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11465697 No.11465697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Jordan Peterson accused of being a hack here, given his very respectable citation rate as a professor and his book, Maps of Meaning (despite also having detractors), and having received some high praise among academics?

>> No.11465701

Who gives a fuck
go read a book

>> No.11465702

clean your dick anon

>> No.11465704

His purely academic and psychological ideas are decent. The problem is when he starts using evolutionary psychology as a basis to go on rants against a "post-modern neo-marxist" boogeyman that doesn't actually exist.

>> No.11465709

>that doesn't actually exist.
for something that doesn't exist it sure got very angry with him for pointing it out

>> No.11465711

having good citation numbers for his field doesn't mean his politics are right

>> No.11465717

It's totally acceptable to be opposed to making shit up to push a political agenda.

>> No.11465724

ye hypocrites

>> No.11465735

He means SJWs, which are a real thing.

>> No.11465738

like most public """"intellectuals"""" he should stick to his field.

You can only be really smart in like one thing desu, and having niche interests instead of trying to comment poorly on things that people in niche fields spend their whole careers on is pointless and makes him look like a big goof

I like his voice though.

>> No.11465741

>citation rate
academia is a popularity contest just like everything else in life, getting in on trending topics gets you attention.

>> No.11465754

The middle ground is the hardest to hold. The left is as malicious and ignorant as the right, and I have proven this to some. The people who sit in the middle and want to have discussions are being attacked by specific groups for different reasons. Yet one group is using the left and right and people like Peterson to cordon off this middle ground where discussion takes place so as to maintain political cohesion and overwhelm both sides with arbitrary back and forth's. If you dislike him, you're probably unable to articulate his opinions, and, if you are able to understand his opinions and you still have a strong opinion about him, you're probably aware that he is intelligent and are afraid that other people stupid enough to follow him ignorantly might be convinced that you're an idiot - and we all know you'll never stick with an opinion that is unpopular unless you get to claim victim status and therefore win, anyhow.

>> No.11465807

fake christian

>> No.11465826

Literally all public “intellectuals” are talentless hacks

>> No.11465870

>high praise among academics
like that time a judge called peterson's methodology pseudo-science?

>> No.11465874

Calling psychologists academics is an insult to actual academics.

>> No.11465886

what is an actual academic

>> No.11465893

Yeah, he uses them as pejoratives. Those kids definitely need to be criticized to some extent, but he misrepresents 2 conflicting groups with his buzzwords. Also, his criticisms of Marx reveal that he has read little to maybe even none of what he actually wrote. When he starts going on about “equality of outcome” and shit, it’s really embarrassing.

>> No.11465998

>Making lectures over Disney movies
How can new worlders can even consider to take him seriously, lols from Europe.

>> No.11466010

it's been almost a century since your gay continent has mattered, youll just be MENA 2.0 in 100 years

>> No.11466014

Citation rate is bullshit. I can tell you that they care more about citations than the actual idea or argument. It is a popularity contest. It of course serves a meaning but caring about it too much as some objective proof of right or good argument is bull.

>> No.11466021

"Making something up" and "hyperbolizing and narrowly defining a real phenomenon" aren't the same thing.

>> No.11466024

Christian theologists and stemlords of course.

>> No.11466028

stop plagiarizing my posts

>> No.11466030

>equality of outcome
its so embarrassing because it doesnt seem self conscious - he actually thinks this infantile shit is something worth saying

>> No.11466035

he lost me when he announced in one his recent patreon Q&A to start a censoring commission on "post-modern neo marxist radical left totalitarian" papers in academia. Scary shit dude. That was the last drop for me.
It was soon after his biblical lecture series which was fantastic and before/during his book tour when he suddenly started to sell out a trivialised version of his message to every hungry little radio- or TV station or Youtube channels.

>> No.11466036

By that retarded logic everyone is a plagiator.

>> No.11466045

Marxism in practicality is intended to result in equality of outcome. Marx didn't INTEND for that, but Marx's intention were fucking stupid and his predictions about the application of labor theory were demonstrably wrong.
Most of the people who claim to follow Marx today don't have any idea what he was talking about either, it's a practical distinction to call someone today a 'Marxist'
Mormons don't follow the letter of Joseph Smith's teaching either, but everyone knows what is meant by Mormonism.

