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/lit/ - Literature

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11450121 No.11450121 [Reply] [Original]

I'm aware that some of you are probably literal gremlins and really it seems like more of a reddit thing (cringe pictures come to mind), but has /lit/ ever attempted a meet up?

>> No.11450329

I'm 36, would anyone like to have sex?

>> No.11450333

Sex is impure. Are you a member of the lower classes?

>> No.11450366

Cute comic anon did you write it yourself?

>> No.11450381

Wasn't a meet up planned last year? I think it was in New York, which is pretty far from where I am.

>> No.11450392

ive been to two

>> No.11450400

I see the problems with a meet up but it’d be cool to meet up and talk about books. I don’t know how else to do that besides a book club.

>> No.11450417

There was one in Boston only a few months ago. I live in Boston but am one of the literal gremlins you mention so I didn't go.

>> No.11450450

Heard there were a few women and nonwhites, sorry but not for me, Clive

>> No.11450975

We could try a west coast meet up. There's a small /lit/ bookstore at Pioneer Square in Seattle. It's almost all older copies classic lit and philosophy

>> No.11450984

I completely forgot lit hates women. I’ll just consider myself uninvited to anything.

>> No.11450995

Nah those are mostly the posters who came from /pol/

>> No.11451001

i could do philly if a few people wanted to hang out for coffee or something. its an hour drive for me.

>> No.11451099

Atlanta meet up could be cool.

>> No.11451681

That's original Calvin and Hobbes

>> No.11451731

>t. gremlin

>> No.11451860

You should go, but only if you're hot.

>> No.11452063

>tfw there will never be a meetup close to me cause I live in a tiny isolated country

>> No.11452159

hot for books that is

>> No.11452386

Are you serious, nigger?

>> No.11452455

Did the Los Angeles one ever take place? It was supposed to be at a French cafe. I meant to go but I met a chick on tinder that afternoon.

>> No.11452523

>I meant to go but I met a chick on tinder that afternoon.
>Choosing some thot over an afternoon with the /lit/ bros

>> No.11452631
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Apenas checando se existem anões paulistanos por aqui.

>> No.11452664
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>that guy who came up to me in the library and said hello

You seemed like a nice guy. That was a nice /lit/ meet-up.

>> No.11452669
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gib milkies

>> No.11452670

no spanish pls. this is a english board

>> No.11453597

this is possibly the weirdest post I've ever seen on 4chan

>> No.11453622

When's the Amsterdam/européen meet up?

>> No.11453626

I actually chanced upon someone on /lit/ who lives in my small semi-literate city a year or two ago. Got to be quite a coincedence, never met up though. Goldfields mate, if you're still around I'm back in town.

>> No.11453631


>> No.11453633

Anyone in Low Angeles wana meet up and start a cult?

>> No.11453636

this bait is okayish but /lit/ makes it seem more worthy than it really is

>> No.11453638

Post your favela

>> No.11453652

Closest I've done is meet up with someone on /n/ to go bikeriding.
The problem to me with any 4chan meetup is you need something to do otherwise it becomes very awkward very fast.
Canberra, Australia

>> No.11454967

Dublin meet/group suicide when.

>> No.11454977

Post pics of feet please

>> No.11455058

Chuckled heartily

>> No.11455093

>you need something to do otherwise it becomes very awkward very fast.
>Canberra, Australia

wanna fuck?

>> No.11455320

Yes as long as the cult has a band like amon duul (I have the instruments)

>> No.11456260

>*mostly posters who came from 4chan
fixed this for you, newfag

>> No.11456355

Los Angeles is a good place for psych

>> No.11456451

SF meetup anyone?

>> No.11456789

>i was gonna go but i had a date guys, i was on a date with a CHicK guys i was busy on a DATE with a chick sorry can't make it i was with A ChicK on a date with her sorry hehe

>> No.11456837

Cool i play guitar lest do it

>> No.11456846

I'm there, how so?

>> No.11457246

any hungarians on /lit/?

>> No.11457333

I'll be there in the Fall (home town) for a week maybe two..

>> No.11458066

plz be my gf

>> No.11458083

Go away french boy.

>> No.11458127

No one in the UK?
Oxford or Cambridge?

>> No.11458203

Should I kill myself?

>> No.11458456

>she posts on another board

>> No.11458459


>> No.11458482


Only if qt girls are invited and adhere to an open toed shoes dress code.

t. Footsexual critic

>> No.11458624

There have been several, in Boston and Atlanta at the least

>> No.11458629

If anyone's in the chapel hill/Durham area I'm down

>> No.11458656
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every time you think postmodernism has reached its limit...

>> No.11459136


>> No.11459145

Yes but ironically

>> No.11459162

come to the discord

>> No.11459171
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hope it goes better than the last /lit/ meetup

>> No.11459268
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>> No.11460850


Mods = Fags. LOLE!