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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 80 KB, 1024x550, RogerScruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11453531 No.11453531 [Reply] [Original]

Just discovered his stuff

Seems like a rational and wholesome writer. Nothing too radical, just an articulation of the good things about the status quo and western civilization.

>> No.11453533

he's kike

>> No.11453535

He's alright. He's like Jordan Peterson in a lot of ways.

>> No.11453545

Seems like an English gentleman who likes classical music, nice architecture, and right-leaning centrist politics.

Peterson just fucking weirds me out. He's highly emotional, acts way too fake, and articulates his thoughts in a really weird and chaotic way.

I feel like Peterson is hiding something

Roger Scruton just seems like a comfy conservative guy

>> No.11453566

He's unironically probably a complete brainlet with no original thoughts who doesn't even try to be right in any way. I like some of his work on aesthetics (except the reactionary side of it), but his treatment of other philosophers, one strawman after another, shows that he's either not interested in the truth, a complete brainlet or both.

>> No.11453572


>> No.11453576
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>his treatment of other philosophers, one strawman after another, shows that he's either not interested in the truth, a complete brainlet or both.
Wow he honestly sounds like a right-wing Russell in this regard.

>> No.11453623
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>why can't you smoke in the pub
>this brown man is weird
>the music is too loud :(
>i dont like taxes
>why are the buildings bad
>my feet hurt
Yeah its great stuff. Great if you want an inoffensive old fag trying to pass of baby boomer gripes and centre right banalities as ancient wisdom and muh common sense

>> No.11453625
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit le Scrotum man conservatives BTFO'd!

>> No.11453634

He's a lame fag and conservative in the most literal sense. His program is basically a wistful "things were better when I was a boy...". Look, when you graduate from high school you'll realise the 1950's weren't that great. You might actually discover real authentic conservative philosophers and grow out of thinking boomerisms about graffiti and loud music are profound or at all significant.

>> No.11453635

>lets smoke a pipe in the pub it's fun
>too many islamic people at once is not going to work
>modern pop music is anti-human
>let's lower the taxes they're too high
>this architecture is anti-human
>I like my carson's shoes
>inoffensive old fag

it's comfy. It's not radical or angry. Just like "hey guys this is pretty good, let's maybe reform a couple things and stop some of this dumb stuff".

It's so reasonable, I've literally never heard a "thinker" say any of this

>> No.11453645

This is literally just the 1950's. Its all meaningless superficial trappings. This aversion to radical thinking and the lauding of "reasonableness" is why conservatives are cowed fogeys at best who on the cultural, economic and social fronts have been relentlessly gutter stomped by literally any opposition. Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Liberal etc. literally everyone has wiped the floor with gutless "muh small taxes and being moderate." You do you but your 30th rereading of Brideshead Revisited and wishing you could wear tweed and smoke a pipe to the supermarket without getting weird looks is not a platform

>> No.11453656

I get a lot of satisfaction of imagining brainlets such as this poster actually debating someone of Scruton's caliber. You'd get destroyed

>> No.11453658


>1950's weren't that great

Intellectually/philosophically/spiritually they weren't that great

But materially, they were pretty good

>easy-mode economy
>low crime
>high social trust
>good marriage life

>This aversion to radical thinking and the lauding of "reasonableness" is why conservatives are cowed fogeys at best who on the cultural, economic and social fronts have been relentlessly gutter stomped by literally any opposition. Socialist, Fascist, Communist, Liberal etc. literally everyone has wiped the floor with gutless "muh small taxes and being moderate." You do you but your 30th rereading of Brideshead Revisited and wishing you could wear tweed and smoke a pipe to the supermarket without getting weird looks is not a platform

>socialist, fascist, communist, liberal
This is false

But I do agree neo-conservativsm is dead in the water. The right-wing needs a futurist platform in the way that progressives have a Utopian vision for their ideology.

The right-wing needs to get aggressive about having a future vision, but they need to bring traditionalism with them to the future

>> No.11453665

>except the reactionary side of it
Opinion disregarded. Fuck off so y boy

>> No.11453692


>> No.11453710
File: 115 KB, 428x594, 1531367099173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scruton is objectively a shill. You can't prove me wrong

>> No.11453727

>I get a lot of satisfaction of imagining brainlets such as this poster actually debating someone of Scruton's caliber. You'd get destroyed
epically destroyed by LOGIC and REASON
was literally an admitted shill for a tobacco company in the 90s or something lmao

>> No.11453732

Where the fuck did you get this from?

>> No.11453738

obvious commie is obvious

>> No.11453742

>was literally an admitted shill for a tobacco company in the 90s or something lmao

>> No.11453743

What you're looking for is fascism my friend.

