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/lit/ - Literature

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11448102 No.11448102 [Reply] [Original]

Post your top 5 favorite books.

Others judge you

1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. Suttree
3. The Sound and the Fury
4. Don Quixote
5. War and Peace

>> No.11448105

1. Underworld by Don DeLillo
2. The Recognitions by William Gaddis
3. The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac
4. The Trouble with Being Born by Emil Cioran
5. Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace

>> No.11448113

Solid but boring

>> No.11448142

1) Living My Life by Emma Goldman
2) Capital by Thomas Piketty
3) The Culture Industry by Theodore Adorno
4) Jelqing: All You Ever Needed to Know
5) The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan

>> No.11448149

2-4 are great. Never really got into the Russians. 8/10


The Sound and the Fury
As I Lay Dying
Korrektur (Bernhard)

>> No.11448158

1. Infinite Jest
2. Stoner
3. Blood Meridian
4. The Trial
5. The Stranger

>> No.11448193

The Art of the Deal
12 Rules for Life
Mein Kampf
Atlas Shrugged
White Identity

>> No.11448412

28 year old neckbeard/10

>> No.11448414

4.hella gay

>> No.11448436

4/10, you fell for the meme

1. Brothers Karamazov
2. Ullyses
3. Summa Theologica
4. Discourses
5. The trouble with being born

>> No.11448577

The Pilgrim's Progress
Ring of Bright Water
For Bread Alone
Beasts, Men, and Gods

I'm judging you for not posting any books that aren't on all the most popular /lit/ charts.

Judging you for having nothing pre-1950

Judging you for including two women

I suspect you secretly hate reading

Never read a book in your life until you discovered /lit/

In fact you've got much better taste but you care too much about impressing /lit/

>> No.11448598

1. Anna Karenina
2. Giovanni's room
3. Slaughterhouse 5
4. Dead Souls
5.Norwegian wood

>> No.11448637

1. In Search of Lost Time
2. Dead Souls
3. Pale Fire
4. Heart of Darkness
5. Beyond Good and Evil


>> No.11448665


Crime and Punishment
Gravity's meme
Borther's Karamazov
Don Quixote

Honorable mention:
The Stars my Destination

Been riding the nonfiction train for too long

>> No.11448702
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No particular order:
Kawabata Yasunari - The Lake
Unknown - The Nibelungenlied
Franz Kafka - The Trial
Krasznahorkai László - From the North by Hill, From the South by Lake, From the West by Roads, From the East by River
Walter Miller Jr. - A canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.11448744


>> No.11448776
File: 83 KB, 639x640, 09e4c3e364185f2d6dee3ecb4d902aff[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
2. 12 rules for life
3. The Fountainbridge
4. Culture of critique
5. Call of the wild/White fang

>> No.11448781

>Top 5
Based if you replace call of the wild with another Harry Potter novel

>> No.11448787

1. Turtles all the way down
2. Fifty shades of grey
3. Paper towns
4. Milk and honey
5. The phenomenology of spirit

Honourable mention : Finnegan's wake. Doesn't have the complexity of E. L. James tho

>> No.11448788

thus spoke zarathustra by nietzsche
the castle by franz kafka
difference and repetition by deleuze
story of the eye by georges bataille
the old testament

>> No.11448790

Blood Meridian
The Looming Tower
Race in Early Modern England
Mao the Man who Made China

>> No.11448792

good taste 8/10

>> No.11448798

The Long Earth
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring
2001: A Space Odyssey
Discworld: Hogfather

I'm only just recently starting to read a lot more. I'm still a lightweight, though.

>> No.11448821

Meme picks

>> No.11448839

On the will in nature (Schopenhauer)
The WWR (same author, more than 4 books in this book)

>> No.11448845

>the old testament

>> No.11448931

the book of discomfy
the master of go
the tartar steppe
rimbaud complete works
i bet you are a qt desu

>> No.11448934

1. Of Human Bondage
2. The sound of Waves
3. Paradise Lost
4. Against Nature
5. Roadside Picnic

>> No.11448939

Awesome 10/10 underrated post cept for nietchze

>> No.11448947
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Chuang Tzu
Discourses - Epictetus
Technological Slavery - Ted Kaczynksi
Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola
Might is Right - Ragnar Redbeard

>> No.11448948

One Way Street (Benjamin)
The Castle
The Uncanny - Freud

>> No.11448966

Anna Karenina
Absalom, Absalom!
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Three Tales

>> No.11449001

Based Redbeard poster

>> No.11449005

>i bet you are a qt desu
What makes you say that?

