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11438735 No.11438735 [Reply] [Original]

Other than the Bible, what's the best book to learn about God?

>> No.11438748

Dionysus Divine Names

>> No.11438754

Summa Theologica, by Aquinas.
the problem is it is fucking hard, I didn't even finished a book
but its good

>> No.11439204

Lewis' Mere Christianity

Kempis' The Imitation of Christ

these two books are way too advanced for a beginner (which I assume you are, no offence)

>> No.11439210

The Kingdom of God Is Within You

>> No.11439212

not the first post, but the best post


>> No.11439226

The Quran

>> No.11439258

My diary desu
because it's basically the Book of Job :(

>> No.11439261
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The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11439693
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The Dao De Jing attributed to Lao Tzu

>> No.11439703


>> No.11439708

Read life of the saints, to see some examples of the righteous path.

>> No.11439713

You're only harming yourself with such an attitude.

>> No.11439717

What if
*Acne intensifies*
Le epic strawman

>> No.11439728

I actually love the Tao Te Ching. I just wanted to shitpost

>> No.11439743

read either summa contra gentiles, made for us mere mortals (specifically non-belivers aka gentiles, obviously) to understand or concise summa, written by st thomas himself, a 400pg summa theologicae
jumping straight into a 5000 pages, extremely dense theological text as a intro is suicide

>> No.11439861

Saint Augustine’s Confessions duh

>> No.11439953
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An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith
by St John of Damascus

Theology and the Church, by Fr. Dumitru Staniloae

This is fantastic^^^STaniloae is a genius and understands other religions and non-christian philosophies extremely well.



For practice, devotion and purification:

The Philokalia (mandatory)
The Pilgrims Way
Imitation of Christ
Abiding in Christ, by Andrew Murray
Purity of Heart, by Kierkegaard

>> No.11439977

The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.11439980


>> No.11440085
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Brahman is just the hellenic impersonal Monad with some nonsensical fan-fiction imposed on it.

Impersonal, indifferent voids aren't God.

>> No.11440115

a history of god by karen armsrong

>> No.11440317

best in this thread

>> No.11440414

You haven't suffered anything close to what Job did. Get on your knees and praise God; stop writing about your petty problems in a diary.

>> No.11440423

The Greeks and it's gods not God.

>> No.11440452
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No book can teach you about the FUTURE DEMON KING SATANIA MUHAHAHAHA

>> No.11440535
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The Red Book
>You lived your own life, but men fail to do so; instead they pray to you and make demands on you and forever remind you that your work is incomplete. Yet your work would be completed if men managed to live their own lives without imitation.
>The time has come when each must do his own work of redemption. Mankind has grown older and a new month has begun.

>> No.11440577

The problem with the summa is that although it's for Christianity, it's especially for Catholicism, and so alienates Eastern theology.

>> No.11440591

Brahman precedes hellenic culture and was influential on it. See: alexanders conquest of asia minor and pyrrho's plagiarism of the srmana. In my opinion books are the wrong way to go.

>> No.11440595

it is specifically western,and therefore extremely brainlet

>> No.11440986


>> No.11441324

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 6, Stone Ocean
Although you ought to read the first 5 parts for better understanding.

>> No.11441362

OP said God, not gayness.

>> No.11441374

Plato, Plotinus

>> No.11441852

Most related thread I found. I am reading the Gospel of Thomas. It reads at one point:

>Jesus says:
>(1) “Look, a sower went out. He filled his hands (with seeds), (and) he scattered (them).
>(2) Some fell on the path, and the birds came and pecked them up.
>(3) Others fell on the rock, and did not take root in the soil, and they did not put forth ears.
>(4) And others fell among the thorns, they choked the seeds, and worms ate them.
>(5) And others fell on good soil, and it produced good fruit. It yielded sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure.”

What is the meaning of those numbers? Is that good, or bad?

>> No.11441956
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>> No.11442004

The Pilgrim's Progress
Descartes, Leibniz, and Spinoza all talk about God so they might have some interesting ideas for you.
Kierkegaard of course.
St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas (be ready for a hard time unless you read Latin)
recently read a book by one Stace, Mysticism and Philosophy; not directly related to God but Mysticism does have it's place.

>> No.11442184

Well stop


>> No.11442193
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>> No.11442197

That's the Parable of the Sower and it appears in the real Gospels. The numbers mean nothing. Stop reading Gnostic shit

>> No.11442212

It’s just a figure of speech to say they produced a lot. It’s good. The word of God/truth of esotericism is given to different people, some people can understand it, some can’t. For those who can receive it, it renews their soul and causes great spiritual growth, great growth of inner consciousness.

>> No.11442214

Don’t disrespect the Dao bro, it’ll fuck you up

>> No.11442248

>he didn't read

Shankara was misrepresenting the text.

read the primary texts yourself brainlet

>> No.11442257

"Unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly, think that I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, was impersonal before and have now assumed this personality. Due to their small fund of knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is imperishable and supreme."—Sri Krishna,Bhagavad-gita7.24

>> No.11442328

St. Augustine's City of God
Summa Theologica by Thomas "The Bull" Aquinas
Letters of St. Ignatius

>> No.11442334
File: 175 KB, 500x334, poster-krishna-und-arjuna-nach-der-schlacht-468200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Gita 7.24

>Unintelligent men, who know Me not, think that I have assumed this form and personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is changeless and supreme.

