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11468270 No.11468270 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw publishers won't publish my book because it's too gory and sexually violent
>mfw nobody will ever read my the stories i want to tell, the way i want to tell them.

>> No.11468273

how gory we talking?

>> No.11468288

post your story online

>> No.11468298

>post it online and make it paid
>1 or 2 people read your work. you make $5 from ten months hard work

>post it online and make it free
>50 or 100 people read your work. you make nothing

>> No.11468304

give me the details at least

>> No.11468309

sounds like you care more about being paid than that people read the story you wanted to tell and

>> No.11468322

Yeah I KNOW RIGHT? Fuck em all and fuck this gay earth. I will release it and if only 1 or 2 people can appreciate it then oh well, I told the story I've always wanted to tell. I've had this book idea for over a 1/4 of my life now. I'll make myself happy and if people enjoy it too then good for them, if not then oh fucking well

>> No.11468332

The publisher told me they won't allow it because I talk too much about rape and sexual violence. And there's a scene where the protagonist enters a room full of naked women that have been raped and murdered.

They told it could potentially trigger traumatic episodes/depression/ptsd etc for readers, and they asked me whether 'it was really my story to tell'. As if you can only write about rape if you've been raped yourself or something.

>> No.11468339
File: 304 KB, 426x386, channel 4 news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self publish and then shill-spam the fuck out of every image board in the known galaxy.

>> No.11468351

>they asked me whether 'it was really my story to tell'
Could be the case you were the rapist.

>> No.11468369



this is how you look to everyone without your mental disorder

read some GRRM or watch a Tarantino movie and if your IQ is above 50 you should be able to realize that they actually tell stories on top of their edginess. even if the stories are trash, at least they are there, which is more that can be said for your autistic writing

>> No.11468372

I'll read it anon

>> No.11468374
File: 5 KB, 251x251, e75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say the entire story was about raped women you autist. It's like 500 words of a 100,000 word novel

>> No.11468381

what? go to a different publisher then
If someone can release american psycho, the story of the eye, and 120 days of sodom then someone will take your rape book

>> No.11468399

>they actually tell stories

>> No.11468431

Why not post it for free online? If it's any good, then you'll find some niche audience and monetize future work through a platform like Patreon.

>> No.11468457

I'm considering releasing it really cheap. Like $0.99.

I'm worried if I make it completely free I'll just attract the cheapskates.

Also this book has cost me $350 to make (including artwork/maps and book cover). Money that I'm not sure about just throwing away.

>> No.11469905

I'd pay 99¢ if I heard something about it that separates it from the million books I could pirate right now. Do you want an audience or do you want weed money?

>> No.11469926

Where are you from and in which language have you written your novel?
If your tongue is well spread enough, you might fare better on other countries of the same linguistic roots.

>> No.11471394

Post samples.

>> No.11471458

>>mfw publishers won't publish my book because it's too gory and sexually violent
post extract.

>> No.11471475

tits or gift

>> No.11471553

M8 have you ever read hog? There is nothing in your work that will come close to getting as nasty as that shit

Keep looking for a publisher
Did they have praise for your work itself? Because if they didn't have good sttff to say about your prose,style,structure,etc then the content may just be a convenient excuse to tell u to fuck off

>> No.11471614

I thought you were talking about leftopia, but this is a different book i see. You could do like that guy and just post it for free. I enjoyed it and so did others.