>> No.11466052

not in the same fucking thread though

>> No.11466055

>waaah someone's making a profit in a capitalist system
You can't even hide your Marxist bent for 10 seconds

>> No.11466060

He’s a centrist so everyone hates him. People in modern times are autisticly defensive over their political ideologies, and seem to take any criticism as almost a personal individual attack on themselves, and instinctively lash out with moral attacks against anyone that disagrees.

I’m not his biggest fan, and I’d say he probably way over inflated political issues. But people calling him a hack are almost exclusively 20 something’s whose only claim to fame is their snarky passive aggressive twitter accounts, and /pol/ retards mad he hates their idol Hitler.

>> No.11466061

shut up

>> No.11466062

well there is a massive wealth distribution program predicated on inequality of outcome, so yeah we do think it's worth saying

>> No.11466069

Great counterpoint

>> No.11466078

I haven't even read the thread so stop sperging.

>> No.11466082

to me it's another case that shows going political inevitably makes you dumb. As if mass communication about ideas has to this way...
When this is true then I hate life

>> No.11466096

>check if claimed information in academic paper is scientifically true
>if it is, pass it
>if it's not, strike it
You'd have to be pretty stupid to think this is a slipper slope problem, considering this is the foundation on which scientific academia has been built for centuries. If "neo-marxist postmodern SJW lefty totalitarians" are the ones most affected by the system, it's because they're the ones most egregiously failing within the system.

>> No.11466098
File: 299 KB, 643x397, I'll kill you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly why I hate you

>> No.11466101
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What is his opinion on loli? Are we t. pedos?

>> No.11466115

bro, you trollin' ? You don't know me.

>> No.11466118
File: 79 KB, 306x297, 1510117649112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can hold my hand, sit in my lap and then maybe I will show you my boipucci.

>> No.11466119

>to start a censoring commission on "post-modern neo marxist radical left totalitarian" papers in academia. Scary shit dude.
you cannot be fucking serious. The Left are the ones who dominate and censor academia you actual double retard

>> No.11466123

Mass communication DOES have to be simplified. What are you even on about? People have demonstrably variant intelligence, with most pooling at a level somewhat below the level of the academic elite. So the academic elite necessarily have to simplify their speech for mass consumption - if you want the unsimplified version, then you either pay to attend their classes or you pay for the primary material they're putting out (books, podcasts, lectures, etc most of which you don't actually have to pay for anyways)

>> No.11466127
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>mfw read in his voice

>> No.11466130

>waah person X is "selling out"
>people shouldn't be able to gain from their own creations

>> No.11466137

get the fuck out of here you worthless piece of dogshit

>> No.11466149
File: 134 KB, 1000x706, 1505140807614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I need my answer from the smartest board. I need to know if it is t. pedo or t. sexual frustration or t. something else.

>> No.11466156

Because he did that shit last century and has spent this one becoming a youtube celeb who conflates all leftist positions and constantly bases opinions on his fanbase. Also because he's a psychology expert that plays philosophy expert and only exposes his lack of comprehension for the subject. He is a real academic, but he's shoving himself into a conversation he's not ready for and it shows.

>> No.11466160
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Who's citing him? Sam Harris?

You know Foucault is like the most cited academic of all time, right? Academic praise doesn't not make you a hack.

>> No.11466163

>pomo neo marxists don't exist
Then why are all of you fucks REEEEEing so hard?

>> No.11466167

I want to cum on that face.

>> No.11466169
File: 80 KB, 650x677, 0ipEl4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh great now im gay

>> No.11466171

Sam Harris is pretty fundamentally opposed to Peterson's academic thought so I don't know why you think this is a sick burn. It's like you just heard these two names in the same sentence but don't really know either person's significance or thought.

>> No.11466174

This is true in principal my friend, but it still unrests me. Would you accept a judgement about a paper and wether or not it is "toxic" for you or your children to read by a guy like Peterson? Would you blindly believe someone, who judges academic output especially from unempricial fields like literary studies and other by a standard of value that he carries around ?

English isn't my first language, but do you understand my point? I'd rather trust peer review and my own common sense and neither you nor I should rely on clownish figures like peterson tbqh.

>> No.11466179

>Would you accept a judgement about a paper and wether or not it is "toxic" for you or your children to read by a guy like Peterson
Except that isn't what's happening. It's not a moral legislation, it's the application of scientifically verifiable fact.

>> No.11466182
File: 172 KB, 1024x1365, 1486486760561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you mean by this?

