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/lit/ - Literature

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11433711 No.11433711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is there such a thing as a /lit/ ho?

what lit reading hos have u encountered?

>> No.11433717

based /mu/ tripfag

>> No.11433719
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They read garbage magazines like Cosmo

>> No.11433725

This is a nightmare

>> No.11433731

The youtube bitches that review ya novels.

>> No.11433736

I've met 1(one) woman that is serious about literature.

>> No.11433737

This is a lovely dream.

>> No.11433740
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>I care about sex like women and jews told me to

will you grow a vagina too or you just want to think like women?

>> No.11433745
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god, i--
lol i just wish--
god i wish all three of them were me

>> No.11433749

yo imagine a short story where a dude transitions into a clique of girls

>> No.11433751

dude half of my second dates are "wanna just come over and read?"

you don't even fuck em yet. you just unconsciously establish that you respect whatever they like to think about and simultaneously you seem like mr big brain man

>> No.11433761

Do people actually go over to each other's places and just silently read? My only experience with this is Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.11433768

i did that once but then the chick started hiding her books, i guess she was expecting me to try to fuck her or something, i should definitely kill myself

>> No.11433769

actually, this makes me wonder: does or would the movie mean girls still resonate with girls of that age, or slightly older? the generation that's just now coming up seems totally alien to me, in their behavior as well as general outlook, and i can't tell if that's just a reflection of my own temperament and disconnection as i get older, or if there really has been a change in the broad psychological make-up of young people

>> No.11433772

i've done it. Usually it works better when one person is reading and the other is writing, drawing, ect. Most comfy experiences i've had

>> No.11433798

my wife has better taste in literature than me. i'm into stupid postmodern shit and she reads the classics.

>> No.11433807

faggot cuckold

>> No.11433812

>Most comfy experiences i've had
I imagine it would be.

>> No.11433816
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>> No.11433824

Ah, yes. The famous wh*Te "people" I have heard so much about.

>> No.11433829

>their behavior as well as general outlook, and i can't tell if that's just a reflection of my own temperament and disconnection as i get older, or if there really has been a change in the broad psychological make-up of young people
give us a number: how many young folks have you experienced to make a judgement about them as a quarter or half or whole?

>> No.11433837

Those aren't even people, they're cattle

>> No.11433841
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Another /mu/tant who enjoys reading I see. Sorry to hear about that broken heart though man, I once dated a girl for like 3 days then she ghosted me. Said I was too affectionate. Well she fixed that for sure, I’m cold as a rock now.

>> No.11433845


>> No.11433851

I just realised this family is happier than I'll ever be in my entire life.

>> No.11433852

i have not made any definitive judgment. i am only trying to make sense of a transient feeling-- almost like an insight, but too hazy to discern even the outline--prompted by the earlier post
do you know the phrase 'spit-balling'?
that's what i'm after
spit on my balls

>> No.11433856

there is no such thing as happiness

>> No.11433859

Yeah but I lost her

>> No.11433860

yeah you just gotta be chill about it. you get to cozy up on a sofa and read and maybe play footsy. bitches are too easy

>> No.11433861
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Just replace Confidence with Happiness

>> No.11433866

The best thing about art hoes is the way their frail little arms feel wrapped around your chest. It makes you feel like a man. More than that, it makes you feel like this isn't just a night. It is when you look down at her face with that stupid Uma bob and forget about the immense pain in your heart when you told her Murakami was a decent writer and her unfeeling persona is just as affected as your own but you only manage to wonder if you have enough cigarettes for when you will go smoke in a couple minutes because you don't actually smoke but maybe she'll give you one of hers and maybe she'll find it cute and maybe you will get a third date.

>> No.11433868

i unironically enjoy life more after i stopping being a hater and let myself enjoy apple products

>> No.11433870

Something about their "I'm subverting sexist cultural norms by styling myself unattractively" while still very clearly trying to remain attractive aesthetic seems so... Pathetic.

>> No.11433887

I'm attracted to pathetic.

>> No.11433894

yeah its difficult to gauge.. we see 1000 examples of youth today and think we can speak about 10,000,000

>> No.11433897

check out narcissus over here

>> No.11433899

wow dude you've got it all figured out. huh.

>> No.11433900

Absolutely. They are sexy when hot. I knew literally hundreds such girls at UC Berkeley. Basically at the nexus of art, lit, fashion.