>> No.11449011

Cry, The Beloved Country
The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.11449017

The Bell jar
On the beach
Suspira de Profundis
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.11449026
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1. Eumeswil - Ernst Junger
2. Ajax - Sophocles
3. Sartor Resartus - Thomas Carlyle
4. Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima
5. The Charterhouse of Parma - Stendhal

>> No.11449038


>> No.11449077


>> No.11449101

>brothers Kalamazoo
The autistic screeching of an Orthodoxboo meets soap opera.

>> No.11449106

Its so much deeper than that. Its about redemption and salvation through suffering and redemption and suffering through salvation and redemption and through suffering salvation redeems the salvation into redemption.

>> No.11449112

Lol. Kek.

>> No.11449129


very basic and boring

you seem annoying

>summa theologica





>> No.11449144
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Winesburg, Ohio - Sherwood Anderson
The Stranger - Camus
Song of Solomon - Toni Morrison
Zero K - Don DeLillo
Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
please don't be too mean, I'm insecure

>> No.11449174

Winesburg, Ohio is superb, I considered putting that as my #5

>> No.11449218


>> No.11449248

Absolute Chad. Don't let these virgins hold you back, follow your dreams.

>> No.11449321


What? Do you doubt that I have read it?

>> No.11449386

1. Discipline and Punish, Michel Foucault
2. The Ballad of Reading Gaol & Essays, Oscar Wilde
3. The Collected Works of W.B. Yeats
4. IQ84, Haruki Murakami
5. Nadja, Andre Breton

>> No.11449415

1.The mayor of Casterbridge - Hardy
2. The death of Ivan Illyich - Tolstoy
3. Lyrical Ballads - Wordsworth and Coleridge
4. Essays in idleness - Kenko
5. Hunger - Knut Hamsun

>> No.11449429

Which ones yours cockface

>> No.11449459

1)Fathers and children
3)War and peace
4)Burmese days
5)The world according to garp

>> No.11449497

1. The hunchback of Notre Dame - Victor Hugo
2. Ivanhoe - Walter Scott
3. The time machine - H.G.Wells
4. One flew over the cuckoo's nest - Ken Kesey
5. The three musketeers - Alexandre Dumas

>> No.11449499

all three of john williams novels, butchers crossing being my number 1
don quixote
and really i cant come up with a fifth that really got to me as much as those 4. im still new to literature even after being here for like 4 years. im a slow reader

>> No.11449506

In no particular order :

Les Fruits d'or / The Golden Fruits - Sarraute
À rebours / Against the Grain - Huysmans
Cien años de soledad / One Hundred Years of Solitude - García Márquez
So the Wind Won't Blow It All Away - Brautigan
Les Faux-monnayeurs / The Counterfeiters (and its journal) - Gide
Les Liaisons dangereuses / Dangerous Liaisons - Laclos

That makes 6, because I can't count

>> No.11449526

Life of Johnson - Boswell
Complete Works - Shakespeare
Essais - Montaigne
Tristram Shandy - Sterne
Obras Completas - Jorge Luis Borges

>> No.11449552
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>tfw you haven't read enough books to have a valid opinion

>> No.11449559

>4. Discourses
You're aware that there are tens of thousands of books titled "Discourses", right? This is like saying that your favorite book is "The Complete Poetry".

>> No.11449570

Judging by that list, it's probably Epictetus.

>> No.11449621

Come on, the only one thats relevant is Epictetus'

>> No.11449631

>The Complete Poetry
a yes, its a favorite of mine as well. phe did a good job with that

>> No.11449638

1) Labyrinths, Jorge Luis Borges
2) Eumeswil, Ernst Junger
3) The Idiot, Fyodor Dostoevsky
4) The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Thornton Wilder
5) War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy

>> No.11449644

A true patrician

>> No.11449648

And you seem like a faggot

>> No.11449882



>> No.11449888

more like a nigger

>> No.11450095
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1. Jane Air
2. Graivity's Shambow
3. The Incredibles
5. HomestarrRunner

>> No.11450106

1. On The Road
2. Men Explain things to me
3. The Bloody Chamber
4. Wuthering Heights
5. Infinite Jest

>> No.11450537

1. Joseph and His Brothers
2. Paradise Lost
3. Don Quixote
4. The Metamorphoses (Ovid)

>> No.11451391

1. Catcher in the rye
2. An inspector calls
3. Grapes of Wrath
4. Of mice and men
5. Revolt against the modern world

>> No.11451514
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1. Housekeeping - robinson
2. Golden notebook - lessing
3. The waves - Woolfe
4. The goldfinch - tart
5. The sea, the sea - murdoch

