the way he was meant to be be read; on a fucking scroll

>> No.11474969

Even fucking Iliad is like this. I read it for at least an hour a day and only get like 10 pages in even with the way the lines are seperated. It's weird because I'll read Gatsby for around the same time and get also 10 or so pages. Maybe I'm just retarded.
Yeah I still enjoy it but just wish I could go a little faster. For some reason when I first started getting into reading I could do 30-50 pages a day but now it's like 20 if I really push myself. I'll never read all those books I want to. Fucking kill me.

>> No.11475005

Bridge of San Luis Rey

>> No.11475075

the 'not' here implies your mind doesn't wander ever paragraph

>shouldn't be too hard.
>not if

>should be hard
>not if

>shouldn't be hard
>it is if

>> No.11475088

oh well, I am an idiot alright

>> No.11475484

Waste by Eugene Marten

>> No.11475860

Yeah, I know it gets bad contemporary press, but it's actually good. Emerson, Dickinson, ...on down to Howells thought very highly of it. Structurally it's similar to Tolstoy's Cossacks, is entertaining, and can be read in a few hours. Nothing at all to lose by checking it out..
I read it when reading Dickinson's favorite books for my ugrad thesis.

>> No.11475870

Ghost books like Turn of the Screw and Lady in Black.

>> No.11475934


>> No.11476120

I wish it was

>> No.11476309

That quote's 100 year old tho.
Btw, saw in the archive that you've been shilling it intermittently for a while now (same Cossaks comnparison) :). I always think it's fun when you can make out individual posters like that.

>> No.11476368

Mirror in the Sky

>> No.11477970

In that case (you) should also read Ammon's Garbage, West's The Day of the Locust, and Santayana's Scepticism and Animal Faith. Only time I've been 'found out' before was when posting two of those three in tandem.
btw- the author of that 100 yr old quote?

>> No.11478082

Shame comes from the belief that those around you are superior to you in some way or believe themselves to be. Well so long as you are comparing yourself to others then why not take into account that a whole majority of the population read less than one book a year (some literally never read and even grown “ugh reading”). Just do whatever man, who gives a shit poo poo pee pee

>> No.11479115

WILLIAM PETERFIELD TRENT, M.A., LL.D., Professor of English Literature in Columbia University
It's from the The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: https://www.bartleby.com/cambridge/

>> No.11479120

>the The
*nice work, me

>> No.11479146

Man, that one goes places.

>> No.11479174
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>> No.11479177
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>> No.11479241

imma kms if trips

>> No.11479258


>> No.11479653
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Crying of Lot 49

>> No.11479664


>> No.11479667


>> No.11479849


>> No.11479866

I wish I had enough free time to do that

>> No.11479870

Rolling em

>> No.11479898


>> No.11480081


Trips incoming

>> No.11480191


>> No.11480280

amateur, take a look at em

>> No.11480290

how new?