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11434437 No.11434437 [Reply] [Original]

> Buy a book
> Decide to read the introduction at the beginning of the book
> It spoils the ending of the book

>> No.11434438


>> No.11434441

>reading introductions at fiction works

>> No.11434445

What's wrong with that? What's the point of introductions if they're not meant to be read?

>> No.11434448

so the editor/ translator can jerk himself off over his 'hard work'

my copy of the republic has a fucking 200 page introduction.

>> No.11434471

Well, that's philosophy. Sometimes an introduction is useful if you're not sure what you're going into.

>> No.11434479

Don't post your surprised frog, dipshit. Introductions are for introducing material, and material requires explication, and that requires examples from the text. You're surprised at this because you're an inexperienced reader. Here's some advice. Use introductions as guides once you've finished a text. They tend to emphasize historical and biographical context, occasionally delving into exegesis of the work through other lenses, almost always employing key passages—"spoilers"—to that end. If you have read anything in the past 100 years, you should know this, shit-poster.

>> No.11434487

>Reading for plot / resolution

>> No.11434541

>being so low IQ that the concept of spoilers actually affect you
>not transcending the sophomore way of reading and just taking in all of the information offered to increase your understanding

>> No.11434544

>reading books for the ending

>> No.11434884
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>characters in a book discuss another book i want to read and spoil the ending

>> No.11434913

I have a book whose front cover has a massive spoiler

>> No.11435151

>being such a pseudo intellectual retard that you think you're now "above" the most universally appreciable elements of literature such as narrative tension
>wanting your experience of a story to be tainted by prior knowledge of the events

>> No.11435188

>muh experiential taint

>> No.11435203

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand that narratives don't matter...

>> No.11435293

where does this happen

>> No.11435545

this family. If you read for the plot you're either doing it wrong or reading the wrong books.

>> No.11435587

You can appreciate tension while already knowing full well what happens.
Generally it can easily improve appreciation, as you have more of a sense of where it all leads to and hence do not simply discard and forget clues and foreshadowings woven in the story’s build-up.

>> No.11435595

OP here, I just want to clarify that I'm not mad about it, reading about the ending didn't make me not want to read the book. I just made the thread to point out the stupid thing I've found in the introduction.

PS. The spoiler was in the first fucking sentence. And I'm talking about Lolita

>> No.11435597

friend im sorry but youre wrong, 'astonishment' has been recognized as an element of narrative art since aristotle if not earlier. you are denying yourself the proper experience of the text if you read spoilers first. you can always reread it to pick up subtle clues and foreshadowing if you so desire

>> No.11435794

in hyperion they spoil some parts of beowulf

though i guess that's on the same level of not being familiar with shakespeare

>> No.11435830

>What's the point of introductions
to make the book thick enough to hold comfortably, and to make the spine more noticeable on the shelf- same as an appendix

>> No.11436914

kafka on the shore

>> No.11437427

step it up, the book I'm reading now has spoilers in the footnotes

>> No.11438985

What word are you translating to astonishment? Because I feel like you are taking a bizarre translation for the sole purpose of misconstruing some element of Greek literature to make your point.
The Greek tragedies of the time of Aristotle are always written about things of which the audience would full well know the outcomes. I don't know to what works of literature you are referring to where audience unawareness was important.

>> No.11439277

Maybe it's a Sierpinski triangle and the Prologue and Epilogue are just smaller triangles to the bigger triangle middle.

>> No.11439278

Is why I read the introduction after reading the book now.

>> No.11439305
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>wanting suspense in your book

>> No.11439367

but so much in literature is conveyed via the plot

>> No.11439401

>slika zaslona

Get a load of this balkan troll

>> No.11439462

you literally only have yourself to blame here, kid

that's like never seeing a film before but thinking the first time around it'd be a good idea to listen to the director's commentary why the heck would you do that to yourself

>> No.11439471

my copy of the republic had an essay from a feminist about how Plato was a evil straight white male nazi

>> No.11439660

I don't believe you

>> No.11439687

Wtf thats almost as long as the book itself, what’s wrong with this retard

>> No.11439690

Post proof faggot
I hate feminist whores as much as any other guy, but liars aren’t that high on my list either, FAGGOT

>> No.11439706

Killer Mike spoiled Lord of The Flies in one of his songs

>> No.11439724
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>Introduction spends all its time mercilessly shitting on the author and saying that another author did his shtick better.
Well that was awkward.

>> No.11439730

Can you think of a single literary work that would've been better if it hadn't been spoiled? I really can't. Maybe if we're counting stuff like Dumas as literary, but those are just classics.
Usually, the more you understand something, the sadder it becomes. And if a work is only sad when you read it the first time it's not very good. I can tear up if someone orders me as soon as I start remembering LotR.

>> No.11439736
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To be fair, Plato was a literal proto-Marxist. There's a reason so many of his and Socrates' pupils ended up being ideologue tyrants and murderers.

>> No.11441491

This happened to me with Animal Farm. I was pissed, but ended up adoring the book so it was all copacetic

>> No.11441518

>characters in the book discuss the book they are in
Cervantes you fucking MADMAN

>> No.11441544

Who actually reads accessory materials?

>> No.11442503

I read the intro to The Idiot and it spoiled the entire book

I was so mad

>> No.11443205
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>when the back of the book LITERALLY spoils you the ending

>> No.11443245

Why is suspense A bad thing?

>> No.11443247

>you shouldn't be interested in the story of the story you're reading

>> No.11443329

>reading the introductory essay before you read the book rather than after
Who the fuck does this?

>> No.11443341

this is a case where you tried to make a viewpoint look silly by boiling it down to a caricature but still did not manage to make it look silly

consider becoming a better reader

>> No.11443359

are you a woman?

>> No.11443407


>> No.11443415

Why would you ruin the world as will and representation like that?

>> No.11443483
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Please explain why suspense is bad without using any retarded buzz words. I know you can't.

>> No.11443513

I bet you think prose is the most important thing in a novel.

>> No.11443517

It's s pacing, anyone who says otherwise has had a lobotomy.

>> No.11443522

Don't you know excitement is a plebeian emotion? Sophisticated readers only ever read with an attitude of stoic calm in their comfy armchairs in their personal libraries while smoking a pipe.

>> No.11443543
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Same, I dip though, also I snort Oxy so I don't get excited, I also sent next to my pillow

>> No.11443780

>Use introductions as guides once you've finished a text
Read that over again. It's a common thing, yeah. Doesn't make it any better.

>> No.11443864

>Plato was a literal proto-Marxist
No he wasn't. A proto-communist? That's a reasonable claim. But you'd have to know literally nothing about Marxism to think that anything even remotely resembling it can be found in Plato.
You fucking retard.