>> No.11451576

I will personally guarantee there is not a nigger alive that has read those five books

>> No.11451593

1. Invisible Cities
2. The Bell Jar
3. Siddhartha
4. Kokoro
5. Une homme qui dort

>> No.11451622

In no order:
White Noise
Blood Meridian
The Master and Margarita
Absalom, Absalom!
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11451623

i liek steinbeck and evola, lol

>> No.11451786


good taste buddy

>> No.11451839

1. Ulysses
2. A Hero of Our Time
3. Pale Fire
4. A Country Doctor (short story collection)
5. Eugene Onegin

>> No.11451847

Brothers Karamazov
Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.11451866

Crime and Punishment
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Narcissus and Goldmund
Tropic of Cancer

>> No.11451880

>The Bridge of San Luis Rey

This is underead and underrated around here. Good choice.

>> No.11452010

>underead and underrated around here

all novels are. nobody reads on /lit/ post 2016

>> No.11452102

I reread it every little while, one of the few novels that brought me to tears first time I read it, the way the Marquesa's chapter ends ruined me

>> No.11452120

1. Fear and Trembling
2. The Brothers Karamazov
3. Waiting for Godot
4. Peer Gynt
5. Grapes of Wrath

>> No.11452176

1. The Odyssey
2. Brave New World
3. Solaris
4. Oryx and Crake
5. Riddley Walker

>> No.11452206

In no particular order:

Elephant Man
How to be Single
Xiaolin Cowboy
Everything Everything

nobody has read these so I'll be lucky to get an opinion

>> No.11452229

In no particular rank

Out of the dark - Patrick modiano
Almost transparent blue - ryu murakami
Afternoon men - Anthony Powell
The third Reich - Roberto bolano
Tender is the night- f. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.11452287

I like you.

>> No.11452434

Good shit my nigs

Catcher in the Rye
Don Quixote
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Seven Pillars of Wisdom

>> No.11452567

>pic related and no "on the road"

>> No.11452791

1. Pickwick Papers
2. Twelfth Night
3. Hamlet
4. Flying Inn
5. Napoleon on Notting Hill

>> No.11452904

Thus Spake
Infinite Jest
The Sorrows of Young Werther

Been reading the Cannon for the past couple years, so my taste really isn't original, but after I finish The brother's K and GR I'm going to start branching out.

>> No.11452920

1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. The Metamorphosis
3. King Lear
4. Libra
5. Great Expectations

>> No.11453281

1. The Book of the New Sun
2. Moby Dick
3. A Voyage to Arcturus
4. Storm of Steel
5. The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11453293

1 The Castle
2 The loneliness of the long distance runner
3 The Fall
4 Das Kapital
5 Paper Towns

>> No.11453323

1. Broom of the System --DFW
2. Violent Bear it Away --O'Connor
3. Death Comes for the Archbishop --Cather
4. The Trial --Kafka
5. IJ --Wallace

>> No.11453331

how could das kapital possibly be one of your favorite books, it's a dreadful read

>> No.11453360

so many contradictions in ideology here

>> No.11453365

regardless of whatever your mongoloid brain thinks of his ideas, marx was a top tier writer.

>> No.11453368

1. A Confederacy of Dunces
2. The Trial
3. Confessions of a Mask
4. Blood Meridian
5. Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.11453370


1. Les Miserables
2. East of Eden
3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
4. Fortress Besieged
5. The Palm-Wine Drinkard


>I'm too dumb to enjoy DFW's novels so I prefer his essay collection


>muh non-fiction


good choices except for the fact that you repeated an author


pretty based for someone with tastes that modern




>Summa Theologica
>The Trouble with Being Born

What did you mean by this?


even though I criticized the other person for repeating an author, it's nice to see Broom of the System get recognition


I don't know if you're trolling or not, but why do you like Paper Towns over TFIOS or Turtles All the Way Down?

>> No.11453377
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1. Mishima. “Patriotism.”
2. Camus. “The Stranger.”
3. Wilke. “Letters to a Young Poet.”
4. Keyes. “Flowers for Algernon.”
5. Lovecraft. “Sweet Ermengarde.”

>> No.11453384
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>Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

>> No.11453391
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>jack kerouac
i was triggered

there's no order
thus spoke zarathustra
the horse and his boy
la inceríble y triste historia de cándida eréndira y su desalmada abuela
los renglones torcidos de Dios
wuthering heights

i need to read more fiction novels. lately i've been reading nothing but stupid academic books nd i feel like the books i ust mentioned do not fit with my soul anymore, at least some of them. gross

>> No.11453401

1. Infinite Jest
2. Catch-22
3. 1984
4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
5. Consider the Lobster

Don't worry, I'm very aware of how pleb my taste comes across as. I don't really give a shit though.

