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/lit/ - Literature

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11454308 No.11454308 [Reply] [Original]

im looking for books similar to this chart, preferably fiction. anything like fascist, elitist, 'spartan'. i'm hooked on the idea of strong values and shit, might as well expand this curiousity a bit more.


>> No.11454318

Partisan politics are a fucking cancer, shame on you.

>> No.11454322


>> No.11454350

Why does this chart recommend reading on Conservative Judaism? It's closer to SJW Reform Judaism than the actually conservative/reactionary Orthodox Judaism...

>> No.11454365

>Batshit Crazy
This shit is retarded as fuck, how do I delete an image off the internet?

>> No.11454368
File: 40 KB, 503x494, 1531179252935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to ask you guys.
I want to learn Russian,French,and German later one.
Does anyone have any charts like these.
But for language?
I need them to fuck with people up.

>> No.11454433

>reading to reenforce your preexisting convictions

more like weenie lit am i rite

>> No.11454435

are you implying he's not?

>> No.11454438

Idk bro but I found some interesting shit on that chart

>> No.11454443

Well sorta maybe. You don’t get much to chew on here in Sweden. Even Donald Duck is considered to be a racist

>> No.11454485

nah it's all good homie I'm just a faggot

>> No.11454488

>Even Donald Duck

Could you elaborate? That seems insane to me.

>> No.11454626

My bad, not Donald Duck as a character (even tho I wouldn’t be surprised if the left would call the cartoon sexist for having so many male characters), but his anual Christmas show that is broadcasted every Christmas here. Some scenes and characters have been deleted because their are stereotypical and racist, one of them being a Jew iirc.

We have had multiple incidents where totally unrelated stuff are labeled as xenophobic and shit. There was a huge debate some years ago about an ice cream that was racist. The brand was NOGGER, a pretty standard chocolate ice cream here. They released it with licorice and called it NOGGER BLACK, and people went batshit crazy because it’s close to nigger black and made a race issue about it. People Sweden an intolerant country ran by racist white males and yada yada.

>> No.11454682

Could i ask, how did this happen? How did relatively homogeneous Scandinavian countries become so preoccupied with these issues? I can understand a country not being explicitly racist. That takes effort and what not, but to go out of your way to be antiracist when you have no reason to do so? Seems literally absurd.

>> No.11454727
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>> No.11454741

>what do you mean i can't polpost in real life???

>> No.11454773

>I need them to fuck with people up.
Start by learning English.

>> No.11454799


>> No.11454814

Did you even read what I was responding to? There are things (like the ice cream thing) that are by definition innocuous. However, antiracists still get upset about it. Could you tell me what that has to do with a board that I have only visited twice?

>> No.11454815
File: 14 KB, 387x258, Ducknazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the issue, having charts for finding the key texts of certain ideological groups or philosophies just seems convenient for everyone. Yeah, it could be "fascist" or "reactionary" specifically, but then it would run into the issues mentioned at the start of the image.
That's true though it's a joke

>> No.11454841

>by definition innocuous.
in your opinion

>> No.11454853
File: 111 KB, 618x625, 1531399275462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. The name of an ice cream brand is the epitome of white nationalism.

>> No.11454865

I’d say it’s a mix between trusting the government too much and having no real issues to deal with. I mean the overall idea has been about helping one and other, collectively making life better. You do your part, pay your taxes, and make sure that your neighbor has the right to free/cheap healthcare and relatively high standard of living, eg. fresh water, big house, food and so on. Everyone was happy, until the idea of helping people expanded outside our borders and Sweden literally started being exploited for its generosity. Before all of this, you could start a football club and get lots of funds from the government; today, we have massive issues with our health care system, people being denied and having to wait weeks/months for attention.

So I guess it’s a natural development, we still live by the same values of helping everyone and being the good guys. Only that it’s not sustainable in the long run and we are seeing the consequences now.

>> No.11454877


>> No.11454886

Tell me how that name was not innocuous? Blacks can't be dumb enough to believe that an ice cream called "Nogger" was created just to offend them.

>> No.11454894

>merely pretending!


>> No.11454921

the "right wing literature" that people tell eachother to read among the right is fucking awful and vapid. if you want real "reactionary" literature you read the great works of the canon like dante and shakespeare, not kaczynski and evola.

the contemporary right is such a fucking joke

>> No.11454931


>> No.11454994
File: 221 KB, 311x506, pureid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.11455032

Gradually, I grew to hate them.

>> No.11455253

Decent list.