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11449254 No.11449254 [Reply] [Original]

This asshole RUINED the west. Get in here to hate.

>> No.11449257

No, one of the first real logicians did not ruin the west.

>> No.11449268

that was plato

>> No.11449270

Fuck you, you cunt. This man MADE the western world.

>> No.11449273
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>> No.11449279

Only someone who hasn't read Aristotle would say this.

>> No.11449285

Tell me what you know about Aristotle. What have you read?

>> No.11449290

Progression of Animals and Physics

>> No.11449294
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You do it to yourself

>> No.11449308

You fucking retard.

>> No.11449310
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Now let's get back to hating :)

>> No.11449314

You can literally see the destruction of the West with the beginning of Nominalism, stfu

>> No.11449333

aristoteles' cocksuckers stalled the advancement of logic for centuries
if the world followed khrysippos instead...

>> No.11449346

Aristotle was so ahead of his time it wasn't even funny. Truly a genius and the founder of the western thought imo

>> No.11449370 [DELETED] 

Ok, I'll bite. What do you think was better about the pre-Aristotilian world?

>> No.11449379

Ok, I'll bite. What do you think was better about the pre-Aristotilian world?

>> No.11449390

Before Aristotle people fought for their patria (Hector) or their friends (Achilles), and there was based masculinity and heroism. Then Aristotle came in, and his anthropocentrism gave birth to selfishness.

>> No.11449437

>Before Aristotle people fought for their patria (Hector) or their friends (Achilles)

Why do you think people don't fight for their native country anymore, or any time after him? Why do you think people don't fight for their loved ones?

>there was based masculinity and heroism

Ok, why do you think that doesn't exist now?

>his anthropocentrism gave birth to selfishness

What is his "anthropocentrism"? How did it "give birth to selfishness"?

Why do you think it's Aristotle's fault and not, say, Plato or Aristotle or Thales?

>> No.11449443

>Plato or Aristotle

Plato or Socrates*

>> No.11449469
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>MFW Westerners imprison their psyches to the severe limitations of logic

>> No.11449488

Be a bit more generous and less lazy and don't insist on the Socratic method.

>Why do you think people don't fight for their native country anymore
Because they are selfish (see above), when they fight for their country it's because of physical or psychological coercion.

>Ok, why do you think that doesn't exist now?
We have been pussified. We avoid pain because usually physical conflict doesn't directly benefit us.

>what is his anthropocentrism
Come on, we have to have some common ground, look it up

>How did it give birth to selfishness
We don't think anything is higher than us, we don't prostrate ourselves before the gods or nature. This leads to a haughty feeling of superiority, which in turn leads to individualism, which is just another word for selfishness.

>Why is it Aristotle's fault?
Of course there is a chain of influence, observably going back to Thales, but Aristotle was the first to systematically prioritise the human.

>> No.11449492

>doesn't know what Nyaya or buddhist logic are
>doesn't realize the east has an extensive history of reasoning
>doesn't realize logic and non-dual thinking aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.11449500

I one day hope to be as manly as some guy posting anonymously on 4chan

>> No.11449511

Unironically this.

>> No.11449514

don't confuse the elegist with the dead

>> No.11449596

>Be a bit more generous and less lazy and don't insist on the Socratic method.

How am I "not being generous"? I'm literally just asking you what you think. I can't ascertain everything you think through a single 4chan post. Would you rather me strawman all of your views and call you a retard?

>We have been pussified. We avoid pain because usually physical conflict doesn't directly benefit us

Do you think that's the only reason we avoid pain? How are you sure that people didn't do that before Aristotle? Do you have empirical studies suggesting that?

>Come on, we have to have some common ground, look it up

I'm asking what YOU think anthopocentrism is. It has many meanings depending on the context and you haven't said anything about his specific views. I'm asking that you elaborate on what you think makes Aristotle anthropocentric and what you disagree with.

>We don't think anything is higher than us, we don't prostrate ourselves before the gods or nature

Do you think this applies to roughly 80% of the world's population who are religious?

>This leads to a haughty feeling of superiority

Why? Why can't it be the case that one can think they're no more important than anyone else, without subscribing to a religion or universal moral?

>> No.11449627

Then Luther and Calvin just sealed the fucking deal

>> No.11449666

I say: We don't think anything is higher than us [...]. This leads to a haughty feeling of superiority.
You ask why. The inanity of your question actually offends me, and it's emblematic of the rest of your post. This is a hate thread, not a thread for me to explain my response to Aristotle.

I will, however, answer the one good question you asked.
>Do you think this applies to roughly 80% of the world's population who are religious?
Yes I do. The majority of these people have no real fear of their god(s), they worship fetishes. Genuine belief hardly exist anymore.

>> No.11449678

well, you're wrong

>> No.11449686
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>This is a hate thread, not a thread for me to explain my response

>>>/pol/ is over that way lol

>> No.11449702

I find his views on women very problematic.

>> No.11449716

well im a magapede and I find your post very problematic

>> No.11449878

>Aristotle was the first to systematically prioritise the human

That would be Socrates

>> No.11449891
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>what did he mean by this?

>> No.11450286

Western philosophy was always trash. The only good thing to come out of 2500 years of Western philosophy is the scientific method. One fundamental Eastern work alone is greater than the sum total of all Western philosophy.

>> No.11450404

such as?

>> No.11450745

This is bait, but I'll just say that the Greeks were amazing, but everything following them has certainly been a degeneration of Western philosophy. I do rank Eastern philosophy highest, but Plato's work ranks alongside it, and the other Greeks (Epicurus, Aristotle) are also in the same general realm. Don't create strife here. If anything, I wish Eastern ideas could permeate the mainstream Western world in which I was born and live, but would do so without the ridiculous dilution we find of them today, seen in the New Age movement and so on.

>> No.11451402

dude what if u were just a dream
like a dream of a butterfly

>> No.11451456

Who compares to Plato in the East?

>> No.11451477

*hits bong*

>> No.11451728

socrates actually

>> No.11451741

>sit completely silently and do nothing

>> No.11451812

Not ruined it but it imprisoned it with false abstractions like final causes, substance, essence, which stifled scientific discovery and good philosophy.

>> No.11452763

>imprisoned by words
This doesnt actually happen though.

>> No.11452783

why do ancient sources call him a good writer it's all fucking shit

>> No.11452790
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>> No.11452812

This dude is the most important thinker that ever lived

>> No.11452817

*hits bong*

>> No.11452819

What was left over is course materials for teaching, he wrote literature but much is lost

>> No.11453347
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I think Aristotle was probably pretty smart, and no one can deny his influence on the world. My problem is how he as come to dominate the Christian conversation. I don't understand how Aquinas and most of the Church Fathers saw Aristotle and the Neoplatonics as valuable to Christianity.

>> No.11453367
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