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11460799 No.11460799 [Reply] [Original]

What is some essential mommy lit?

>> No.11461018

in praise of the stepmother by mario vargas llosa
and good lord those tits are fantastic

>> No.11461048
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top tier.

The Red and the Black was nice too

>> No.11461122
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>> No.11461147

theres mommyesque elements to Chartreuse as well, wonder what we dont know about stendhal

>> No.11462133

Neon Genesis Evangalion

>> No.11462139

infinite jest

>> No.11462184


>> No.11462197

Oidipous Rex

>> No.11462216
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John Keats is mommycore

>> No.11462276

Ancient Evenings

>> No.11462332

>Alissa Nutting

That can't be a real name.

>> No.11462358

God I wish I had an insecure but somewhat midlingly attractive Mommy to take me to the mall and watch movies with. Then we'd come home and play Life is Strange together and drink wine while cuddling. Hhhhhhhhng

>> No.11462456

God I wish that was me.

>> No.11462498
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>all is nothing

>> No.11462535

my diary desu

>> No.11462540
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Get this thot off of /lit/!!!!

>> No.11463097

Sons and Lovers

>> No.11463118

my diary desu. tfw phd advisor has an item on her calendar to remind me about jury duty. second mom is best mom

>> No.11463807

>a dork who saves gaudy genreshit pics
>flustered by women
what a surprise

>> No.11463852

the bible
but you never actually read it