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/lit/ - Literature

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11462201 No.11462201 [Reply] [Original]

So it finally happened, my eyes are slowly giving out and soon enough i wont be able to read. that's to say i wont even be able to visit this board again. Please keep me company and suggest your favorite audio books or books that you think might be good as audio books, its gonna be a lot of that from now on for me.

Picture unrelated but it wont be long before i cant post art with beautiful and distraught ladies again.

>> No.11462207

deserve it for being a tripnigger desu

>> No.11462209

>he hasn't learnt braille in preparation
dude, you should know braille just even for when you're drunk and don't want to open your eyes in the elevator. most blind societies still have volunteer readers too.

>> No.11462266
File: 304 KB, 1019x1390, close-up-of-beautiful-woman-with-speech-bubble-distraught-at-forgetting-E3MGYP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not nearly as many books are available, not nearly as much research can be done about a certain book, so im gonna end up reading what my normie caretakers are gonna suggest me. before long im gonna be reading game of thrones and handmaidens tale, just you wait.

>> No.11462347

>not getting a handler to read 4chan shitposts out loud to you

>> No.11462357

Just do what Borges did and get cute sicilian boys to read to you

>> No.11462363

lmao, imagine how laborious putting your finger on individual letters is, fuck it would suck to be blind.

>> No.11462406

Where is that guy on here that absolutely loves reading to people and is sad that he no longer has anyone to read to? hook up with them, this seems like a match made is heaven.

>> No.11462420

>Not nearly as many books are available, not nearly as much research can be done about a certain book, so im gonna end up reading what my normie caretakers are gonna suggest me. before long im gonna be reading game of thrones and handmaidens tale, just you wait.
>how do blind people internet
you get a braille computer retard. then everything on the internet gets converted to your fingertips. jfc it's like you've never seen whistler in sneakers.
whistler does alright

>> No.11462427

can just use audio and it's not so laborious when you become well-practiced, especially due to the lack of vision. I imagine many can basically brush their hand across a page and read effortlessly.

>> No.11462432

Become a blind bard OP. Become the Homer or the Milton of our times. I believe in you.

>> No.11462476

if only there was a way to use your ears instead

>> No.11462562
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There's ways to work around it.

>> No.11462579

>my eyes are slowly giving out

What happened?

This is one of my biggest fears.

>> No.11462614

he smoke 3 whole marijuanas.

>> No.11462634

Blindness by José Saramago works well as an audiobook.

>> No.11462641
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fucking tripfags got what was coming to them
/v/ tripfags get their vidya confiscated
/pol/ tripfags get outed as faggots/shills
/fit/ tripfags get outed as fat fucks
/r9k/ tripfags kill themselves
and the sweetest of them all
/lit/ tripfags get blind