>> No.11433905

yeah, it's like a major part of cognition is the assignation of particular instances to a general concept
lol like anti-nominalism was built into our brains or something
how silly

>> No.11433915
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I know two "girl readers"
They're fucking retarded
They boast to people about how much they read and how highly they place intelligence. They always talk shit about their friends who don't read. Yet they come to me for interpretations about books all the time, which they then recite verbatim to other people as their own. They misread Lolita so badly it was embarrassing to talk to them about it.
They buy 10 books to put on their shelf for every 1 book (sub 300 pages) they read. One girl bought Apology by Plato, it was this giant leather edition or something, the text was giant. It was like 150 pages for the fucking Apology. She never finished it.
They constantly add these great works to their to-read list on goodreads but they never fucking read
They're also obsessed with Freud too for some reason, idk why, I've noticed this with other girls too. But they never actually have read him

>> No.11433917

wouldn't it be funny if a white phosphorous bomb landed on top of them shortly after they took this photo, and they died a slow and agonizing death? that'd be so weird right haha

>> No.11433930

underrated post in so many ways

>> No.11433941

so you basically suggest they should just fuck their shit up? like, dress like bums? your logic fails.

>> No.11433943

Woman are incaable of sincerely reading anything approaching an academic work. A true /lit/ gf is one who recognizes their inferiority, and unabashedly devotes her time to reading genre fiction. All other self-identifying "/lit/" women are performative. Find a nice girl who appreciates Tolkein. Dont bother searching for one who claims to appreciate Freud.

>> No.11434002

you're indignant and pathetic, no girl should rightly make you their boyfriend.

>> No.11434007

How am I indignant? I wouldn't want them as my gf regardless if they read well or not
You sound like a little fag

>> No.11434024
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Anytime there is x and an XX there is a thot. Any interest or hobby that attracts male attention will attract the thot who can viscariously parasite attention.

>> No.11434062

>cold as a rock

>> No.11434066

*snap* yep

>> No.11434072

What do you call this formula?

>> No.11434102
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>left vs right
What went so very wrong bros?

>> No.11434120


I'm starting to think I'm too old for this place.

>> No.11434123
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The wrong side won WW2

>> No.11434130

the males publicly affronted desire for prudeness and hesitancy to talk directly with his wife about sex had to be slowly eeked out in the mags so all the wives will know how to please their man. Consider if the men were brave enough to just tell all those wives what they wanted how much of that paper could be saved

>> No.11434147

underrated post

>> No.11434156

There’s a reason why the Virgin Mary is a virgin and not a whore. The whore is the lowest thing a woman can be. Whores deserve to be degraded and shamed for their promiscuity and lust. Women who dress like whores are victims of their own human weakness, deluding themselves into thinking what they’re doing is somehow empowering and liberating.

>> No.11434174

Art hoes are disgusting lmao they look like runaway boys

>> No.11434196

quality post

>> No.11434204

ITT: real incel hours

>> No.11434213

In this post: real bugboy hours.

>> No.11434235


This but unironically. Only a woman believes she will be a fully accomplished human being only in a relation with someone else.

>> No.11434239

That is a shit second date

>> No.11434245


>obsessed with Freud
I wonder why a woman would be obsessed by someone who says the main drive in human beings is desire for sex, that is, in the man, desire for a woman.

>> No.11434255

whoa loads of chicks on /r9k/ then

>> No.11434260

>Virtuous Wives
>What's Your Sex IQ
The absolute state

>> No.11434273

Right, nothing more alpha than bemoaning cosmopolitan on a kazakhstan kumis drinking agora.

>> No.11434282

> let myself enjoy apple products
in other word you became so rich that you dont need to worry that they are overpriced a have worst performance/price ration on market

you wonder why you are happy

>> No.11434305 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 984x1057, 1531126309221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only girl I know who reads actual literature is a gorgeous qt that was born in Pakistan and is the bubbliest person I've ever met in my life, to the point that every person she meets for the first time thinks she's hitting on them until they see she does that to everyone. She's also incredibly innocent, has never drank or smoked, and is almost definitely a virgin.
I think I'm in love with her but I'm the exact opposite of her in most aspects and I don't know if she has feelings for me or just wants to hang out all the time because she's my friend and I'd undo all my manwhoring in an instant just to be with her. Goddammit, Zoha.

>> No.11434308

good and relatable post

>> No.11434316

>wanting a ""/lit/"" gf

>not wanting a /lit/ bf

the absolute state of /lit/ in 2018

>> No.11434334

>The whore is the lowest thing a woman can be
nah m8, whores are based

>> No.11434337
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>Uses Mary as an example when a direct contradiction of his point is evident in Mary Magdalene

>> No.11434359

you're doomed to the life of appreciating and craving purity while forever being unable to attain it just like me

>> No.11434374

Damn she looks gorgeous.

>> No.11434379

>if you have sex as a woman, you're a whore

What a dumb post!

>> No.11434382

Why don't you just ask her out?