>> No.11453755
File: 8 KB, 250x229, 1529984129769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a boring bland brainlet. Dishonest, uncharitable. Consign him and Mr. Peter Hitchens to the bin. The fact that these two have propped themselves up as the big guys of 'conservatism' without any opposition shows how dead and rotten modern day Anglophone 'conservatism' is. Their motto: "At least I'm not David Cameron".

Read these instead: Elizabeth Anscombe, Michael Oakeshott, George Grant.

>> No.11453768

Fascism is kind of under-developed imo

>> No.11453797

Oh no, some brainlets used another strawman to defend their staw king, what a surprise!

>> No.11453812

You only think that because you haven't read into it, likely because their literature is suppressed.

>> No.11453819

No I collect fascist literature

>> No.11453841

Name a few of your favorite works of fascist literature than.

>> No.11454429
File: 61 KB, 290x352, 1530443519596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gosh them darn pop musics nowadays
>except metallica eh bretty good

>> No.11454446

>Its all meaningless superficial trappings.
Christ I love those so much though. Sometimes superficial pleasantries and shallow social formalities make life so much easier and comfy.

>> No.11454452


He smokes like a chimney, so I wouldn't say it invalidiates his entire pro smoking stance by being paid by tobacco merchants

>> No.11454465

they unironically hold society together.

>> No.11454915

>>modern pop music is anti-human
except for Metallica, they are good

>> No.11454987

scruton mentions muhammed a ton, i dont think hes racist.

>> No.11455010

all this opposition to scruton by 4channers means hes doing something right.

>> No.11455075

Scruton's not bad, he won't blow your mind or anything but you'll probably learn something reading him

>> No.11455079

Oakeshott is miles better than him that is true, pick up "Rationalism in politics and other essays"

>> No.11455094

Watched first several minutes of his show on modern art. I've read some really good critiques of modern/abstract art in general, I'm not closed-minded in this regard, but Scruton just overwhelmed me with so much sensationalist bullshit I had to turn it off.
His writing on classical music theory/aesthetics seems to be better, though. Might give it a shot sometime.

Zoe Quinn also caused opposition on 4chan

>> No.11455193

Probably because anyone with access to the Internet can see that Zizek is not a literal Nazi (as in openly supporting Hitler's violence) as Scruton seems to think.

But of course anyone who points out that Rogered Scrotum isn't even trying to accurately represent the authors he criticizes is a literal Nazi because this board is now a class of /pol/ highschool kids.

>> No.11455201

Sorry I meant Literal Commie, the equivalent of Literal Nazi for /pol/ babies.

>> No.11455316

Scruton DESTROYS stupid libtards with FACTS and LOGIC

>> No.11455318
File: 571 KB, 1024x693, sir roger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone here name a greater living conservative philosopher?

>> No.11455323

Sloterdijk, although he isn’t really a conservative

>> No.11455324

They tend not to notice though, being stupid and all it's not suprising

>> No.11455330

The worst kind of conservative, the ones who claim to prefer a "politics of prudence", are the ones who like him.

Just go full fascist if you want to be right-wing.

>> No.11455336

Paul Gottfried, which just shows how sad modern conservatism is intellectually, that a random Jew who wasn't smart enough to become part of the establishment ended up being the only decent thinker on that side.

>> No.11455341
File: 125 KB, 980x600, olavo de carvalho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11455350

Moving to the U.S. destroyed his brain. He fully assimilated into retarded boomer conservatism. I mean, he became unironically a birther. Couldn't take him seriously after that.

>> No.11455399

>with no original thoughts
That's the point of conservatism though.

>> No.11455409

his documentary on art is fucking retarded.

>> No.11455410
File: 18 KB, 480x534, wojak-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why I'm not a conservative but a supporter of right-wing populism

>> No.11455572


This guy is so much of a charlatan you need to be either retarded or filled wioth bad-faith to recommend him or listening to him.

>> No.11455584

>who wasn't smart enough to become part of the establishment
What are you on about?

Well above par for a "public intellectual", but his philosophical work lacks rigour, and usually falls under close scrutiny

>> No.11455689

Niall Ferguson.

inb4 Ben / Milo / Gavin / Gad or some other Youtube meme.

>> No.11455739

You just wanted to make that pun, didn't you?

>> No.11455768

Ferguson is a literal neocon, how can anyone take him seriously?

>> No.11455790

Tbqh I don't, but I remember hearing him debate some liberal a few years ago and, not knowing who he was, I thought for a few dozen minutes he was a sort of far Leftist a la Zizek or Chomsky (the kind that complain about the current order while not proposing anything concrete). It's the only reason I remember him. Maybe also because his focus on counterfactuals sounds almost postmodern, but that's all I know about him.