>> No.11466191

>I'd rather trust peer review and my own common sense

Except Peterson is 100% correct when he points out that ~80% of papers in the humanities are NEVER cited, not even ONCE. What the fuck is the point of writing a thesis if literally no one will ever read or cite it?

>> No.11466194
File: 114 KB, 1291x376, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He blatantly misrepresents a lot of the things he talks about.

Also sounds like quite the character: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/2018/05/25/i-was-jordan-petersons-strongest-supporter-now-i-think-hes-dangerous.html

>> No.11466197

He is a hack. A HACK!

>> No.11466199

>He blatantly misrepresents a lot of the things he talks about.
Such as?

>> No.11466204

ITT extremely assblasted lefties and niggers

>> No.11466209

>If you disagree with him you're just mad and scared
Okay, this is epic

>> No.11466221
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Neeshe for starters.

He always uses postmodernism in a negative context, however his philosophy has been no doubt affected by post modern literature, nothing truly insightful outside of his specialty and that's a good thing if you are looking to be a clinical psychologist I guess.

>> No.11466230

He is a racist cis gendered mansplainer.

>> No.11466236

"x misrepresents Nietzche"
t. Everyone else misrepresenting Nietzche. If you have a specific, stronger theory of Nietzche's philosophy feel free to throw it out there.

As for the postmodernism question, there is a difference between people whose thoughts are culturally affected by postmodernism as a component of the zeitgeist and people who fervently attend to postmodern principles. Peterson does use an oversimplified conception of Postmodernism, but that's more likely because Postmodernism is a pretty complex media/cultural movement than it is because he just doesn't understand it.

>> No.11466239

Because its lit we are the elite of rmchair criticism

>> No.11466247

bro, if you really have an censoring issue in the US than it is your fucking problem. In german universities we may also have different views on the issues at hand but it is by far not such a malicous and shrill atmosphere around here like you have. That only shows me that you have am underlying fundamental different problem.

>> No.11466253
File: 53 KB, 530x689, 50db3fc70c8d3ec43a00747ab6becc91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lit is the ideal of great architect of wisdom, we are all intellectual giants here

>> No.11466257
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>> No.11466262

>Everyone I don't like is in a massive conspiracy of two contradictory ideologies
>No they're not, that's retarded
>Oh yeah? The fact that you say so and got all defensive means you're one of them, checkmate
Wash your penis bucko

>> No.11466264

Oh look, a German clinging to the authority of his totalitarian overlords.

>> No.11466277

>Scientifically verifiable fact in the humanities
But that's retarded, anon

>> No.11466283

>Peterson is simplifying his discussion of past philosophers
>this objectively means he hasn't read them
>oh also Peterson is wrong about postmodernism but I won't specify why except in relation to other people Peterson references
So the writer of this article really has no more to stand on in his criticism than Peterson in his lectures.

>> No.11466285

how will the Rheinvolk ever recover

>> No.11466290
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I'll tell you in a minute after I flip open my laptop.

>> No.11466293

That author is a literal retard, holy shit. What a pseud.

>> No.11466295

t. someone who cannot think for themselves and has probably only read a wikipedia summary of Sowell's book

>> No.11466296

You can scientifically verify that Homer wasn't a Marxist by simple understanding of fucking chronology, though.
The humanities has plenty of room for interpretation, but when an interpretation denies basic structural logic someone needs to tear it down.

>> No.11466297
File: 3 KB, 124x96, Howtoread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emphasis on scared. Having your manner to normalize your desires or identity so as to increase the likelihood of your acquiring pleasure or whatever utility you're trying to maximize threatened, you act in minor and trivial ways to protect the power of your group and increase your potential satisfaction.

>> No.11466298

I want to taste his dick cheese.

>> No.11466308

hatred and attachment

>> No.11466312

There is a difference between using common sense and using science, anon. Do you not know what these words mean?
These are disingenuous arguments, and that is why people don't take you seriously.

>> No.11466313

>/lit/ outside pedersen threads: dude fuck academia lmao
>/lit/ in pedersen threads: dude check that citation number lmao

big thonkangs

>> No.11466314

whoa, you showed him there with that spectacular argument

>> No.11466318
File: 19 KB, 145x166, oi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he punches down to dummies like you

>> No.11466345
File: 29 KB, 394x412, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, I may have glaucoma

>> No.11466346

That's not even what punching down means you tard

>> No.11466357

you get my point though yeah?

>> No.11466369


>> No.11466374

>with hair plugs