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/lit/ - Literature

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11456356 No.11456356 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ideas/books that take 140 IQ to understand?

>> No.11456361

my twisted world

>> No.11456389

math and physics and stuff like that

>> No.11456393


>> No.11456432


>> No.11456435

>my twisted world

That was easy to understand though.
You just have to have several axioms in your brain, and it all just clicks and makes perfect sense.

Elliot Rodger's entire life was evolutionary novelty.

>> No.11456477

Can you really disprove that someone doesn't understand something?

What makes you think that anybody understands anything that has ever been written.

>> No.11456482

I understand that I am a sissy faggot just like you

>> No.11456490
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I don't know I estimate my IQ is about 38

>> No.11456513

well in actually useful fields, you do some math or whatever, and build something, and if it explodes then you didnt understand, but if it works then you did

>> No.11456526

The Turner Diaries

>> No.11456529

my diary desu, but it's actually 180

>> No.11456611

I don't think you can even function at that level

>> No.11456618
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clearly I am evidence of the contrary

>> No.11456682

>The Turner Diaries

I'm reading about the author, and it looks like he did have 140 IQ

I might give it a read.

>> No.11456727

to truly get some of Borges stories and their references at 100% you must be an incredibly cultivated and well read individual.

>> No.11458057
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the real pleb filter

>> No.11458072

<140 IQ won't pick up on the incest

>> No.11458073
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>> No.11458092

the bible

>> No.11458111

<160 IQ won't pick up the cannibalism

>> No.11458121

Ok, now I'm intrigued.

>> No.11458133
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pic related

>> No.11458194

Me too.
How hard can that be? So if I understand it fully every step of the way I am a genius?

>> No.11458233


180+ IQ interpretation incoming (still literally shaking after reading this):

""As a member of military intelligence, Salinger may well have been aware of science that Bateson and Erickson were developing to influence the subconscious. Our view is that he intentionally used an early form of neuro-linguistic programming in a subtheme within Catcher in the Rye. Salinger designed the theme to operate subconsciously and break down his reader’s résistance to inappropriate sexuality.
Holden and Phoebe, best of friends?

On a surface level, the relationship between the sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield and his ten-year-old sister Phoebe appears to be a strong and affectionate brother-sister bond which has generally been praised by critics. For example, see this commentary at LitCharts.com:

"Though only ten years old, Phoebe is considerably more mature than Holden. She is a voice of reason throughout the novel, both in Holden’s thoughts and in the advice she gives to him in person. Phoebe is also unusually perceptive: her insight into Holden’s misanthropy, his hatred of almost everything, is a key turning point in the novel. It’s no coincidence that perhaps the most level headed and intelligent character in the novel is a child. Holden idealizes childhood and values children’s ideas and opinions more than those of adults. Phoebe’s intelligence and wise counsel offer a strong contrast to the lectures he receives from the various teachers and headmasters that he despises."

However, under closer scrutiny, Holden and Phoebe express feelings and actions for each other which are well along the slippery slope that leads to incest and pedophilia. This would help set the stage for the baby boomers’ acceptance of the free love (and no marriage) culture of the sixties.""

>> No.11458255


>> No.11458259

Protip: you're not a genius

>> No.11458260

Actually I am.

>> No.11458291

check mate

>> No.11458311

TFW you will NEVER bask in the intellectual glory of the great Chris Langan, with a MONSTROUS IQ of 200+


>> No.11458324

Holy..... I want more

>> No.11458401
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The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe:
A New Kind of Reality Theory

>> No.11458408

Oh I didn't realize he was already mentioned. A PDF of CTMU: ANKoRT is available if you google it.

>> No.11458773

The Turner Diaries is pol teir larping. A fun read but just expect that going into it. His book Fame of a Dead Mans Deeds is way better desu

>> No.11458802


this guy is dumb as hell.

>> No.11458806

This guy is a walking redpill, when koko the gorilla died he posted that despite the fact it had a vocabulary larger than 1000+ words, undertood spoken english and handled complex concepts , and had an estimated iq somewere between 80/95, humans still believed necesary to transport it on a cage (despie its peaceful nature) whilst western civilization was importing to coexist with its people sub 70iq individials who had showed violent tendencies, and asked why woudnt you show them the same treatment.

Ofc he was banned from virtually all social media after that.

He also talked at lenght about the coalition of the 3 kabals that rule the word, the zionist circle, the banking cartel, and the blu-blood european old guard. (And the rise of the new neofites of the tech industry who still have not being absorbed into the previously mentioned)

>> No.11458808

hop on pop

>> No.11458831
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>> No.11458847

please be honest: is this a meme or legit

>> No.11458851


>> No.11458852

How come though?

>> No.11458862

he has one of the largest craniums of any person as well. that being a coincidence would be highly improbable.

>> No.11458864

Yeah this realization fucking sucks. Even if you do authentically have a 140 IQ you're still like 1/500, which is just insanely commonplace. There would still be millions upon millions of people just as capable as you. Unironically, what the fuck is even the point?

>> No.11458867

See also: explicit pedophilia in "a perfect day for bananafish"

>> No.11458877

>thinking that IQ is a definitive measure of intelligence

>> No.11458883

Only snooty teens or old racist geezers or autistic retards care about IQ.

