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11460589 No.11460589 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books with a good female protagonist who actually acts in a female way?

>> No.11460627


>good female protagonist
No such thing.

>acts in a female way
Vapid and immoral?

>> No.11460632

Unironically Twilight.

>> No.11460640

Pamela by Richardson

>> No.11460644


Here OP:

>How do you write wiomen so well?
I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

A woman can really only aspire to be a man if she wishes to elevate her spirit or mind to anything higher than baseline female "consciousness".

>> No.11460828
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>> No.11460848

Portrait of a Lady by Henry James

>> No.11460864

I thought Katniss from Hunger Games was one of the most relatable female characters I'd ever read.

>> No.11460869

I'm [pretty sure your recommendation falls under this incels >>11460644 point about a man writing women by taking away reason and accountability.

>> No.11460879
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Twilight and Hunger Games.
Yea this checks out; considering the female brain cannot ascend past *snigger* Young Adult "literature".

>> No.11461432

Stupeur et Tremblements by Amélie Nothomb

I'm like you. I don't like female protagonists, but I came away liking this book quite a bit.

>> No.11461488

My diary desu

>> No.11461881

by simply implying that there is such a thing as "female behavior" you're already 100 years behind the current feminist thought

>> No.11463075
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listen to fiona apple

>> No.11463106


>> No.11463261


The Scarlett Letter

>> No.11463278

Yes all books that were written by homosexuals and all books written by incels are accurate portrayals of female phenomenology. Straight chads cannot understand the depths of the female noemata but this is a blessing, who would ever want the anima to reign?

>> No.11463401

Becky Sharpe
Madame Bovary
Regan, Goneril, Cordelia

>> No.11463404


>> No.11463413

Carissa Dalloway
Jane Eyre
Lady Chatterly

&c. &c. &c.


>> No.11463941

Samuel R Delany's "Triton", although the protagonist isn't female until the last chapter.

>> No.11463951

i'll give you a good one but by recommending it under your guideline it will spoil the book
here goes
The Wasp Factory

>> No.11463987

>no nouvelle heloise
>all these ignorant cunts want people to believe they read schopenhauer or have souls

>> No.11464862

Family happiness

>> No.11465161

The girl from Kushiel's Dart was decent, if you want a qt high-class masochist prostitute waifu

>> No.11466432

The Takyr, a short story by Andrej Platonov