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11457185 No.11457185 [Reply] [Original]

So I've seen the movie and I've read the book and I am just not sure I understand the critical acclaim. Aside from some comedic value I can't see either as anything more than some drug addled ramblings and a couple nostalgic quotes about the 60's. Thompson sharts a few paragraphs about some sort of vauge backward true American dream here and there but I never really understood what kind of point he was trying to make with this story.
I like LSD myself but even so I feel like I am failing to recognize some sort of nuance here. Is this JUST a book for Woodstock era burnouts or an I just dumb?

>> No.11457577

Fuck this board is slow.

>> No.11457587

It's like a less interesting Naked Lunch except it's a true story and therefor better lol :)

>> No.11457590

Overrated Boomer sophistry.

>> No.11457832

Anybody who uses faces on 4chan does not have a valid opinion.
That's how I felt but I hoped I was wrong

>> No.11457899

Product of it's time.

Plus HST wrote stream of consciousness style, and didn't entirely suck giant donkey cocks, y'know, like most things written in that style do.

He was foremost a journalist, a sort of ferocious rebel journalist with huge hairy balls, and he beat his wife every day and liked to shoot things.

Johnny Depp, who knew him and lived with him for some months preparing for his movie role spoke of him as a God.

>> No.11457968

>Johnny Depp, who knew him and lived with him for some months preparing for his movie role spoke of him as a God.
That's incredibly interesting desu.

I will have to see if I can't find any sort of interview on depp's experience with him.

>> No.11457998

Depp actually organized his funeral - his ashes were shot out of a giant cannon.

>> No.11458175

The drug shenanigans and the crazy ramblings are kind of the plot drivers for me. But I absolutely lose my shit every time he makes a retarded statement about God or the American dream. I enjoy him for his comedic value and I'm amazed he is an actual person with such a skewed personal perspective.

>> No.11458186

can't you people just have a good time every once in a while

>> No.11458358


>> No.11458458

Could you not trouble yourself to spell out Las Vegas you lazy fuck?

>> No.11458468


Why did Obama have HST eliminated? Couldn't they have bonded over drugs?

>> No.11458473 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 337x354, 1530249760786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
when 4chan was serious business....

>> No.11458480

>Anybody who uses faces on 4chan does not have a valid opinion.
Smiley faces are in now faggot. I've never seen nigs or redditors use them, therefore they are chill ;)

>> No.11458521

4chan has never been about what is in, and if anything intentionally the opposite. SJW libqueens live that kind of shit and the kikes that feed them run the global media. So no, smilies are obnoxious trash.
>Inb4: /pol/
I was born there, I can spell it how the fuck I want.
I wish, anxiety and clinical depression get in the way a lot.

>> No.11458523

Love that* sorry mobile

>> No.11458637

You have to listen to the tapes he recorded.

The scene of him asking the waitress about the american dream is A M A Z I N G.

>> No.11458651


>> No.11458679

Oh my goodness thank you. This whole chapter makes so much more sense in this context now. I read it as being a lot lot more sinister and confused.

>> No.11458689

by in I meant out m8. And no they are not liked by kikes since they can't skim money off of simple ASCII text smileys. They want you to use the proprietary graphics based ones.

>> No.11458791

>anxiety and clinical depression get in the way a lot.
and this comes after a rather paranoid comment about leftwingers/Jews regarding SMILEY FACES

I don't think it's /just/ mental illness. maybe you should take a break from 4ch