>> No.11455847

Oh no a commie brainlet got triggered by some shitty bait!

>> No.11455965

>shitty bait

You're optimistic. /lit/ is a /pol/ colony these days, ironic shitposting is no longer ironic.

>> No.11455973

D + C or just an idiot who thinks naming the Jew is a meme.

>> No.11455983

Literature and Philosophy had it's fair share of traditonalists and antisemites

>> No.11456005

And they should have their own threads, but I don't randomly go into Proust threads and call him a bourgeois ideologue or whatever other "enemy" can be denounced according to each ideology (I suppose calling someone fascist works for both liberals and leftists).

>> No.11456204

Charles Murray

>> No.11456341

Thanks, but he isn't conservative, he's a classical liberal. Please try again

>> No.11456394

Sorry mate, but Ferguson has degenerated into a mere classical liberal, presumably to fit in with the crowd in America. He even listed locke's second treatise as his choise for greatest book. I do still love all his books though

ben, milo, gav and gad are fun, but thats it

>> No.11456418

Scruton is influenced heavily by Oakeshott.

I must say I happened to buy Oakeshotts "Rationalism in politics and other essays" today and I am very much looking forewards to reading it

>> No.11456436

Well, Scruton claims to be influenced by Oakeeshott, but what do i know

>> No.11456488

He has no integrity, literally a shill.

>> No.11456489
File: 32 KB, 380x380, 170613104343-RogerScrutonheadshot1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to the haters OP, Scruton has a far greater understanding of conservatism than /lit/, and he is in my opinion the greatest living conservative philosopher. But of course you will find greater writers amongst the dead. Sir Roger, being alive and everything, is in possession of exellent answers to pressing contemporary questions from a conservative perspective

>> No.11456494
File: 5 KB, 108x108, thinking face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scruton was born in Buslingthorpe, Lincolnshire[8] to John "Jack" Scruton, a teacher from Manchester, and his wife, Beryl Claris Scruton (née Haynes), and was raised with his two sisters in Marlow and High Wycombe.[9] The Scruton surname had been acquired relatively recently. Jack's father's birth certificate showed him as Matthew Lowe, after Matthew's mother, Margaret Lowe (Scruton's great grandmother); the document made no mention of a father. But Margaret had decided, for reasons unknown, to raise her son as Matthew Scruton instead. Scruton wondered whether she had been employed at the former Scruton Hall in Scruton, Yorkshire, and whether that was where her child had been conceived.[10]

>LOWE (1) Jewish
>Germanized variant of LEVI.

Really makes you think.

>> No.11456532


>> No.11456550

Go fuck yourself with whatever implement you deem sufficient

>> No.11456568
File: 872 KB, 960x995, t4FBpuI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseud, just ike all conservatives.

>> No.11456595

>Peterson just fucking weirds me out. He's highly emotional, acts way too fake, and articulates his thoughts in a really weird and chaotic way.

>I feel like Peterson is hiding something

Constantly being rabidly attacked by the mainstream media and rabid leftists probably gives him some of that edgy demeanor.

>> No.11456615
File: 50 KB, 492x700, BjorkSnap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11456619

There’s not a single argument here, just narcissistic posturing. “Well this brand of conservatism just seems mild and boring, and I’m not a mild boring guy so fuck it!”

>> No.11456654

Weak bait. Also
>trump literally has a degree from an Ivy League school
>Merkel is a German conservative
>”””marxist economics”””
>kgb is a degree
>putin is also a conservative.

>> No.11456902

The only remaining true conservatives are muslims.

>> No.11456910


>> No.11456920

you might dislike them but realise its true. All western conservative are either classical libs or neocons.

>> No.11456934

Trump bough his way into Warton and shows none of the signs of good component analysis, spatial reasoning, symbolic reasoning, syntactical complexity, high processing speed, abstraction skill, creativity or genius one would hope was evinced by “dude he has ivy league” my credulous faggot friend

>> No.11456936


>”””marxist economics”””

Every economist who isn't a fucking idiot respects Marx for his contributions to the field. Das Kapital isn't the same as the Communist Manifesto.

>> No.11456938

No they aren't though.

>> No.11456944

4 more years.

>> No.11456947

Go to bed Muhammad.

>> No.11457114

you should google his name and tobacco

>> No.11457121

Merkel is a conservative

>> No.11457251

>thinking the degree of truth of a statement is contingent on whether or not such statement stands as a "platform" from which to enthrall devolved moderns

>> No.11457514

based and redpilled

>> No.11457669

Two-and-a-half more years, and probably other four on top of those.