Gita 4.6

>Even though myself unborn, of changeless essence, and the lord of all existence, yet in presiding over nature — which is mine — I am born but through my own maya

Krishna explicitly says that he is not the form and personality that he appears to be and that his true nature is the changeless supreme. Heterodox Dvaita-niggers go home.

>> No.11442411

Dostoevsky if you like fiction
Kierkegaard if you like philosophy.

>> No.11442430

Institutes of the Christian Religion

>> No.11442550


I quoted the very same passage here from a proper vaishnava source, faggot.
Shankara was a fucking liar

>> No.11442628

Gravity and Grace by Simone Weil

>> No.11442776

The Tanya by rabbi shneur zalman of liadi

>> No.11442793

avyaktaḿ vyaktim āpannaḿ
manyante mām abuddhayaḥ
paraḿ bhāvam ajānanto
mamāvyayam anuttamam

going by the winthrop sargeant edition, where is "personality" or "Krishna"?

>> No.11442808


avyaktam vyaktim apannam
manyante mam abuddhayah
param bhavam ajananto
mamavyayam anuttamam


avyaktam—nonmanifested;vyaktim—personality;apannam—achieved;manyante—think;mam—unto Me;abuddhayah—less intelligent persons;param—supreme;bhavam—state of being;ajanantah—without knowing;mama—My;avyayam—imperishable;anuttamam—the finest.


Unintelligent men, who know Me not, think that I have assumed this form and personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is changeless and supreme.
(ya bitch)

>> No.11442821

Which one?

>> No.11442823

Also, git gud


>> No.11442900

hurr, my vaishnavite interpretation is the only right one, look at these vaishnavite sources


Your translation omits the first word avyaktaḿ, and the contrast avyaktaḿ vyaktim.

>> No.11442935

Alyosha wasn't blond.
>Alyosha was then the picture of health, a sturdy, red-cheeked, clear-eyed nineteen year old boy. He was very handsome, too, and slender, above average height, with dark-brown hair, a regular although rather long face, and shiny dark-gray wide-set eyes, which gave him a thoughtful and serene look.

>> No.11442957

Gosh, you're right, I should trust shaivas and kaulas to properly translate books which center on Vishnu and Vishnu Avatars. Obviously Vaishnavas would know nothing about their own central text.

>> No.11443009

The book you wrote yourself ;)

The Bhagavad Gita was written in the 2nd century BC. Aristotle died before it was even written.

>> No.11443035

This desu

>> No.11443062

>actually there's more than one way of--
>read the primary texts yourself
>but only in my vaishnava translations

i'm not even that guy but how the fuck is shankara shaiva or kaula? you're the one acting sectarian.

>> No.11443071

What is oral tradition?

>> No.11443077

Jesus you brainlet, look at fucking picture of Shankara. He is covered in Shiva Tilak and has a Shaiva Trident.

Advaita is shaiva. Herpy deep dippity durrr

>> No.11443110


The Rig-Veda which is pre-homer describes Brahman, most of the youngest layers of the Vedas like the Aranyakas, Brahmanas and the oldest Upanishads likely underwent a long oral tradition that originated pre-homer before being written down. The following passage from the Rig-Veda (mid-2nd millennium BC) gives a description of Brahman - "All this is He-what has been and what shall be. He is the Lord of immortality. Though He has become all this, in reality He is not all this. For truly, He is beyond the world. The whole series of universes-past, present, and future-express His glory and power; but He transcends His own glory. All beings of the universe form, as it were, only a portion of His being; the greater part is invisible and unchangeable. He who is beyond all predicates appears as the relative universe; He appears as all sentient and insentient beings".

It is true many important Hindu texts were written during classical Greece but the most important philosophical and metaphysical foundations for those were already in place as texts being passed down orally before the fall of the Minoan civilization.

>> No.11443113

Also Shankara was from Kerala, a Tamil southernmost part of India. Tamils are Dravidian, not Aryan.

>> No.11443135

I might as well be arguing with a protestant.

>> No.11443343

The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible
by Michael S. Heiser

>> No.11443703


>> No.11443912

You can't learn about something that doesn't exist.

>> No.11443918

1. Put down your fedora
2. Even if God didn't exist, that statement is still incoherent. People get PhDs in mythology and Brothers Grimm, are you claiming those people haven't learned anything?

>> No.11443934

If you do research on, say, Sherlock Holmes, it is not the case that there exists an x such that x lives on Baker Street and x solves crimes and you have an epistemic connection to x, but you develop interpretations on the mythology of Sherlock Holmes and its connection to other social phenomena. Now replace x with God.

>> No.11443936

And the knee jerk fedora response is pretty 2014, grow up.

>> No.11443945

There is only one Gody friend.

>> No.11445079


>> No.11446117
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Ravi Zacharias

>> No.11446122

The Quran

>> No.11446149

god's diary desu