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/lit/ - Literature

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11458734 No.11458734 [Reply] [Original]

what is the literary lifestyle /lit/? do you live it?

>> No.11459219

Lord Yagyū once said, “I do not know how to defeat others. All I know is the path to defeat myself. Today one must be better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today. The pursuit of perfection is a lifelong quest that has no end.”

Knowing the Way [of the Samurai] is to know your own faults. Discovering your imperfections with endless introspection and to remedy them by spending your life training body and mind (shugyō), that is the Way.

Buddha preached that one could master the Way through chihibensha—knowing your imperfections and quickly casting them off. If you vigilantly examine your own heart, it will become clear how many bad thoughts are invoked in your mind each day. You should never be contented with yourself.

From Hagakure by Tsunetoma Yamamoto

>inb4 "this fegget can't formulate his own thoughts"

>> No.11459232

Having a bunch of books you want to read and not having the intellectual capabilities to understand them.

Yes, I do

>> No.11459245

Very thought provoking, anon.

>> No.11459263

...is what I'd say if I were a retard

>> No.11459264

I was being sarcastic you brainlet.

>> No.11459284

We are the same person though

>> No.11459291

smoking weed and reading Lord of The Rings and crying, and yes I am

>> No.11459320

life"style" was invented by Hollywood and co-opted by cowards who needed some appurtenances to structure their innately moral nature into some less dramatic code for themselves, and in a sane timeline or any other section of human history the idea there is a style to life is inane and unsustainable and if that's a point of relevance for anyone to play down you are surely one who who hates himself more than life itself.

That said I am Miami Bass 7/11 Double Big Gulp thin mustache uniqlo wearing donut eating programmer half-boomer with broken AC slacker

>> No.11460397


>> No.11460462

The literary lifestyle only has one requirement... living. You are better off comitting sudoku when you are a typical 4chan stay-at-home kind of guy, even if you read 100 new books every month. You need to balance things out because what good is getting to know this life when you rarely even see more than your own, tiny part of it?

>> No.11460617

fix your AC and everything else will fix itself

>> No.11460620

Posting on /lit/ all day and not reading books. Yes, I live it.

>> No.11461119

of course not reading books, what are you, some kind of pseud?
if you cant discuss something while not having read it, you will never make it

>> No.11461142

I eat my own poop and write during the high