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11453267 No.11453267 [Reply] [Original]

i don't like him

>> No.11453294

unironically brilliant but people have a hard time getting over the tics, accent, dirty jokes, and labyrinthine tangents

>> No.11453297

Get out.

This. Maybe the Lacanian stuff is over the top, but for the most part Zizek makes it work.

>> No.11453302

those eye bags tell me he drinks way too much. how can i take him seriously.

>> No.11453308

i'm not familiar with philosophy and politics and psychoanalysis and whatnot so his books would probably give me a headache

>> No.11453311

He doesn't drink or smoke or do any kind of drugs. Sexual difference is what's killing him from within on a daily basis. Severe antinomies form throughout his entire body.

>> No.11453319

Meh, he's made a career out of explaining everything in layman's terms using lots of examples from cinema and "darty joks *sniff*.

His work *wipes brow* was however *sniff* made to be watched on Youtube *tugs shirt, microphone static* and so on and so on. *tugs nose*

>> No.11453324

how/why is he brilliant?
what do (You) like about him??? Huh???
please be very passionate about it, thanks
i am reading "the lacanian stuff" actually. what do u recommend to get me started? i honestly thought it was going to be .... something else

>> No.11453326

Saw him once in a bar in Ljubljana (Petkovšek) with guests, was kinda star struck and stared at him a bit then went away.

Never read any of his work, some say he tries to make Lacan understandable for the average pleb so might give it a go.

>> No.11453333

not about him, like.... which of his ideas resonate with you and why. how did they change u, impact u, etc.

>> No.11453336


>> No.11453339

to be honest i've read both lacan and lacan by zizek and i've found lacan more pleasant nd easy to read thn Z*zek..... yeah, but it could just be Me

>> No.11453341

From Zizek you can read "How to read Lacan". It's not the best intro to Lacan, but it's a rather easy read.

>> No.11453350

thank u. yes like i said before (see >>11453339)
i've read lacan, i want to get started on zizek becos i feel that disliking him is honoring him and i want to at least destroy him but DO NOT dislike him bc that'd give him more power y'know. so well i'll start w that, thank u (re-start bc i already started)

>> No.11453355

>i've found lacan more pleasant nd easy to read thn Z*zek

Lacan's style is unbearable. His critics are absolutely right that he constantly pushes the answer to a later date with every sentence, constantly making you follow him like a pied piper hoping that some day you'll get it. Not saying it's all an act, because he deserved the influence he had on philosophers since he created many interesting concepts and had many catchy formulas, but his style definitely fit his theory (asymptotically approaching the real object of desire yet never reaching it).

>> No.11453371

well fr some reason i like him more. i can't say i am deep into lacan's ass or whatever, neither on zizek's. from what i've read from both (nt much) i currently prefer lacan. still, i think, probably from a still ignorant perspective, both are overrated. i prefer fiona apple

>> No.11453381

His analysis of Ideology from a framework of an inverted Marxist concept of false consciousness is by far the most worthwhile approach of today's cultural critics. The real good stuff comes with his Hegelian ontological-incompleteness -- basically he takes Marx to terms for his idealistic conception of materialism.

>> No.11453441


Press s to spit on OP

>> No.11453447

I like him. But I never take him seriously anymore.

>> No.11453507

>i've found lacan more pleasant nd easy to read thn Z*zek

I don't believe you.

>> No.11453510


>> No.11453551
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>> No.11453581

Care to elaborate? What do you mean by "sexual difference"?

>> No.11453596

The unsolvable deadlock, the real ontological antinomy, that created the sexes as an imperfect, always symptomatic, reaction to it.

Like when, in one of Zizek's jokes, Jesus puts his hand on Mary Magdalene's cunt, says "oh my God, what a horrible wound!" and heals (closes) it.

>> No.11453600
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>> No.11453785

Made me kek. xD

>> No.11453799

>He is notorious for contradicting himself, sometimes in one conversation, and, as even a supporter admits, from one book to another.

>He himself has described whole sections of at least one book as "bluff" and "bullshit" and, from his general record of changes of opinion, hoaxes, lies, etc. there's no reason to suppose that this is an isolated example.


>> No.11453824

he pretty much made me question capitalism

>> No.11453900

Man that article is uncharitable. Not saying Zizek is some perfect yet misunderstood genius, but to deny someone any becoming (even just a change of opinion) or use of humor in their work (including interviews) is just ridiculous.

>> No.11453926

A nonentity. Means absolutely nothing to me.

>> No.11453934


>> No.11453941

Is Zizek's dead in this anon's eyes? NO! I claim instead *sniff* that this anon is dead in Zizek's eyes. *tuck shirt* Isn't that interesting?