>> No.11458951

How does this guy live with himself having 200+ without any noteworthy achievement to back it up? my self esteem shattered over the years after being praised as a smart kid for scoring 139, yet I grew up into a mediocre bureaucrat despite being "genetically predisposed to succeed", surely he must feel like a walking human disappointment ,right?

>> No.11458956

Yet he voted for Trump, not so redpilled after all.

>> No.11458966

Diary of a wimpy kid

>> No.11459250

the second smartest kid i ever knew's favorite book was captain underpants and his iq was like 170

>> No.11459603

>hate book
>IQ 140

>> No.11459625

This desu

>> No.11459644
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>200+ IQ
>pure rationalist
>G-d gets TWO SCOOPS of binary logic
The fedora has been transcended.

>> No.11459652

>standard zerohedge IDZ DUH JOOZ N DEMZ conspiracy theories

>> No.11459660

Lol no. Doing college level math and physics only takes about 115 IQ for a good level of understanding.

>> No.11459684
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>believes academia are dumb bullies hoarding information
>figures they should be replaced by the IQ elite
>proposes Scientism of the Darwinist sect
>still supports democracy
>proposes mass surrogate suicide cult with the new academia bullies holding the genetic codes
Just a meme, or a psyop? I figure he was the shit left over when they split the Elon Musk gene.

>> No.11459685
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>> No.11459699

>have high IQ
>not only believe the moon hoax but turn it into a cult
>doesn't realise some low-IQ street performer is more relevant

>> No.11459705

>doesn't realise that zoomers and moomers are prime examples of the mutt
>t. 180-IQ Stemfag mutt

>> No.11459711

>Throwing out a random number without mentioning the methodology used to measure it or even mentioning the standard deviation used

>> No.11459724
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thank you

>> No.11459729

Infinite Jest I didn't catch that theres a linear plot with a clear ending until the third read through. I'm mid-120s IQ

>> No.11459741

>without mentioning the standard deviation used

Please be b8

>> No.11459746

infinite kek

>> No.11459755

>smartest man in world
>can't figure out a basic communication problem
Look at this autistic retard.

>> No.11459767

>whilst western civilization was importing to coexist with its people sub 70iq individials
I don't think the IQ of africans is this low

>> No.11459813

Stupid question. Once above 120IQ, IQ is almost irrelevant in the understanding of books.
Only a few traits of high IQ individuals are important. Memory, good abstract thinking and an openness to new concepts and different ways of thought/perception.
Most important traits in the study of literatura are mildly IQ-related. Culture, good attention span, good language skills etc. I have 147 IQ and can talk with some friends about books just fine.

P. S. The biggest sign of being a retardo is asking for books on the internet that'll make you feel smart instead of books that will give you any fulfillment or insight about human condition and language.

>Unless this thread is ironic
>Fucking quite 'reading'
>Go read some Peter Jordanson and that kind of """ literature"""
>Go back to /r and /pol

>> No.11459818

>Langan supported Donald Trump in the 2016 United States presidential election.[20] In April 2017, he and his wife told The Kansas City Star they "still support him and wish him well."[21]

>> No.11460461

>woke about zionism
>supports pro-zionist candidate
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11460477

pfft. do you also believe in phrenology?

>> No.11460570


>> No.11460592

Cause he's smart, literally why be ashamed of yourself when you don't have to be?

>> No.11460606
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>> No.11460628

wow, really turned my mind onto something...

>> No.11460810
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Are you sure about that? fasten your seat belt, we are going on a wild ride.

>> No.11460840

Abandoning ideologies

>> No.11460859

How does anyone live with themselves at all? Pretty much everyone is well under potential. Frankly, it sounds like intellect was never your problem. You lack self worth.

>> No.11460894

Someone with 140 or more has more common sense and self respect than to stoop so low as read this utter garbage.
Now get back into your pit and continue to "exist" in your own filth, you pleb.

>> No.11460955

>How does anyone live with themselves at all?
denial and delusion

>> No.11461066


>> No.11461071

>the sounds
lost it

>> No.11461196

LMAO of course this guy is an American. IQ means nothing. This guy has literally nothing to back up his AMAZING intelligence. No influential books, no great art, just a handful of cliches. Seems like a narcissist who desperately craves attention. It's always the same with those super high IQ people / gifted children. You never hear anything from them again. The great artists / thinkers were full of doubt and never craved attention or prestige. More is needed than just a high IQ. An intrinsic curiosity, a creative mind, a high level of empathy and a lot of suffering. I'm sick of people equating IQ with intelligence.

>> No.11461209

>Langan took a string of labor-intensive jobs for some time, and by his mid-40s had been a construction worker, cowboy, Forest Service Ranger, farmhand, and, for over twenty years, a bouncer on Long Island.

>Langan was also approached and contracted by Disney Research[11] and he previously worked for Virtual Logistix, a technology company.[3]

>Langan said he developed a "double-life strategy": on one side a regular guy, doing his job and exchanging pleasantries, and on the other side coming home to perform equations in his head, working in isolation on his Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU)

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.11461215

>Langan attended Reed College and later on Montana State University, however, faced with severe financial and transportation problems, and believing that he could teach his professors more than they could teach him, he dropped out.[4]


>> No.11461572

The book of the new sun is gay

>> No.11461608

>woke about zionism