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11448480 No.11448480 [Reply] [Original]

Honest thoughts on this?

>> No.11448496

Do the exercises and document the results over a course of months, as this is how the book is intended to be used. People have a habit of reading the book over a couple of days and forming an opinion on it one way or the other and moving on, which is fine for most books but the strength of this book is not its theories or conclusions but its call to think. I personally think much of book is flawed and dated or outright wrong, but by doing those exercises gain a some helpful insights into myself and made improvements to my life. If you are unwilling to test what is presented then reading it is pointless.

>> No.11448551

I much prefer, and recommend, Vadim Zeland's 5 part series on Reality Transurfing.

>> No.11448552
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Do this one as well

>> No.11448572

science fiction is for pseuds

>> No.11448593

I noticed that this is being shilled here a lot lately. Let me just say his politics are immature and completely bluepilled and it comes through far too much in his writing.

>> No.11448616

>Marxists and other radicals are urgently aware of such factors in "mental health" and hence scornful of all types of academic psychology which ignore these bio-survival issues. Unfortunately, the Marxist remedy-making everybody dependent for bio-survival on the whims of a State bureaucracy is a cure worse than the disease

Doesn't sound blue pilled to me

>> No.11448696

Even boomer republicans hate commies, that doesn't make them based or red pilled.

>> No.11448848

so are snap judgements, famalam

>> No.11449212
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Ordered Quantum Psychology, what am I in for?

>> No.11449226

I hope you have friends because it is meant to be the multi-player version of Prometheus Rising with the exercises based around group participation.

>> No.11449243

I have imaginary friends, I thought I was weird for having them and discarded them but then I read that Adam Smith also had them so I assumed it was actually quite normal for a people of a certain neurotype to have them.

Basically I mainly have imaginary friends.

>> No.11449260


>> No.11449372

Are you back again? Let me re-iterate my response from the last thread.
>Oh no, hang on, let me go get that conservative author who helps you de-robotize yourself and expand your consciousness.

>> No.11449380

Can you link the archive of the last thread? I didn't catch it.

>> No.11449395

it was one of the dozen threads of people asking for books to change their life

>> No.11449503

Julius Evola is the author you are looking for.

>> No.11449592
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>> No.11449914

Dude just like Ride the Tiger and enjoy the degeneracy lmao.

>> No.11449997

Colin Wilson

>> No.11450026

I agree with this 100%

>> No.11450094

what is
>that Colin Wilson book where they all become psychic and start throwing pyramids at each other.
someone mentioned at the hard problem of consciousness thread last week?

>> No.11450108

Don't recall but that sounds like him (pulpy as fuck). Just read all his shit. Start with the Outsider series and then read the Occult series.

>> No.11450296

You're probably thinking of Robert Anton Wilson tho (no relation to Colin)

>> No.11450324

do you know of a RAW book where that exact scene happens? because I'm actually quoting someone from that thread. they could be confused, idk, it was a confusing post.

>> No.11450352

Do you have to drop acid to unlock the 8th circuit?

>> No.11450373

Either Illuminatus! or its sequel trilogy...

>> No.11450419

No, and in fact, this guy >>11448552 would tell you that any drug is sort of a dead-end. You can have the lsd experience but that doesn't lead you anywhere different afterwards. It's only valuable in convincing hard-skeptics that there are wildly different states of consciousness to be explored.
(don't take my word for it, I haven't finished that book. Nor have I dropped acid.)

>> No.11450430

The 8th circuit model usually equates drug use with some form of physical/social exercise that releases similar neurotransmitters and produces a similar effect on consciousness.

It's never do LSD or something but like it gets activated by LSD OR by doing these tantric yoga thingy for x amount of time.

IIRC some hippies brought LSD to some Indian monks and it literally had no effect on them or barely anything.

>> No.11450465
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Sure. I suppose point is that it doesn't tech you anything. you didn't get there with your own legs, so now you don't know the way.
The expanded consciousness 'movement' is all about learning to induce these states unaided.

pic related is another author in this field, doesn't get mentioned here as often. He's more academic, very unlike RAW.

>> No.11450687

>this guy would tell you any drug is a dead end
I read that, de Ropp wouldn’t say that. In fact, he clearly says psychedelic drugs can be useful and helpful if done with intent in a good setting, but that overuse of them can deplete your spiritual drive, retard your spiritual development, and show you visions you don’t yet deserve or aren’t yet fully capable of understanding and integrating.

>> No.11450718

Acid doesn't show you anything except a malfunction.
Ya. That monks being immune to acid story is bullshit. It cannot be produced endogenously and intoxicates one no matter what.
What's the point of these states? Just seems like spiritual hedonism.
That sounds like me to a tee. Lmao. Fuck spirituality tho. It's a trap for the mentally ill and those too weak to accept an absurd universe without a comforting lie.

>> No.11450827

>what's the point of these states?
excellent question. You cut right to the heart of the matter. The reason this doesn't get discussed or explained that much is simple, the truths of these other states of consciousness are fundamentally experiential.
I can tell you're presume rationality to be an integral aspect of the human mind, but in fact you already know this isn't true, rationality is merely an artifact of the common or waking state of consciousness. I'm talking about dreams, of course.
You're as likely to be rational in a dream as you are to fly around in your waking state of consciousness, or, indeed, to understand the nature of other states through mere descriptions.
Do you think you could ever describe the dream-state to someone who's never dreamed before? Is it just "like normal life but some crazy stuff happens"? No, it's fundamentally different. The stimuli you receive are of a different sort, but you are also different. time is different, being is different, the rules are very flexible, and yet it feels as real as anything while you're there!
So it is with the other states. I really encourage you to attempt to reach one. A meditative state in particular. I can't prove to you it's anymore that just "sitting quietly until you're relaxed", only you can do that.