>> No.11454040

I don't understand whatever the fuck he's saying

>> No.11454055

Read Adrian Johnston on Zizek. He presents him better than himself, and doesn’t stray off to pop culture.

>> No.11454161

I've been to two talks involving Z, one with Stephen Grosz, the other with Will Self.

With Grosz, Zizek barely let the bloke speak. It was frustrating listening to his tangents.

With Self, Zizek was on the back foot a bit. Self doubted 80% of the audience knew wtf Z was chatting on about and kept asking 'So what are we going to dooo about it, what needs to happen Slavoj, what about all these middle class white folk with coltan in their pockets following you like some sort of lost rambling prophet?'. Which was a fair thing to ask, because nobody fucking knew.

The most entertaining part of the Zizek/Self talk was when the two exited the stage. Will self jumped off dramatically with a huge thump like a school bulling jumping in a puddle. Zizek on the other hand threw up his little arms in a weird sort of surrender 'you know me i'm a Hegelian' fashion, then proceeded to walk sideways down the steps provided, like the belle of the ball trying not to stand on the tail of her dress. I laughed hard.

>> No.11454180


>> No.11454196

In any other century, this cunt would be in a gutter somewhere, talking to himself and playing with his own shit. Unfortunately in this postmodernist rodeo we find ourselves in, this lunacy is not only tolerated, but respected.

>> No.11454197

Will was and is an annoying weirdo, the bad kind of excentric, but he was spot on with some of the stuff he reproached to Zizek. I just don't get why Zizek, Badiou and others can't allow even a bit of responsability to the individual. As if saying that smart consumption and voting with your wallet somehow cancels out any systematic and political (in the ordinary sense) concerns one might have. They're in part the ones that accuse anyone talking about such things of being Social Democrat sellouts and not radical enough (as they did with D&G and others) yet they act like those particular conservatives (more and more numerous it seems) who have to affirm every single consequence of capitalism, no matter how abhorrent, as being the best thing ever as if they fear that some asshole might call them communists and ruin their careers forever if they don't.

Sorry for the rant, just something I had to get off my chest.

>> No.11454210

>then proceeded to walk sideways down the steps provided, like the belle of the ball trying not to stand on the tail of her dress

probably needs a hip replacement

>> No.11454225

Probably, as a result from all the fucking he does

>> No.11454230



>> No.11454233

Go to bed grandpa. Making dirty jokes and exaggerated claims doesn't make you a psychotic. Zizek isn't even a postmodernist and has quite a few beliefs in commom with conservatives (for monogamy, anti-identity politics, skeptical about humanitarian claims for immigration, against the pedantic skepticism often associated with deconstruction and Derrida's followers etc.)

>> No.11454235

Self is self admittedly verbose and lugubrious. He embraces the sort of brown heroin junkie elite inteligentsia stereotype and revels in it but yeah at least there was some kind of every day practicality in what he was asking.

Zizek knows he'd kill himself if he took responsibility, which is a sort of honourable deficiency. At least he's good with his kid.

>> No.11454237


Damn, Freud was right once again.

>> No.11454245

I think your attention to that particular misnomer denotes more about your own relationship with your mamma that anon's. Zizek does hold beliefs which would slot into conservatism and he's proud of that.

>> No.11454251



>> No.11454254

Actually I was replying to my own post in order to make a joke since we're in a Zizek thread. You're still right though.

>> No.11454267

oh shit mindfuck what is real who am I

>> No.11454295
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He isn't brilliant. He is high dopamine individual which means he is more motivated.
This allows him to write and speak at length but in reality, he's really stupid. I doubt he has an IQ more than 130, and hence isn't brilliant. That is a word that describes few people.
This also is why he is predisposed to motor tics.

As far as unconventional, outside the box, or offering just a very different perspective, it is true. However, this is more the result of the academically unorthodox material that's been digested, and later regurgitated by him, than any inherent super-intelligence.
If he would have studies some run-of-the-mill field, or material or gone into medicine or anything like that, he wouldn't be note worthy at all.

>> No.11454298

>This allows him to write and speak at length but in reality, he's really stupid.
(-really) not brilliant*

>> No.11454316

Go to bed Jordan, you probably have some motivational podcast to be on soon.

>> No.11454324

When you wrote this, what were you actually thinking this would mean? Are you implying that Jordan Peterson literally wrote this post? Clearly not. So then your argument is that the poster is like Jordan Peterson, or a fan? Why? Because he doesn't Zizek?

>> No.11454334

Nah, you're right. Too much literal autism for it to be Peterson, but it's not that far off.

>> No.11454348

Jordan Peterson isn't brilliant either and his material is even more insipid. I intensely dislike him.

>> No.11454363

Not that I disagree with you on thi, but who do you consider genuinely brilliant in such fields?

