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File: 562 KB, 768x1024, carlschmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11447316 No.11447316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's Carl Schmitt's birthday. Say something nice about him.


>> No.11447340


>> No.11447342

Happy Birthday.

>> No.11448164

He cute.

>> No.11448508

Dude deserves more discussion on here t b q h.

>> No.11448650

Unquestionably the greatest metapolitical thinker.

>> No.11448659 [DELETED] 

He looks like a retard

>> No.11448661

lol, anon.

Its a shame this guy is utterly despised in Europe (especially in Germany).

>> No.11448674

(in liberal circles)
Threre's going to be a massive comeback as we abandon liberalism, either to the left or to the right.

>> No.11448719

I'm not sure i get his argument from exception. If i understood it correctly, his argument is that the nature of sovereignty is shown in the exceptional circumstances where the sovereign must act outside the law for its own survival, and that proves that sovereign power is intrinsically above the law. The argument presupposes that the law cannot deal with exceptional circumstances by nature as it rests on statutes which are made to govern the normal and as such cannot cover the exceptional. Is this correct?

>> No.11448720

Big if true.

>> No.11448730

Its more of a "natural law as substrate of positive law". That's my interpretation of him

Doubt it. Even right leaning countries in Europe suck Habermas dick really hard. I doubt people will abandon the reasoning of the Frankfurt school anytime soon

>> No.11448731

Unfortunately for the past decade or two, interest in him by the 'intellectual class' has mostly been by jewish neocons citing his arguments for why the state should curtail civil liberties to conduct widespread surveillance, invade ME countries to ensure Israeli hegemony and so on. So he has seen a renaissance but just not in the 'based' way most readers of him here would presumably want.

>> No.11448747

Neocons are straussians.

>> No.11448789

I recently read Habermas, total garbage. Pure marxist drivel.
Hence why I said to the left or to the right.

>> No.11448793

They may cite him to put on pretenses of being intellectuals but the vast majority of neocons are retarded hacks who spend all their time kvetching about muh russia and muh iran on twitter and cable news.

>> No.11448794

I know mostly from our generation of upcoming jurists. Kelsenian law is going to fuck off after the following legal revolution.

>> No.11448810

Only if you suck big positivist cock, my dude.

>> No.11448817
File: 55 KB, 585x593, 1523960905435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11448820

He has some interesting concepts and Hoppe is his disciple (that ancap guy who's into natural law) so he's not that bad. The only legal theorist I wish death upon is Kelsen and Dworkin. Fuck "neo-positivism". Fuck "neo-naturalism".

>> No.11448835

Just about every professor I've had was a kelsen dick sucking cuck.

>> No.11448838

Natural law as per Aquinas and MacIntyre or some other natural law?

>> No.11448853

Commonly, nowadays, what is referred to natural is either the notion of "rerum natura" (nature of things that was re-popularized by Kaufmann) or natural law per se. I don't know Hoppe's position on this matter but I suspect it might be some type of rational-natural law just as Locke, Rousseau, Kant and that lot defended

>> No.11448860

Where you from? I'm Portuguese and Hart is deepthroated CONSTANTLY

I forgot to add to this post (>>11448853) that MacIntyre is mostly irrelevant in Law and that Aquinas' contributions were many and great, but he's no longer that much of an important figure in today's natural law

>> No.11448875

Wasn't this idiot a Nazi? Sounds like a spineless hack.

>> No.11448892
File: 627 KB, 1739x2676, 4298EFFE-E41E-4955-9FDE-1CCC463F9833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, you’re cute sweaty x

>> No.11448899

It depends on the circles you are in because the natural law of the classical type went from nonexistent to having a number of big names in contemporary philosophy in a few decades. He's not important in the modern natural law theory because it is not the same theory at all, they just share the name.
Short answer no, long answer, it's complicated.

>> No.11448916

Like all great thinkers he was to the right of National Socialism.

>> No.11448952
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty? Sounds gross.

>> No.11448983

Unironically this.

>> No.11448990

hb m8, ur the real sovereign authority
>webcomic reaction image
opinion discarded

>> No.11449070

By "contemporary" do you mean Fuller?

>> No.11449349

Feser, Pruss, Davies, MacIntyre (old but still active).

>> No.11449458

Use real words if you don't want to be laughed at.

>> No.11449534

Imagine not reading Schmitt because muh nazis

>> No.11449754

Nah, the Schmitt resurgence is due to left-wing post-Marxists (Agamben, Mouffe, Kervegan) and the french new-right (basically Alain de Benoist).

Strauss and Schmitt didn't see eye to eye. Heinrich Meier and Alain de Benoist wrote about this. Schmitt low-key thinks Strauss is a lying atheist who should not be trusted.

>> No.11449945

>Strauss is a lying atheist who should not be trusted.
Such is the jew.

>> No.11450239

Based Schmitt.

>> No.11450241

Literally whomst

>> No.11450266

Literally the best and most important political thinker of the 20th century.

>> No.11450601

You're not going to make it.

>> No.11450667

Happy birthday Tom Hanks!

>> No.11450694

There aren't any countries in Europe that are not liberal.

>> No.11450841

Poland, Hungary and Russia are not liberal democracies or are on the way to iliberal democracy.

>> No.11450844

I'm assuming you mean liberal in the American sense? If so, umm Eastern Europe and the bloc of countries in Europe against the left.

>> No.11450987


>> No.11451028

>(especially in Germany)
even the lefties read him in germany at least where i come from.

>> No.11451055

Happy bday <3

>> No.11451133

Oh really? Go on.

>> No.11451148

The most based legal thinker of the twentieth century.

>> No.11451201

Bump for birthday.

Is there anyone I should read before Schmitt that is critical to understanding him? And I assume I should begin with Political Theology and proceed in chronological order, correct?

>> No.11451205

Someone should honestly make a Schmitt chart with some good related additional readings.

>> No.11451299


>> No.11451316


>> No.11451620

Hey Carl! How old are you now?

>> No.11451640

foucault, hardt, negri and agamben liked him

>> No.11451656

>despised in Europe
what the fuck. Where are you from?. All the post-structuralist, post-modern, post-whatever hipster fucks love him in europe

>> No.11451881

This man, in my country he is everything.

>> No.11451977

besides habermas being literally "grug social, grug democracy, grug public debate good"

>> No.11452570

Hi Carl! What did you do for your birthday yesterday?

>> No.11453028 [DELETED] 

Habermas BTFO'd.

>> No.11453037

He's up there, but I gotta give that title to Kuehnelt-Leddihn.

Schmitt is one of the kingpins though.

>> No.11453446

Who are the other kingpins for you?