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1143348 No.1143348 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck?

I picked this up because I heard good things about it from /lit/. The prose in this thing is almost as bad as Joyce. How can anyone endure this for close to 1,000 pages?

I wanted a modern / postmodern epic, with a shit-ton of characters, crossing story arcs, and reflections on life, something that asks the big questions. What I got was


for hours and hours and hours......

>> No.1143356


>implying lit likes joyce

>> No.1143355

>/lit/ likes Joyce
>you don't like Joyce
>you don't like what /lit/ likes

how far have you gotten in it anyway?

>> No.1143359

I got gifted this book two days ago. Waiting for my package, thanks a lot /lit/

Also, please visit the Infinite Jest Wiki for annotations, and the How To Read Infinite Jest page: http://infinitesummer.org/archives/215

>> No.1143360
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>I wanted a modern / postmodern epic, with a shit-ton of characters, crossing story arcs, and reflections on life, something that asks the big questions.

pic related

>> No.1143364
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>implying Joyce has bad prose

>> No.1143365

I second this. Great book

>> No.1143358

>I wanted a modern / postmodern epic, with a shit-ton of characters, crossing story arcs, and reflections on life, something that asks the big questions.
The Fountainhead. Not even trollin.

>> No.1143366

>Crossing story arcs
Oh please god no; I hate this Tolkien crap

Linear stories are far more entertaining

>> No.1143370
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Joyce is a horrible author and anyone who pretends to like him does so to be pretentious.

>> No.1143371
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>The prose in this thing is almost as bad as Joyce.

>> No.1143375

>I wanted a modern / postmodern epic, with a shit-ton of characters, crossing story arcs, and reflections on life, something that asks the big questions.
Have you even started this thing yet? That's basically what this book is.

>> No.1143382


OP here

i picked it up earlier today at my local borders and got to about page 50

>> No.1143380


Are you 16 and a fan of Chuck Palahniuk?

>> No.1143378

Dammit OP, I was afraid of exactly that. I still kind of want to read it, but I think you just bumped it way down my list.

>> No.1143384


also OP

my favorite book; was thinking that infinite jest would be similar

dead wrong

>> No.1143388
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>> No.1143391
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>The prose in this thing is almost as bad as Joyce.

>> No.1143394
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>> No.1143397

Read Berlin Alexanderplatz, OP.

Might also like Threepenny Novel.

>> No.1143401

oh you silly philistine

>> No.1143402


>implying finnegan's wake or ulysses is anything but unreadable

>> No.1143404


you silly hipster cunt

>> No.1143405

i've read both and found them amazing. you mad?

>> No.1143408
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No Pahalniuk is pretty bad, too.

>> No.1143409

>There’s no wrong way to read Infinite Jest: front-to-back, upside-down, cut in half, or skipping around. But here are a few tips for the Infinite Jester.

>Persevere to page 200: There are several popular way stations on the road to abandoning Infinite Jest. The most heavily trafficked by far is “The Wardine Section”. Where the opening pages of IJ are among the best written in the book, page 37 (and many pages thereafter) are in a tortured, faux-Ebonics type dialect. “Wardine say her momma ain’t treat her right.” “Wardine be cry.” Potentially offensive (if one wants to be offended), and generally hard to get through. Hang in there, ignore the regional parlance, and focus on what the characters are doing. Like most things in the book, you’ll need to know this later. Likewise for the other rough patches to be found in the first fifth of the novel.

>Trust the author: Around page 50, you’re going to feel a sinking sense of dread, as it dawns on you how much stuff you’ll be asked to keep track of: lots of characters coming and going, subplots upon subplots, page long sentences, and more. You have to believe that what seems at first like a bunch of disconnected vignettes (like The Wardine Section) will in fact come together; that the connections among what seem like radically disparate plot lines really do make themselves apparent in time. But at first, it requires something of a focus on the local plot lines, and a leap of faith in the fact that the global picture will eventually resolve.

>> No.1143413

>Finnegan's Wake

It's Finnegans Wake

>> No.1143417
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Who gives a fuck? Joyce is an incoherent blowhard who is idolized by people who want to believe they understand something deep when in reality it's a bunch of gibberish, end of story.

