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11434890 No.11434890 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that are written so beautifully and are so engaging that you feel like pic related when it’s all finished?

>> No.11434899

Summer Of The Starlight by Hemingway did this for me.

>> No.11434898

None beacuse the visual medium is much superior for the aesthetic purpose.

>> No.11434907

The Waves

>> No.11434908

Vagina Woolf’s orlando

>> No.11434910

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.11434916

Anything by Thomas Bernhard

>> No.11434920
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Book of Job.
Book of Psalms.

>> No.11434924

I can find no reference to a Hemingway work named that anywhere on the internet

>> No.11436433

seconding this one. pure bliss

>> No.11437949

Daughter of Smoke and Bones trilogy

>> No.11437960


The elementary particles by Michel houllebecq

>> No.11438040

neither can i

>> No.11438084

This is actually the only extended work by Hemingway that really did it for me. The sense of total loss at the end is just heartbreaking.

>> No.11438108

East of Eden by Steinbeck. It's a very good book imo even if I had some parts I wasn't crazy about. But the ending was your pic related for me for sure

>> No.11438121

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. You'll feel enlightened.

>> No.11438145

the growth of the soil

>> No.11438362


The Old Man and the Sea hit me pretty hard desu boys

>> No.11438936

all the pretty horses

>> No.11438941

The Iliad

>> No.11438948

War and Peace

>> No.11439442

behead all satans

>> No.11439447

Ulysses for sure

>> No.11439451

The Snow Leopard
The Peregrine

>> No.11439466
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Rime of the Ancient Mariner

>> No.11439468

>The Peregrine
I gotta read this. Herzog says it's his favorite book.

>> No.11439473

Moby Dick

>> No.11439480

> brainlet with 0 imagination

>> No.11439482


>> No.11439516

Metro 2034
The Forever War

>> No.11439597
File: 264 KB, 500x775, Subahibi cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the reason why Visual Novels are the only works that left me feeling the way OP described. Narcissu, Suba Hibi and Swan Song all left me in a state of awe and loneliness knowing I was done with the worlds portrayed in those stories. Books have given me a similar feeling, but not quite as strong. The audio component of VNs are what I find most immersive.

>> No.11439601
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>> No.11439647

yes, definitely this.

kys pseud

>> No.11439655

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is this.

>> No.11439842

The Opposing Shore by Gracq

>> No.11439868
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The Gift

>> No.11440203

What Bernhard books specifically? The only one I can think of that fits the OP might be the ending of Woodcutters, and I've read everything save for his plays and Extinction

>> No.11440220

Master and Margarita

>> No.11440221

Brothers Karamazov
Snow Leopard is hella comfy senpai

>> No.11440225

Seconding the Peregrine

>> No.11440499

The Final Martyrs by Shusako Endo. Seriously, people need to read this, the end is literally what OP is describing and Shusako's prose is Tolstoy like - it feels like life itself telling the story, you just keep turning the pages and it never gets dull. The violence is unbelievable and the statement on faith and christianity was so convincing that i think i finally "saw the light" when i reached the end of it. I'm not religious or a man of faith but that book made me respect the fuck out of faith for the common believer and, as all good books, made me lose and then regain faith in humanity. I'm currently reading Silence by Shusako.

>> No.11441424

so true.