>> No.11454366

* on this

>> No.11454400

I watched many of his videos, didn't read his books, but read his articles. I consider him very smart and well read. Most of all he can be entertaining/funny, especially with his comments on popular culture.

But at the end of the day I don't consider anything he says as "essential" or unique.
I also don't like the fact that he's so boring/safe when it comes to politics, his opinions are pretty much just boomer common sense. I know he could do better than that, but maybe he's just too old and wants to have a boring rest of his life and leave a calm future for his son(s).

>> No.11454403

I've seen nothing of Zizek to suggest he is "brilliant' and a genius.

He's definitely smart, but that's about where I'd place him at. Nothing out of the ordinary. He's essentially at the top of the pack of normal people, but certainly not some 150+ IQ genius, sorry to say.

>> No.11454414

I can't offer any contemporary examples of brilliant individuals who are in their prime. James Watson is an example of a living person that I would consider brilliant.
Brilliancy is rare.

>> No.11454418

The trouble is that very use of humor seems to be able to handwave any issue or fault

>> No.11454430

Fair enough, what about some historical examples? Not trying to debate, just curious about what kind of philosophers / psychologists you prefer if any.

>> No.11454479

True, but it should still be approached honestly otherwise we're no different than those who want words and phrases banned altogether regardless of context.

>> No.11454516

... I lose

>> No.11454593

Retarded commie

>> No.11454708
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To give a limited few examples of brilliant individuals. Composers? Bach, Royer, Beethoven. Scientists? Newton, Oppenheimer, Mendeleev. Philosophers? Most of the figureheads of philosophy up until the 20th century were brilliant.
Even irrelevant nobodies I can recognize as brilliant. I read old medical journals, and the reasoning and hypotheses of the physicians was stellar even if wrong.
>Not trying to debate, just curious about what kind of philosophers / psychologists you prefer if any.
I believe we've spoken before around this same time of day a few months back? I'm partial to Kant and Schopenhauer lately.
I'm not satisfied with most psychologists to have a preference toward any or even a particular school. They are either too idealistic (eg Jung) or too mechanistic (eg Skinner).

>> No.11454832


>> No.11455202

He sounds like a pretty good clinical psychologist

>> No.11455226
File: 35 KB, 686x232, mo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His musings on order and chaos can be dredged up from the most entry level of post-modernism literature, let alone philosophy which he apparently hasn't even really looked at.

Pure pseudery but I guess that's what passes for intelligence at The Intellectual Dark Web

>> No.11455275

I sort of appreciate them to the extent that they remind me of Nietzsche, but they're certainly not very profound. Maybe if he went a bit more in-depth on things related to chaos theory.

>> No.11455604

gimmicky youtube philosopher

>> No.11455624
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He's like the left wing version of Nick Land, he is wildly popular among academia but also just a meme tier person in every facet

A true enigma

>> No.11455738

I like him a lot. He's knowledgeable, insightful, and animated. What's not to like?

>> No.11455743

He IS brilliant. You would do better to be silent; you're really coming across like an adolescent.

>> No.11455748


spotted the brainlet

>> No.11455799


>what do you think of slavoj zizek
>i don't like him

Is liking, thinking ? I'm unironically wondering.

>> No.11455816

I like him, but I disagree with him. No good can come from Marxism.

>> No.11455817

I think he's ultimately a nihilistic shill, who knows fully well the stuff he espouses is bullshit, but knows if he says it he'll have some semblance of a career to support his boozing and whoring.

>> No.11455824
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>> No.11455826

I don't know how you can possibly think this, and, ironically, your attitude comes across as far more pessimistic and nihilistic than anything I've ever heard Zizek say.

>> No.11456201

I'm not joking, I spent 3 weeks watching his YouTube videos and I don't know remember Jack shit about what he talked bout. I just watched for the funny ticks.

>> No.11456257
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>> No.11456291
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>>Now what you have in the case of 4chan is a macabro expression of ideology similar to Yugoslavia in the 1980s. If you have not heard of the lasting fashion, like pepe the scatological toad in which past visions of uber and undermen are sublated in a surreal manner, you are told to go to ray-did or tumbler because you aren't part of the tribe and commune and so on and so on. *sniff* There is an old East German joke in which an engineer gets sent to Siberia and he tells his friend beforehand that in his letters all that is true will be written with blue ink and all that is not with red and so in the first letter what is written on red is that how great the Gulag is and how they get new clothes and women and so on - in red ink. Only thin that is missing is blue ink. If we see this in the case of 4chan *sniff*, this is precisely the case. We have all the red ink we want - mehmehs, endless jokes and freudian ironies which go a long way to show us a creative and modern men. But there are no memes to show true pain, the truth of 4chan which is that it does not hate the Other, but rather, itself to the point of it unable to consider crippling solitude without turning it to a joke of having "no gf" or drawing a comic of two fellows you have here in the illustration. These men eat up ideology, shit ideology and make nonsensical machines out of ideology so that they don't see ideology, but an entertaining process of alienation and so on.