Captcha: better lessan

>> No.1143418

I liked the Wardine part

>> No.1143419


>> No.1143421

that's not true at all. he's just not for the lazy reader. also, you have to know a thing or two about religion and world history, which you probably dont.

>> No.1143427
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The Fountainhead >>> Infinite Jest >>>>>>> a pile of shit >>>>>>>>>> Finnegans Wake

>> No.1143430


I admit that history and / or religion is not my strong suit, but I don't get why that has anything to do with understanding Joyce? Is that what the book is about?

>> No.1143433

>I wanted a modern / postmodern epic, with a shit-ton of characters, crossing story arcs, and reflections on life, something that asks the big questions.

Just read everything by Kurt Vonnegut and pretend that it's one book.

>> No.1143438

dude seriously, FW is about birth and rebirth and a shitton of everything in between.

>> No.1143441


>> No.1143448


OP here.

Have read Vonnegut, was reading around for something contemporary and new.

>> No.1143450

a pile of shit >>> Infinite Jest >>>>>>> Finnegan
s Wake >>>>>>>>>> The Fountainhead

>> No.1143456

So its been hours and hours? I'm reading it right now, I'm around page 100. I don't think the grammar has been bad (except in that ebonics part, but I enjoyed that). Its the vocabulary and exposition that's annoying me slightly. I'm liking the footnotes, the filmography of James was interesting. I thinking you give up too easily. Also you like the fountainhead, it could be we just have different tastes, as I think that book is straw-man garbage

>> No.1143458


Actually you're both wrong. Many of his short stories, such as The Dead, are perfectly comprehensible even without special knowledge of history or religion.

>> No.1143463 [DELETED] 

I'm confused OP. At present I'm a little over 100 pages from finishing Infinite Jest. The reason I was drawn to it is that I like Post-Modern /lit/. Gravity's Rainbow is my favorite novel. I don't think Palahniuk is terrible when he's at his best. I liked House of Leaves and Ulysses. Infinite Jest can legitimately associate with these books at a party. Stick with it. The first 300 pages are confusing, the middle 300 were nailbiting good, and the last 250 or so have been gratifying.

But I have questions. I'll put things in spoilers.

Roy Tony and Darlene: I remember that section early in the book [spoiler[written in Ebonics[/spoiler], but what does that have to do with the story. I recall Roy Tony lifting Erdedy at an NA meeting or something, but is that the only significance?

How many of you saw the Joelle is Madam Psychosis twist? I was pretty stumped when I read that section and usually I feel like I see the story as Wallace plans it out.

Are all of the {spoiler] paranormal happenings, ie: Gately's dreams being related to Himself's films, the broomsticks, the moving dorm furniture, the wraith a manifestation of their subconscious or real strange shit afoul.

I would ask more, but I'm at the word limit

>> No.1143468

Why don't you stop thinking you get "cool and edgy" points for not being a hipster. You don't.

>> No.1143472

hey retard we weren't talking about his short stories

>> No.1143479


OP here.

The only time I'll give up on a book is if it's truly awful and it shows no signs of getting better anytime soon. Infinite Jest is nowhere near that point, and I'm only 50-ish pages in, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt (considering the length of the book).

>> No.1143486

50 pages in? fuck you for even having an opinion right now.

>> No.1143492


Keep reading. It gets very good for a stretch of about 400 pages in the middle and more and more gratifying as you near the end. You'll be confused sometimes, and the footnotes can get frustrating (don't skip any of them), but it all ties back into itself near the end. I'm a little over 100 pages from the end. It's a very good book, an instant favorite. It's also quite candid after you realize that DFW will never write another novel because he hung himself.


>> No.1143568

>It's also quite candid after you realize that DFW will never write another novel because he hung himself.

yeah, i'm reading it for the second time now (first was about 6 months before he died), about 150 or so pages in, and Kate Gompert's description of depression is just fucking heartbreaking knowing how it turned out for DFW

>> No.1143580
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>I wanted a modern / postmodern epic, with a shit-ton of characters, crossing story arcs, and reflections on life, something that asks the big questions.
Gravity's Rainbow