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/lit/ - Literature

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11463594 No.11463594 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to start reading some deeper books. Took a look at /lit/'s top 100 books but they're honestly quite difficult.
So I took a look at the starter guide but it's full of trash and SJW books
Isn't there a middle term?

>> No.11463628

your stupid dont read books

>> No.11463633


>> No.11463669

Ha. Goteem>>11463628

>> No.11463711

How would you know they're trash if you've never read them? And what makes them SJW books? I don't even like that starter chart that much, but if you want to become a better reader, dismissing things before you've read them is not the way to improve.
But from that list, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep or 1984 are both fine, easy, short reads that work well as a starter. If your attention span is to shit for a novel you could try some short stories or novellas as well. Dubliners by James Joyce is what got me into reading. The Death of Ivan Ilyich is a good choice as well

>> No.11463725 [DELETED] 

Try The Culture of Critique sweetie.

>> No.11463726

I read some of them, that's how I know they're shallow trash and/or SJW, I'm just assuming the others are the same
Others, like 1984 and Brave New World, are just way too easy
There must be a middle term between Dostoievski and 1984, right?
I'll try the android one and James Joyce, thanks anon

>> No.11463735 [DELETED] 

>jew stuff
Fuck off /pol/

>> No.11463754

>Fuck off /pol/ stuff
Fuck off JIDF

>> No.11463762 [DELETED] 

We haven't been working ever since 2015, quit using JIDF as scapegoat

>> No.11463793

Oh I see, I thought you had basically read nothing ever. That makes more sense. Then yeah Dubliners is a good place to start. Other than that, you may also like Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, Stoner by John Williams, or some Albert Camus novels like The Stranger or The Plague. Or speaking of Dostoevsky, Notes From the Underground is actually a short and fairly accessible read, and would work well as an entry to reading more. Enjoy yourself

>> No.11463798

But you are working right now JIDF.

>> No.11463799

>just finished To Kill A Mockingbird today.
Is Huckleberry Finn as good or not worth it bros?

>> No.11463811

Whats wrong with the books in OP's pic?

>> No.11463825 [DELETED] 

Here's something interesting, a janitor actually deleted my "fuck off /pol/" post and blocked me from posting for 10 minutes for "announcing sage" (??)
Fucking /pol/tard jannies, at least find a suitable rule to block me, you're janning the /lit/ board yet you can't even read simple sentences? Talk about failure
I am curious about lolita, wondering how a book with such theme can be mainstream.
Is Moby Dick readable by a beginner too? Been taking interest in it
They're books pseudos read, I wanna transcend that

>> No.11463836

>they are books that pseudos read
can I get any more detail as to how reading them makes you a pseudointellectual? I was under the impression they were excellent novels

>> No.11463838

Reading them does not make you a pseudo.
But they are typically the only books a pseudo reads.

>> No.11463847

Ah I see, so what you are saying is they are great novels, just that pseudo uni fags read only them and believe that makes them smart, kind of like what happened to rick and morty?

>> No.11463850
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>> No.11463901

Lolita can feel weird to read because we see things entirely from the main character's perspective, but the book makes it perfectly clear what a despicable person he is. It's interesting to see how that comes through, despite the protagonist generally describing these things in at least a somewhat positive light. It never gets overly descriptive with sexuality if that's a concern.
I'd for sure recommend Moby Dick as it's my favourite book ever, but probably hold off a bit for reading it. It's not incredibly long, but the writing can be slow moving and take patience. A lot of inexperienced readers drop it early on in one of the chapters dedicated to whaling instead the plot.

>> No.11463937

I'm a /lit/ newfag, just started Slaughterhouse Five this evening. I think its pretty good. Any on this list i should avoid?

>> No.11463944
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You aren't supposed to announce that sort of stuff either genius.

>> No.11464037

Avoid slaughterhouse 5

>> No.11464049

its retarded and vonnegut is a dickless old man

>> No.11464050


>> No.11464113

>Fahrenheit 451
>To Kill A Mockingbird

Is this a joke?

>> No.11464248
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>Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.11464282
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This one is better

>> No.11464310

>SJW Books

could you be any more of a cliche you drivelling brainlet?

>> No.11464318

Don Quixote is your best bet.

>> No.11464341

>SJW books

You are lost, it’s already too late for you.

>> No.11464343
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t. drivelling brainlet

>> No.11464345

Exactly what an SJW would say.

>> No.11464357

You have to go back

>> No.11464367
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Keep projecting.

>> No.11464766

>he avoids buzzwords to sound intellectual

>> No.11464778

>sjw books
You do know that women absolutely hate at least 5 of those books, right?

>> No.11464780

To Kill A Mocking Bird is SJW af desu

>> No.11464938

Ah yes, the books that all Social justice warriors love. Lolita, Huckleberry Finn, and of course, the most woke book of all, American Psycho.

>> No.11465185

Good list overall, but Blood Meridian is a weird choice. It makes sense to read it after Moby Dick since there's a lot of references to it in Blood Meridian, and it's also a harder book to read than Moby Dick in many ways. And then somehow Blood Meridian makes the starter list and Moby Dick doesn't.

>> No.11465239
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my stupid don't read books what?

>> No.11465243

why not?

>> No.11465275

Remove the Shit Shatsby and it’s a good list

>> No.11465299

That's the spirit of literature: rape

>> No.11465303

have you read dubliners?

>> No.11465313

Because it's supposedly a literary classic? Why are you faggots all such contrarian assholes?

>> No.11465319

/lit/ charts are very anglocentric (terrible)
you are supposed to ignore them if you speak a real language

>> No.11465332


>> No.11465337

sure thing, Ivan.

>> No.11465353

Я нe pyccкий, peтapд

>> No.11465367

Start by reading sci-fi or fantasy. Simple reading, interesting ideas and engaging narratives. Then start to branch out into classics and non-fiction. The problem with people who jump into reading hardcore books is that they assume that because they can read, they can read anything. And when they inevitably fail, they assume that they just aren't smart enough and give up. It's like going into the gym, trying to lift the heaviest weight and walking out again when you fail.

>> No.11465371

Is James Joyce supposed to be a difficult author? I'm reading dubliners and it's been quite pleasurable and simple. Maybe dubliners is not one of his difficult works?
I love English books though. Arthur Conan's books blew me away and made me love the English setting and writing.
Nevertheless, I speak Portuguese, which is a shit language and terrible for reading. Plan to learn Italian one day. But what do you suggest exactly?

>> No.11465373

Okay, this is epic.

>> No.11465376

Of course, but what do you suggest? I have already sci-fi, fantasy and several non-fictional books. What are some good classics for branching out?

>> No.11465415

Which of those do you consider trash? A lot of them are easy, but that doesn’t mean they’re not good reads.

>> No.11465447

Unironically, War and Peace. The trials and tribulations of chads, incels, roasties and staceys in Imperial Russia, with a hefty amount of philosophy, politics and theology.

>> No.11465465
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>1300 pages
What the fuck anon. I think that's too much for me. I am awful at keeping myself interested in things for too long.

>> No.11465481
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>Starting with a translated work

>> No.11465486

war and peace is so comfy, i read it last summer while hiding at my cottage from reality and it was a good escape

>> No.11465493

I know it's intimidating, but trust me, you'll fly through it. War & Peace is one of the most captivating stories out there, it's hard to get bored with it.

>> No.11467127
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>tfw read up until it got interesting then put it down
the reading form of edging