>> No.11453421

lotr and hobbit

>> No.11453462

I've read many things but it's very difficult to me to build a personal top 5. I only read books that appear to be appealing to me beforehand, so I almost always end enjoying some elements of the work. What are your standars to make this tops, /lit/?

>> No.11453503

1-5) Culture of Critique

>> No.11453517

1. The Theban Plays, specifically Antigone
2. The Gospel of Matthew (and other three if that's allowed)
3. The Outsider
4. Siddhartha
5. The Lord of the Rings

>> No.11453771

My sides

>> No.11453808

nice taste

>> No.11453858

1. The Wasp Factory
2. Atomised
3. Lord of Light
4. A Canticle for Leibowitz
5. I, Claudius

>> No.11454005

Brothers Karamazov
Norwegian Wood
The remains of the day

I'm not even sure why i'd put The remains of the day up there. It's just something i really enjoyed for what it was.

Honorable mention goes to Pale Fire

>> No.11454070

1.the idiot
2.imitation of Christ
3.confessions by st Augustine
4.sayings of the desert fathers
5.dark night of the soul

>> No.11454081

The Idiot
War and peace
The Cossacks
The leopard

>> No.11454326

1) The Anabasis - Xenophon
2) Utopia - Thomas More
3) Neuromancer - William Gibson
4) Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
5) The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

I am not well read.

My metric was simply how strongly a particular book stuck out in my mind, and how I felt after reading it.

Stumbling on Leibowitz and realizing how heavily Fallout borrowed from it was a treat, I enjoyed the book immensely. I also like how these WWII authors translate their experiences, they never seem too preachy or grim (even if it's evident that some of the things they've experienced traumatized them deeply)

>> No.11454349

The Idiot
War and Peace
The Magic Mountain

>> No.11454618

>dark night of the soul
What translation/version?

>> No.11454692
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No particular order:
>The Tempest
>Collected Poems of T.S. Eliot
>The Interior Castle

You guys seem cool

>> No.11454705

1) T. Mann, The magic mountain
2) J. L. Borges, Labyrinths and Ficciones
3) P. Roth, Portnoy's complaint
4) P. Auster, New York trilogy
5) T. Pynchon, V., or W. Allen, The complete prose

>> No.11454939


>> No.11455408

Soon-to-be 3rd year at uni. English major. At least I’ll have good taste when I’m homeless.

1. Moby-Dick, or The Whale
2. Paradise Lost
3. Poetry of T.S Eliot
4. The Sound and the Fury
5. Blood Meridian

>> No.11455423


I really like the other four books you mention, what is Hopscotch like? Never read Cortazar before.
My top five:

Doctor Faustus
Journey into the end of the night
The Autumn of the Patriarch
Invisible Cities

>> No.11455425

How did you approach tackling DFW’s monster opus, Infinite Jest? I’m testing the waters so I don’t drown when I take the proverbial dive.

>> No.11455430

Have you read Camus’ The Fall? Thoughts?

>> No.11455574

holy...I want more

>> No.11455583

Don't forget to kill yourself on the way out. Sooner the better.

>> No.11455601

nigga come on read real books

>> No.11455610


>> No.11455620

not judging by that list you won't

>> No.11455720

I'm very under-read, but here are mine.

I. The Bible
II. Republic, Plato
III. The Poetry of W. B. Yeats
IV. The Poetry of Lord Alfred Tennyson
V. Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience; William Blake

I read a fair amount of fiction and enjoy it, but poetry stays with me more.

Some of you have a discerning minds - many of you in fact, but some of you are just horrifying like >>11448193 and >>11453503.

Norwegian Wood is his worst novel. Also why Lolita? A lot of people like it and I just don't understand why. I haven't read it yet, but that's because I'm honestly not even a little bit interested. Why go out of your way to read a work about a pedophile written by an actual pedophile?

>> No.11455732

They're joking anon

>> No.11455753

It’s very modern in style and it has a lot more philosophy than what I thought it would have. It’s also very loose (in a good way), everything flows in a manner I wished I had written it. Definitely a classic.

>> No.11456022

>From the North by Hill, From the South by Lake, From the West by Roads, From the East by River

How? Do you read Hungarian?

>> No.11456041

>Also why Lolita? A lot of people like it and I just don't understand why. I haven't read it yet
Maybe you’d understand if you did dumbass.

>> No.11456053

I do.
It's a pretty tight little novel with a really nice japanese-buddhist setting. Essentially a really long search for inside peace. A long thought with a lot of memorable moments, despite it's shortness.

