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11439223 No.11439223 [Reply] [Original]

Ok lit/ would you mind red pilling me on this topic? Also recommend litarature. I am really interested about eastern Christianity.

>> No.11439225

ignore the larpers. I grew up orthodox. It's like being a mormon except the churches are creepier. avoid.

>> No.11439227

greek? i heard Greek Othodox are pretty based. Mount Athos and shit

>> No.11439232

Yeah greek. It's easy to say it's based when you're on the outside and you don't have to deal with the community bullshit that comes with it. The only upside is that the food is good.

>> No.11439245

>Mount Athos
though I still have a soft spot for the architecture of monasteries

>> No.11439310

Agree. Orthodoxy in my country is just a mix of superstition and political manipulation. Just take a look at this shit:

>> No.11439326

Maybe it's because I grew up being forced to watch ceremonies like this, but the rustic mysticism really drives home the archaic nature of orthodoxy that put me off religion in the first place.
And yeah, it's just another field of political play. See the Cypriot orthodox church, who sat by with more money than the whole country when it was on the brink of financial ruin.

>> No.11439657
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Check out Jay Dyer's youtube channel. Some of it is a bit tinfoil hatish but he seems to back up everything he says pretty well.

This video is a good short talk on a book by St. Maximus the Confessor


>> No.11439686

>It's like being a mormon
Α μορμον without any previlieges

>> No.11439688

samsies. this.

>> No.11439740

Become Orthodox
I went for the memes, stayed for the soul.

>> No.11440098

I'm a russian orthodox in America. We consider the Bible to be mostly literal. God created the world, made Adam and Eve, the fruit, Jesus's miracles and Resurrection, the whole shebang. There are a lot of traditions and things we do that seem superstitious and pointless to others, but for us it's supposed to encompass our whole life, not just something for Sundays.

>> No.11440346

Read Origen, Biblical literalism is for the ignorant.
As for OP, read The mystical theology of the Eastern Church.

>> No.11440348

only thing orthodoxy has going for it is the immanent trinity

and once you digest that might as well go straight for Zen, all the dogma and shit is just bric a brac

>> No.11440374

>went to Athos as an atheist
>returned a convert
The place is magical. Don't go unless you're ready to believe.

>> No.11440391

Also, the Serbian monasteries are the most based. The monks are diverse ethnicity-wise though. Most of them are Slavs.

>> No.11440425

>I am really interested about eastern Christianity.
Don't worry, it will pass.

>> No.11440436

>those cows
Noice, Romanians are cryptohindus. (Or more likely crypto roman pagans)

>> No.11440442

You should get comfy with the Eastern Rite Catholics