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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 680x457, albertcamus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11440266 No.11440266 [Reply] [Original]

This really happened

>decent looking guy, having a good job
>Not many friends and single because of my job, work 3rd shift
>Read Albert Camus for the first time ever
>changes my life, I want to be Albert Camus
>Get my haircut like Albert Camus and start wearing clothes like Albert Camus, no trenchcoat because Im not autistic
>start behaving like Albert Camus. Analytic and cool
>start eating at this little french café erry night, staff remembers me, always saves me a spot.
>qt pie waitress always chats me up, gives me free pie.
>I reciprocate but remain vague and brooding. Waitress wants me
>asks her if she wants to go play football and maybe discuss the absurdities of life with me. She gladly accepts
>beat her at football while listening to The Stranger on audiobook
>drop he off at her apartment, asks if I want to come inside for a coffee
>oh fuck yes
>play it cool, brood for a sec, reply with "should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee with you?"
>decide on coffee
>we fuck
>waitress and I start dating
>keep up my Albert Camus shlick
>she introduces me to her friends, they think Im absurd as fuck
>some of her dude friends start smoking cigarettes just like me. Holy fuck lol
>one afternoon we go to the library to get some books
>She's browsing the philosophy section, stops on Albert Camus
>Oh fuck...
>"you read this yet anon?"
>shit shit shit play it cool man what would Albert Camus do
>brood for a sec "...his ideas are a bit absurd if you ask me"
>she ended up reading harry potter

Still dating today and still doesn't know I've been pretending to be Albert Camus for 4+ years

>> No.11440282

>Larping about larping.
Wew laddie calm down there.

>> No.11440290


>> No.11440297
File: 276 KB, 2518x1024, camusceline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then you got cucked by a dude larpng as Céline.

>> No.11440304

This is pretty based if you ask me. I just read about characters I can already relate to, like Tao Lin, to justify how I already act. Maybe acting like someone else is a good idea. I hate inauthentic people, but if it helped you get laid then that's good.

What authors/characters should I larp as to get laid?

>> No.11440333

George W. read Camoo before it was cool.

>> No.11440363

>The fucking plebs on /lit/ don't even recognize a classic /tv/ pasta
Kill yourselves.
I'm out.

>> No.11440382

/tv/ is basedboy city, enjoy your 5000000th superhero/star wars thread

>> No.11440383


>> No.11440388

reads like a 2007 /b/ thread

>> No.11440402

dude i know its a gay ass drive copypasta but what kind of replies do you want, "haha" ??

>> No.11440408

>not using the trench coat
You're never going to make it

>> No.11440460

>Soiboi city
I'd bet a paycheck that 99% of them eat meat.

>> No.11440477

>However in 2017, the 105-year-old widow gave permission for their publication by Gallimard in the spring of 2018.
>The French government and Jewish leaders expressed concern and said they would try to intervene.
>On 11 January 2018, it was reported that Gallimard was suspending publication
bunch of kikes

>> No.11440527

>Getting haircut and mannierisms from a romanticized character from a book
You seem perfect for the million girls that got the Amelie cut when the film got released, or maybe the other million who got the garçon cut after La vie d'Adele

>> No.11440868

where can i go to read these

>> No.11440882

I don't know, I'm not French.

>> No.11440889

>qt pie waitress always chats me up, gives me free pie.
>I reciprocate but remain vague and brooding

Really missed an opportunity here to 'give her the pie'

>> No.11440891

You just copied the /tv/ copypasta about the guy who acts like ryan gosling in Drive

>> No.11441177

everyone already knew this

>> No.11441188

I unironically want to start acting like Mersault around my gf to hook her up on my absurd alpha chad facade.

>> No.11441226

I unironically did the meaningless question thing once but it just made her cry a lot

>> No.11441262

What's the meaningless question thing?

>> No.11441271

isn't this thing originally about the drive dude

>> No.11441276

oh ok i didn't see the thread

>> No.11441397

Based Quebec.

>> No.11441441


>> No.11441466

yea, man meat

>> No.11441547

I managed to get an unofficial English translation of trifles for a massacre on amazon, and i’ve seen the other two posted in full on blogs and shit. If you’re looking for them in French, I can’t help you but it’s honestly probably easier to find them.

>> No.11441610

That too. Point is they ain't soifed. How is this myth still alive?

>> No.11441938
File: 38 KB, 652x682, ppp3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a repurposing of the Drive shitpost, A+ for effort though.

>> No.11442259


>> No.11442403

t. OP

>> No.11442419

6/10 driver anon was more original.

>> No.11442428

Al dente, that pasta

>> No.11442742

Never watched drive but love the post op.