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1144253 No.1144253 [Reply] [Original]

>Stricken with cancer and fragile from chemotherapy, author and outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens sits in an armchair before an audience and waits for the only question that can come first at such a time.

>"How's your health?" asks Larry Taunton, a friend who heads an Alabama-based group dedicated to defending Christianity.

>"Well, I'm dying, since you asked, but so are you. I'm only doing it more rapidly," replies Hitchens, his grin faint and his voice weak and raspy. Only wisps of his dark hair remain; clothes hang on his frame.


>> No.1144260

It always freaked out my family when I responded to them like that but they stopped asking me "what's wrong?" so I guess everyone learns something eventually.

>> No.1144273

I love this man, we need more intelligent and respected atheist authors out there!

>> No.1144286

Dawkins, Hawking

>> No.1144290
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>mfw deathbed conversion

>> No.1144297

>mfw he goes out like a boss

>> No.1144309

You're right, 3 is enough

>> No.1144315


I'm with you on this one. Once he stares the great beyond in the eye, he will realize the error of his ways and beg forgiveness.

>> No.1144318

The fundamentalists must be overjoyed at this sign of vindication.

>> No.1144320

I prayed for him yesterday.

>> No.1144323
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mfw he admits on his deathbed that he's been a witch this whole time

>> No.1144433
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Well if he believed in Jesus Christ then he wouldn't have cancer, right?

>> No.1144435

when he realizes the errors of atheism and accepts jesus on his deathbed. I will too

>> No.1144437

Hitchens sounds so fucking bitter, it's kind of pathetic.

Voltare's deathbed convo was so much more badass.

"Voltaire, on his own deathbed, was asked by a priest to renounce Satan and turn to God, he is alleged to have replied, "Now is no time to be making new enemies".

>family expresses concern using common question
>be a pedantic cunt about it
>my family no longer asks about well-being

good for you I guess!

>> No.1144455

Wait, they asked you
>"what's wrong?"
and you go on a rant about how you are dying just like everyone else? Jesus fucking christ I can feel the seething teen-emo-angst all the way over here.

>> No.1144466

Doesn't he have family or friends to surround himself with in these times? Does he really want to spend his last days on a pointless crusade, contributing nothing and invariably making the whole situation worse?

>> No.1144471


This is what I don't like about Atheism. I don't believe in God, at all, but I'm not intolerant to the point of stupidity (my dislike is only reserved for extreme puritans/evangelicals).

>> No.1144473


Jeez, give the guy a break. He fucking lives for the cut and thrust of public-sphere debate and writing; let him follow his desires until they desert him.

>> No.1144487


Hitchens is a pretty outspoken atheist but many of the atheis I know don't give a damn what other people believe as long as they don't try to force it into the government and private lives.

>> No.1144491

I understand he wants this, but if that's really all he has in the end it's pretty sad.

>> No.1144500

>This is what I don't like about Atheism.

You say that like Atheism is an entire belief system with its own doctrine that states everyone must be a cynical public debater to the bitter end.

You might as well have said that at least Theists don't try to push their beliefs on other people to the very end.

>> No.1144514

What are you talking about? Did you read the article?

>>It's that third group — people who are asking God for Hitchens' healing — that causes Hitchens to choose his words even more carefully than normal. Are those prayers OK? Are they helpful?

>>"I say it's fine by me, I think of it as a nice gesture. And it may well make them feel better, which is a good thing in itself," says Hitchens.

Sounds very reasonable to me.

>> No.1144529


Don't really see how it can be sad if it's what he lives for. Might as well do it while he's living. I suppose it might be a shame if he didn't have anyone standing round his deathbed, but then, who ever said that all this debating and demagougery was actually precluding personal relationships? Or was that just a false dichotomy that earlier posts have neatly glossed over?

>> No.1144825

I just started God is Not Great.

He has a better writing style than I expected.

>> No.1144831

the point is, most atheists are indifferent to the bullshit that religiousfags whinge about, but those with moral compass that see that some strains of religion does things like teach children based on dogma not evidence, and desires the abolition of secular society so we can fucking go back to the dark ages and forget about modern medicine

>> No.1144848

>Well, I'm dying, since you asked, but so are you. I'm only doing it more rapidly
Such an intellectual....