>> No.11456315
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>> No.11457028

>you're an adolescent!
Obviously relative to you he's brilliant. Objectively, however, he is not.

>> No.11457038

There are good clinical psychologists, and he indeed likely is one.
Being a good clinical psychologist does not equate to genius.

>> No.11457080

But it's something he could be brilliant at and he has elicited something of a furor around his work.

It's a question as to how true his latest revelation is though and too early to tell imo

>> No.11457249

Love how he thinks, hate what he thinks.

>> No.11457355

Ziz is the shiz

>> No.11457371

He's a phony entertainer.

>> No.11457515

>Jesus puts his hand on Mary Magdalene's cunt, says "oh my God, what a horrible wound!" and heals (closes) it.
Based Jesus

>> No.11457520

Why are moderncels so autistic and need absolutely everything to be as clear-cut and transparent as possible?

>> No.11457556

because moderncels are spiritual tadpoles whose inner depths mortify them, hence their trademark cartesian fetishization of truths that are universally agreed upon and are completely dry, insipid, and totally devoid of spiritual value as a consequence

moderncels are terrified by the paradoxes of subjectivity and so retreat into the paper houses of language to cope with this fear. notice their obsession with studies and "statistics", this need to bolster what any person with two fucking working eyes can see for themselves with reams of data and peer-review

>> No.11457891
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>his musings on order and chaos can be dredged up from the most entry level of post-modernism literature

Like what? I've seen this claimed dozens of time but the rare time someone give an exemple it's garbage.

>> No.11458152

you're not alone

>> No.11458357


>> No.11458381

t. low effort idiot hiding behind obscurity because challenging himself with rigorous thinking is too hard

>> No.11458427

He's not amazing but I would rather interact with with him and his memers a hundred times before I even think about JP or any of the tards that meme him

>> No.11458487

What does he even say? Every point he makes literally boils down to a negation of the term he sets out to elucidate. Contrarianism, negation, multiplicity, antinomy, nihilism are brainlet tier and only barely, scarcely worth entertaining as thoughts as a mental exercise. That there has been an entire philosophical school of people who can't get their heads out of this bullshite and think there is a point to any of it is sincerely disheartening. And I say all of this as a person who sincerely believe in negative theology to an *almost* religious degree

>> No.11458533

this is my favorite meme of all time

>> No.11458938

Is he unironically a virgin like he says in that vice video? Or is his virginity the same as his love for Stalin?

>> No.11458944

he'd have been more famous in the 20th, 19th, or 18th centuries

>> No.11458948

he's a virgin the way how sex is implied to magically mature a person, it hasn't for him

>> No.11458953

This was chomsky's exact position on zizek

>> No.11459254

He's had four wives and at least two kids so no.

>> No.11459274

>whoa he mentioned a vulgar subject he must be LITERALLY INSANE

how intellectually sheltered are you? people really should start with the greeks if for no other reason than to read some aristophanes or something so they don't hold bizarre beliefs like "sexual vulgarity always resulted in expulsion from society from the beginning of time until 18 years ago"

>> No.11459282

>He's like the left wing version of Nick Land, he is wildly popular among academia

what? nick land is primarily a blogger. where did you get the idea that he is "wildly popular in academia"? he's like a niche of a niche that's only well known because of his internet following.

>> No.11459292

>dude talks constantly about the need for authentic ethical commitment
>he must believe in nothing!

that's a weird conclusion to reach.

>> No.11459317

retarded surface-level pop """intellectual""" celebrity
still, can be interesting and insightful, but only on starting points. other than that he just hand-waves and says an author's name.

>> No.11459337

OP said zizek, not peterson

>> No.11459387

the man who rolls his eyes ends up looking at his brain rather than using it.

>> No.11459447

He was in a live stream for Julian Assange recently. Pretty good.

>> No.11459457
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>> No.11459545

>mentioning IQ as a way to compare brilliance

>> No.11459553

I don’t really get him

Isn’t he just a Marxist? What’s special about him?

>> No.11459555

He's also a Hegelian-Lacanian-Althusserian.

>> No.11459581

So a post-structuralist Marxist with a dialectics fetish.

>> No.11459595

He talks like a pig.

>> No.11459602

pic related

>> No.11459612

Yeah, I'm sure you speak far more eloquently than the greatest philosopher of our time.

>> No.11459619

Opinion discarded.

>> No.11459649

This guy is a filthy Marxist but damn he is interesting to listen to. I think his critiques of the centre left and mainstream politics are spot on.