>> No.11456940

Admirers welcome, because yes I’ve read all these works esoterically WITHOUT a companion book, haters are to be expected, for surely men feared those who carried the fire they understood not, when first man emerged from his cave of darkness and ignorance:

1. Ulysses
2. Dante’s La Commedia
3. War and Peace
4. Anna Karenina
5. The Old and New Testament

Critics beware, any argument will surely end in defeat, leaving you more scarred, disparaged and humiliated than Oedipus the King himself.

>> No.11456962

Still trying to develop critical reading. Usually I just don't finish books I don't like.
>A Confederacy of Dunces
>Blood Meridian
>Red Sorghum Clan
>Glengarry Glen Ross (not a book)
= Power gap =

>> No.11456991

Poor taste

>> No.11457000

1. The Sound and the Fury
2. Franny and Zooey
3. Lives of Girls and Women
4. The Dharma Bums
5. The Idiot

>> No.11457027

1. Songs of Innocence and Experience
2. The Castle
3. Hamlet
4. Moby Dick
5. Wuthering Heights

>> No.11457082

Based Suttree poster. I’m on page 416 right now

>> No.11457103

Finnegans Wake
The Overcoat
Tristram Shandy
A Tale of a Tub
Don Quixote

>> No.11457105

If you had to chose one book per author, what would you replace Anna with?

>> No.11457156

> written by an actual pedophile
Is it true ?

>> No.11457359


>> No.11457364

Those are all white men OP. Find at least some perspective

>> No.11457374

1) The Brothers K
2) The Bridge on the Drina
3) The Master & Margarita
4) The Unconsoled
5) Molly/Malone Dies/The Unnameable

>> No.11457390

Dude just finished The Looming Tower. What the fuck. How is everyone not talking about it every day?
Absolute unit of a book

>> No.11457417

Is that a Serbbro I'm spotting?

>> No.11457429

yeah it's great, reminded me of a more concise adam curtis documentary. Absolutely mental

>> No.11457517

ive read all these and only War and Peace makes my top 5, fuck is wrong with you mate

>> No.11457617

Only recently started taking reading seriously. Probably very pleb

1. Ways of Seeing - John Berger
2. Investigations of a Dog - Franz Kafka
3. Rosemary's Baby - Ira Levin
4. Crucify Me Again - Mark Manning
5. The Men Who Stare At Goats - Jon Ronson

>> No.11457689

The only 5 books you've read.

>> No.11457795

It was my first exposure to anything Wallace. Was instantly hooked by it, I don't get why people say the beginning is the worst part.

>> No.11457824

You, I like you
Good taste
Meme af
Unironically great


1. 100 Years of Solitude
2. The Stranger
3. Hamlet
4. The God of Small Things
5. 1984

Watchmen too but that probably doesn't count

>> No.11458342

1 Cerebus
2 Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
3 Girl with Curious hair
4 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
5 Tales From Outer Suburbia

>> No.11458432

Nicomachean Ethics
In Search of Lost Time
Montaigne' Essays
William Blake's major works fuck you I know it's six

As far as rating everyone else's I'm honestly fine with all of them unless you have a lot of genre fiction and high school level reading and even then it's fine

>> No.11458541

1. The death of Virgil by Hermann Broch
2. Light in August by Faulkner
3. Demons by Dostoievsky
4. Journey to the end of the night by Louis-Ferdinand Céline
5. Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

>> No.11458561
File: 31 KB, 500x500, anime-chibi-cute-hatsune-miku-kawaii-Favim.com-278967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Tales of Imagination and Mystery - Edgar Allan Poe
2. Starship Troopers - Robert E. Heinlein
3. Left and Right - Norberto Bobbio
4 - The Flowers of Evil - Charles Baudelarie
5. Loveless (series) - Yun Kouga

>> No.11458767

1. The Satanic Verses
2. A Little History of the World
3. The Brothers Karamazov
4. The Stranger
5. The Crossing

>> No.11458971

5. naive. super - Erlend Loe
4. Wise Blood - Flannery O’Connor
3, White Noise - Don DeLillo
2. The Wild Duck - Henrik Ibsen
1. Growth Of The Soil - Knut Hamsun

>> No.11459047

1. Anna Karenina
2. Der Zauberberg
3. Brothers Karamazov
4. Madam Bovary
5. I'm not sure about 5.

>> No.11459091
File: 39 KB, 500x620, Simon&Garfunkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based for The Nibelungenlied

The Picture of Dorian Gray
Madame Bovary
Anna Karenina
The Divine Comedy