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/lit/ - Literature

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11438286 No.11438286 [Reply] [Original]

I'm secretly a slut for cheap, mass market fantasy and science fiction books. I get them on Amazon for $1 and read them in less than a week.

What's /lit/'s dirty little secret?

>> No.11438457


>> No.11438462

i loathe most philosophy, think Nietzche is a mentally ill pseud and read the occasional Horus Heresy novel

>> No.11438561

There's no such thing as a bad Warhammer 40K book

>> No.11438580

I dog-ear every book I read.

>> No.11438592
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i make fun of genre fiction at every opportunity, sometimes even unprovoked, but reading Erikson's series has so far been the most fun i've had reading in quite a while, and easily the best genre fiction i have ever read
absolutely disgusting

>> No.11438593
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Back in college.I would sometimes read Kant and Heidegger just to look smart.

>> No.11438659

I'm 25 and still listen to Harry Potter on audiobook.

>> No.11438922

This. Most philosophers imo are psueds

>> No.11438956

I want to write romantic incest erotica.

>> No.11439006


>> No.11439022
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i practice magick

>> No.11439030
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I have a weak spot for vampires and edge stuff. And a mixture of the two, is just perfect for me.
I just love vampires very hard. Fucking Twilight series fuckrd me over.

>> No.11439069
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I buy a lot of sissy smut for my tablet. My favorite erotica writers are Kylie Gable and Ann Michelle.

>> No.11439112
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I re-read these David Eddings books lately in a week or so. Last time I read them was like 15 years ago

I felt actually disgusted after finishing, like binge on some really unhealthy food or something: the writing was so shitty yet I kept going

>> No.11439119

what did you like about it?
been thingknen bout reading some genre fiction

>> No.11439147

The top row of my shelf is just to make me appear smart. I've read most of them but I've only understood very little of what I've read.

>> No.11439158

I read classics and epic poetry for the plot and prose. I can extract very little else from the text but it doesn't stop me from enjoying.

>> No.11439380

anon, you are smart! you can ask for help with what you don't understand! everyone needs help!

>> No.11439404

erickson is not a good starting point for genrefic, you will get lost and give up
read narnia to begin lol

>> No.11439810


Unironically one of my favorite book series. They were assigned reading in middle school (private Christian school), and I remember things being good back then. The sun was brighter, the weather was better, and the world still held some mystery.

>> No.11439825

I take about 4 months to read one 400 page book

>> No.11440309

Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

>> No.11440429

The Legend of Sigmar
books by Michael J. Sullivan
Dragonlance Legends
The Raistlin Chronicles
A Voyage to Arcturus
The End of Eternity
The Illustrated Man
A Princess of Mars
Consider Phlebas
Janet E. Morris
The Vagrant
The Hedge Knight/Tales of Dunk and Egg
The Traitor Son Cycle

>> No.11440561

Thousand Sons has been my favorite so far

>> No.11440592

I dog ear and absolutely massacre them with highlights, underlines, written commentary in the margins

>> No.11440939

I've only done that with a few books I've been passionate about. Really wish I was reflective enough to do it more.

>> No.11440992
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the possibilities of life seemed endless

>> No.11441017
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No worries OP. I've read almost every single one of pic related books.

>> No.11441044
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This is unironically my favorite book series.

>> No.11441052

Looks comfy. Are they worth picking up and reading as an adult? I never got the chance as a kid.

>> No.11441061

>book about mouses fighting le evil rat king

Have you any decency?

>> No.11441128

Yes if you like The Hobbit you'll dig it I'm sure.

>> No.11441163

It's no Pynchon, but they're pretty fun.

>> No.11441174

Harry Potter is comfy and fun to read

>> No.11441195

They get very repetitive but they're adventurous and quite adult for kids lit

>> No.11441685

>I'm secretly a slut for cheap, mass market fantasy and science fiction books.
Becky, it's not a secret. Everybody knows.

>> No.11441694
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Do you think you’re smarter than these “pseuds”?

>> No.11441723

>this sub

>> No.11441728

ive never reread a book no matter how much I loved it, if in the case it was a slightly challenging novel and i know that a second read will help clarify things I still wont do it

>> No.11441760

My secret is that I write as a hobby but don't want to show my work to anyone and read several non-fiction books that I don't mention to anybody because I fear having face-to-face discussions about them.

I read old pulp mags for genre fiction but I don't hide that.

>> No.11441802

Most "literature" is turgid shit and pulp fantasy has nothing to be ashamed of. It has a vitalism that the intellectual completely lacks.

>> No.11441962

I play fallout 4 more than I read. Some days I'll play with my books near me hoping I can summon the strength to put the ctrlr down

>> No.11441976

I smoke while I read. Also, I read the Catcher in the Rye at least three times a year

>> No.11442251

Read books about the post-apocalypse. 'The Road' is a great one, imagine those gut-wrenchingly dark moments in the Fallout series all put into a book.

>> No.11442266

If only there were more books with both vitality and wisdom.

>> No.11442729

Try reading The Holy Bible.

>> No.11443200
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>female marines

>> No.11443219

I'm only recently getting into reading, and I'm having a very hard time finding something that can hold my attention. I find all of the books I've read so boring. I'm at a point where I wonder if young adult books are less boring.

>> No.11443409

/r/books might be more your speed my dude

>> No.11444604

For real

>> No.11445444
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>> No.11446221

Of course.