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11438106 No.11438106 [Reply] [Original]

Best character?

>> No.11438110


>> No.11438175
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>> No.11438216

Alyosha and Grushenka I can't pick

>> No.11438227

Yeah, I'd have to say Ivan. He is a vessel for some of the best stuff in the book and the entire Grand Inquisitor story can't be separated from Ivan as a character. There is no other character in the book that comes to mind with such a brilliant narrative arc (the journey from him at the beginning to his realization of the murderer's motivations and his descent into madness is fucking perfect) and illustrator of the consequence of that sort of intellectual that Ivan is trying to be for their own mind and the world around them. It's such an interesting character
Great discussion as always /lit/

>> No.11438283

Dmitry made me laugh a lot, I'll go with him

>> No.11438288

Mitia, passional, intense, complex, a bliss to read his chapters.

>> No.11438299

Alyosha is unrealistic but I love the lense through which he sees the world. I want his faith for myself but my constitution is that of Ivan.
Dmitri was the most realistic and therefore my favorite.

>> No.11438301

alyosha, then dmitry, then ivan and smerd

>> No.11438329

I understand Alyosha but what's so interesting about Dmitri that he ranks so high?

>> No.11438346

Fyodor is my guy

>> No.11438406
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The Elder Zosima and Ivan, both contrast each other greatly but nonetheless both make for extremely intriguing characters and are the basis for the entire books philosophy and themes. The Elder's ability to peer the truth out of someone, and be able to understand the psychology of the wicked is unparalleled

>> No.11438563

Fyodor all the way

>> No.11439131

Anyone see the wrist of themselves in all the characters? Smerdyakov and Rakitin make me feel like a petty shit

>> No.11439142

Probably Vladimir or Nikolai

>> No.11439406

why were all of the women complete psychos
especially the kids mum, what the fuck was her problem? who takes a toy from their dying son because you want it

>> No.11439499

Uhhh, because she was a literal retard?

>> No.11439599

Father Zosima.

>> No.11439602

Stinky old man was a charlatan!

>> No.11439614

BASED smerdyakov for mentally cucking ivan

>> No.11439675

Lmfao, made me kek

Fyodor: ‘’I want to save up money for later, when im old, so I can pay bitches to fuck me’’

Tell me that isnt the most BASED thing you’ve ever heard.

>> No.11439721

Got into reading literature earlier this year. One of the first books among many I read was TBK. I don't remember why Smerdyakov killed himself, was it because the jig was up? Or was it a final fuck you to the brothers?

>> No.11441402

dmitry was the killer

>> No.11441404

dmitri is the most entertaining, his madcap antics are fucking great

aloysha is the actual best person

>> No.11441662

Stinking Lizaveta

>> No.11441759

For me it's Dmitri. He has the personality of a dog: extreme emotions at the drop of a hat and completely lovable for it. In the beginning of the book I thougjt he was weird but once you understand how he thinks he's like your own dumb brother. He deserves his fantasy of living with Grushenka in America.

I'm curious too. Didn't he also realise that following Ivan's philosophy was a fuck-up and that the only conclusion for him was suicide? And that he used his suicide as a way to fuck with Ivan?
I gotta say, Smerdya was such a darkly funny character.

>> No.11441764

For me it's the priest: intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.11442306
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>> No.11442329

Stinking Lizaveta is the best character

>> No.11442478

For me, it is the boys

>> No.11442505

Fun fact: the boys are actually a single NPC. When it was decided that one of them needs to die, authors chose to implement it by simply creating a second set of sprites without him. His items are still in inventory (that you are not supposed to see in normal gameplay conditions).

>> No.11442627

The retarded woman who was raped

>> No.11442638

see >>11442329

>> No.11442674

We need to bring back the social roles of village idiot and holy fool. Diagnosing mental problems has just resulted in a sad sad situation in which society knows a life is hopeless and the afflicted does not. We've taken to patronizing them as a means of reconciling with the universe for putting them in such a position. Materialism makes it so everything must have a reason. "Because" is not good enough. Let the simpletons wander, they're harmless like birds.