>> No.11450882

I've done acid. I have meditated and done yoga for years. I dream regularly. In fact, I keep a dream journal. I can describe trips. I can describe dreams. I can describe mystic states. Every experience is unique but people who dream and trip or whatever can talk about dreaming and tripping with others who have as wel and both know what they are each talking about to some degree (can you ever really know what another feels?)

Rationality is not a mere artifact of waking. Rationality is what distinguishes waking from dreaming. Dreaming is not another form of wakefulness. It is an illusion. Daylight, rationality, wakefulness, destroy the illusion.

I'd say spirituality is only useful if you are materially secure and seeking some sort of self-directed therapy of soul.

Even then, it is dangerous and can lead to psychosis (although maybe a little psychosis can be healthy [love is my favorite form of madness])

Anyway, I see dead people in my dreams? Does that prove shit about the afterlife. Fuck no!

I have tripped and felt like one with the universe and God. Does that mean it's true? Fuck no.

Learn some skepticism, fool.

>> No.11450890

I like how no one commented on this. Finally posted something obscure enough for /lit/.

>> No.11450906

Might as well listen to Bashar


Yes, goyim, you can simply imagine a better world, no reason to work, just imagine winning the lottery, why don't I do it? Well, I already get so much money telling you how to do it and I am not interested in money anyway, of course...

>> No.11450915

t. hasn't read the book
Vadim doesn't say any of that hippy Secret nonsense. All his stuff is prefaced with 'try it for yourself and read on if it works'. That's what I like about it. Sure there's some stuff in it that's out there but I ignore that since it's not part of the practical stuff.

>> No.11450929

Sorry. I'm being a dick. Just my first impression from wiki.

It is kinda ironic that folx like RAW write about reality hopping (one of the exercises is to use this to find money) and yet he was unable to pay his own hospital bills at the end and had to rely on fans. Seems he could not conjure his own money... nor hop to a reality to live longer...

>> No.11450948

as far as i remember his daughter gets beaten up by some niggers and he tells her to love them and be forgiving, then she gets killed by a bunch of niggers and just says how nice and brave she was.

>> No.11450951

oh, so it's much worse than I thought.
You've actually had the experiences, but when you come back to your normal state you decide you don't trust them.

Who's the one who's capable of skepticism? And who's the one that feels unity with the universe? Are these two capable of lying to each other? Would they have any reason to?

Or, to go about this another way, you stated oneness with the universe is not "true". What's your definition of true? And crucially, why can truth be attained in one state of consciousness bu not in the others?

>> No.11451000

Feels do not equal reals.

Also, you'll notice I didn't say it was untrue. But insofar as making truth claims is concerned, I would need harder evidence.

>> No.11451009

>Learn some skepticism, fool.

Sometimes it's good to be skeptical even of your own skepticism.

>> No.11451029

It was pretty good, but I did think the rape scene was a bit much

>> No.11451033

How does being one with the universe help me? The flow state itself is pleasing but does the knowledge of this unity confer any benefits? I am the universe universing. Yet I am still broke, unemployed, and single. I have bigger more material fish to fry but maybe I will receive my metaphysical just desserts eventually.

>> No.11451043

/pol/ truck arrive!

>> No.11451060

Lol he's a stoner hippy. Give the Zeland books a try, no one has heard of it. I was a hardcore skeptic tired of kumbaya bs like the secret, I'm glad I could use the practical models written in those books. He keeps the mumbo jumbo to a minimum

>> No.11451212

It doesn't necessarily. At least not obviously and concretely. I'm not making an argument either way. I just think sometimes it's good to allow for the possibility that your rationality and skepticism are just as flawed as other ways of perceiving. Maybe.

>> No.11451223

What are some of the exercises mentioned in the book?

>> No.11451469

I read it quite a while ago, so some of what I remember may not be exact, but it was extremely underwhelming.

>do this basic mental experiment, yes the basic premise is pretending you're God and no it totally isn't schizophrenic and narcissistic
>ok now do it high

This part may not be correct, but didn't he also present the myth of Hassan's gardens as historical fact in order to support his bullshit about brainwash/unbrainwashing yourself with drugs? (book is 10 feet behind me, untouched for about 8 years, too lazy to go look through it).

This book is also the reason I gave the intuhlectewal circlejerk that is Finnegan's Wake a try. So fuck it for that, too.

>> No.11451488

Didn't you get anything out of FW?

>> No.11451833

I have not read, but based on what i know of Wilson and Leary I really doubt it's about saying an individual is God, but rather that there is no such thing as inherent individual existence. All the things which you identify as 'you', the body, the mind, desires, fears, etc. all come from things which you consider to he outside of 'you'. So while identifying with those things is fine and not untrue, it is very limited and generally brings a lot of suffering if you invest your entire existence into wether or not your ego gets what it thinks it wants and will make it happy. Its not saying the body-mind is some sort of god, but rather the body mind is part of the greater totality and separating it out is pretty silly.

Or at least that's what i imagine the point the book is trying to get across, or something similar. But i could definitely be wrong please let me know and what you think of what i said.

>> No.11452105

This is pretty novel though. I wonder if Taleb aped some of his ideas from this book.

>> No.11452395

It's good - as is Game of Life by Timothy Leary.

>> No.11452481
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The kind of bullshit that's better than most truths. Ultimately destructive to your sense of reality, which is good for those more interested in how your mind operates than in reality tunnel enforcement. Standard green pill bs. Love it.