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/lit/ - Literature

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11441307 No.11441307 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an objective way of deducing whether someone's writing is good or bad?

>> No.11441309


>> No.11442445

Lmao not at all, we live in an era of Microsoft Office and Google Drive, if you have syntactic mistakes you're probably doing it on purpose.

I'd say someone is bad when they constantly repeat certain words, focus too much on how things look, or phrase things in an unnatural way. Anyways, if you read good literature on a daily basis you'll be ale to spot a bad writer/beginner instantly, almost by instinct.

>> No.11443825
File: 358 KB, 620x465, MikePenceAtAFuneral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penis inspection of the author.

>> No.11443857

do it say something non-common sensical or already present in the zeitgeist

>> No.11443868

Okay so I didn't want to start a thread for this and so forth and so on snifflez, but I wanted to find out from y'all what music one can listen to when delving into the harder philosophical works. Thanks to anyone who'll reply.

>> No.11443882

Whether or not it was written by man, or by man's rib

>> No.11443886

The more adjectives and adverbs the better the writing. It's a fact.

>> No.11444007

Good writing is subjectively good. Bad writing is objectively bad.

>> No.11444210

If it can evoke your emotions, it is good.

>> No.11444236

Death grips

>> No.11444251

this actually

>> No.11444256

Since all books are essentially just a series of successive events, the most sophisticated writers start at least every fifth sentence with "And then..." Anything else is intellectual masturbation.

>> No.11444263

Of course there is. But these objective criticism of writing are based largely on conventions and linguistics. The main ways of discerning good writing is as follows 1. Does the author utilises good grammar and syntax (or if they don’t is this bad grammar used intentionally I.e I have no mouth but I must scream)
2. Does the author express whatever message they are trying to portray in a clear and cohesive way.
3. Does the author utilise literary techniques to deliver this message in a nuanced and creative way.
4. Then the subjective part which is the pre reader response (does the writing make you feel sad/angry etc)

>> No.11444283

For me, not any music at all works the best.

>> No.11444387

You must first become an objectively good reader.

>> No.11444485

Maybe we can say it's bad when, given a particular intent or conveyance in mind from the author, the nature of the writing deters the majority of readers from fulfilling that intent. As an example imagine a horror author writing a scene they intend to scare or disturb the reader but instead most find it comedic or mundane.

>> No.11444632

The writing is bad if it gets in the way of you understanding the author's intent/ideas.

>> No.11444702

thank you i enjoyed this

>> No.11444892

good writing is a mixture of originality, characterfulness, intrigue and message.
bad writing is often just message for example.

>> No.11444950

if it makes you think ‘cringe’ it bad, if it makes you think ‘based’ it good

>> No.11444966
File: 115 KB, 634x792, 3d111e36da2a5fdd5947a972d7da528b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard alert

>> No.11444982
File: 159 KB, 300x300, Trout_Mask_Replica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, senpai, I got you. Listen to Trout Mask Replica.

>> No.11445006
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>or by man's rib

>> No.11445052

unironic use of cliches is a pretty solid indication

>> No.11445140

>>>/v/ and don't come back