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11438247 No.11438247 [Reply] [Original]

What book completely changed your outlook on life after reading it?
For me it was the selfish gene by Richard Dawkins.

before reading the book I wasn't "religious" but i believed in a greater power free will and all that jazz, i came out of the book pretty depressed.

>> No.11438284


It was some collections of Roland Barthes.
the Death of the Author made me sudden change to my view on french philosophy, if it was not I would never understand about them at all.

>> No.11438310

Brothers K obliterated my consciousness and reconnected me with the spiritual quality of daily existence.

>> No.11438314


>> No.11438320

The Culture of Critique

>> No.11438328

*tips fedora

>> No.11438341

B-but I was only 19 at the time :(

>> No.11438352

Brothers K. Destroyed my edginess and started empathizing more towards fellow man.

>> No.11438356

Several, but most of all: Left and Right, by Norberto Bobbio
Or Starship Troopers, by Heinlein

>> No.11438493

>Mason & Dixon
>Paradise Lost
>Moby Dick
>Socratic Dialogues

When I finished each I realized I was a significantly different person than when I had started them.

>> No.11438881

Thank you.

>> No.11439357

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

>> No.11440145

Heraclitus Plato and Schelling

>> No.11440146
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>> No.11440151

Maybe not in a scale as grand as yours, but atlas shrugged definitely changed my life.
I'll say this , I hated the book, most of it anyway. The preachy tone, haughty attitude, the fucking whining and "I'm the victim here " of rich people , the meandering prose ...hated the book, but it did change my outlook towards the world. User her theory of self interest almost everywhere

>> No.11440167

Dostoevskiy’s «Crime and punishment». That’s definetly something that changed a lot.

>> No.11440204

>Mason & Dixon

I've heard this before. What is so transformative about it? I'm thinking of trying it after i finish "King, Queen, Knave"

>> No.11440207


>> No.11440208

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.11440210

What's so transformative about Paradise Lost?

>> No.11440310

It was probably me you heard it from (I just posted about it in a thread last night) and it was a profound for personal reasons that I imagine not many people will share. I went into it as a STEM autist who had fallen into a very dull way of experiencing the world and Pynchon's mixture of mathematical-scientific concepts with fantastic elements, "humanity", hints of anti-enlightenment sentiments, etc. broke me out of my close-mindedness and taught me to view the world in less of a cold calculated way. Again, can't imagine it would be the same for everyone.

Going into it as a militant atheist, Milton catalyzed in me a sort of spiritual awakening. Paradise Lost made me see Christianity, regardless of whether or not it's "true", as a sort of perpetual work of art which is the culmination of thousands of years of work over countless generations forming the magnum opus of the West.

>> No.11440603

This, but Vanity Fair. Fucking Dobbin.

>> No.11441505

Thank you.

>> No.11441553

While I agree with the book, I don't think it's an end all be all.

>> No.11441559

>Richard Dawkins
Solid taste.
You're the pleb.

>> No.11441599

His books on biology are pretty good.

>> No.11441600
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This. It's an essential exposition about the murderous nature of jews, who used minorities to take over the Russian state before killing millions upon millions of Russian people. The descendants of those jews now reside in the west and are doing the same thing with minorities here, riling up blacks and letting muslims and spics and everyone else into our countries.

>> No.11441613

Death of Ivan Ilych
Made me realize how much meaning and care we put into meaningless things. And how doing too much of that can leave you feeling empty when your time comes. I developed a fear of feeling like he did at the end.
It made me more self-aware of how much better life can be, although now the problem is finding how to make it better. What steps could he have taken to avoid feeling like that? What should I be doing?
I think about it all the time

>> No.11441958

The Ancestor's Tale especially.

>> No.11442037


Blood Meridian taught me to live for today! :3

>> No.11442048

The Black Swan by Taleb

>> No.11442051


This. He helped me become a more alpha beta male

>> No.11442876

> He helped me become a more alpha beta male
like a confident manlet?

>> No.11442930
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>> No.11442978

Don Quixote and Thus Spoke Zathustra