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/lit/ - Literature

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1143288 No.1143288 [Reply] [Original]

You guys should feel terrible you've ruined TyBrax and Stagolee's lives. They were just trying to have fun on the internet and you had to ruin their fun. Shame on all of you really.

>> No.1143296

I didna do anfin blud

>> No.1143295

Man, be quiet. They were shitting all over themselves on the internet and we just tried to stop their incontinence.

>> No.1143301
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>> No.1143307

what happened?

I missed something. Did those two cancerous cells get removed by a mod or something?

>> No.1143312


>> No.1143313

both their own faults. stag posted his docs in a beg thread and tybrax started camwhoring during one of her hissie fits.

question is, who is next?

>> No.1143320

I'll be next!


>> No.1143325

/lit/ would be dead if you left my dear.

>> No.1143326

Stagolee got in a lot of shit and was banned.

TyBrax seems to be having some kind of break down lately and posted pics not to long ago which people are trolling her with.

>> No.1143329

whos got pix of tybrax? she hawt?

>> No.1143341

stagolee got into shit for what?

I thought he was Quentin now

>> No.1143357

I want to know this too.

>> No.1143372

i'm invisible.

If you ask nicely, i'll leave.


>> No.1143383


>> No.1143385
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>> No.1143395

not sure about tybra and stagolee's lives but i'm pretty happy about ruining quentin's life. or, to be more specific, for moving him to take his own life (asphyxiation).

>> No.1143400
File: 61 KB, 450x325, 1229485701524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering getting a trip guise :D

>> No.1143403
File: 80 KB, 615x461, 1285029951644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this was the TyBrax camwhore pic

>> No.1143406

Yes, that is indeed TyBrax. She begged for books and Stagolee bought her one

>> No.1143407

I don't think that's TyBrax. I actually friended beg-chan on Facebook. Totally different personalities.

>> No.1143411

I'd on her brows

>> No.1143424

I remember when she was begging and people thought she was a trap. She looked nasty in that pic where she's lying on the floor.

>> No.1143428

>implying that not all tripfags are subhuman beasts that must be eradicated

Oh you!

>> No.1143638

Stagolee is finally gone? Thank fucking god. Hope that limey cocksucker rots in hell.

>> No.1143646

as a person of faith i doubt he went to hell but if he really did kill himself then I guess he'd go to hell anyways?

>> No.1143689

Explain what happened...

>> No.1143699

Thank god they are gone.
I can only hope they are dead.

>> No.1143700


A young board such as this already has drama? Oh dear, oh dear.

>> No.1143706


We must be entering adolescence! at last!

>> No.1143736


>> No.1143743


Damn it, you all were supposed to rise above this. But given the nature of the lack of accountability, it was inevitable. While you are here, tell me the story of this and I shall write it down, in your own words.

>> No.1144093


>> No.1144095

quentin killed himself?

>> No.1144099

I am also shameless and boring and would like to hear about this as well, please provide more information.

>> No.1144110
File: 102 KB, 1506x1026, arctictern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this is some serious drama for such a young board.
Can anyone confirm this Quentin's suicide? Or is it just some rumor?

Storm, here, one of the last of the /lit/ trips...

>> No.1144112

Tripfags: Hella gay

People that talk about tripfags as if they were significant: 100 times gayers, like Sam and Frodo rimming each other while Gollum jerks off and orcs rage in orgy aroud them.

>> No.1144115

It's not that they are significant, I'm just curious to see if someone I saw around occasionally did commit suicide, like I would a neighbour.

>> No.1144119

The whole notion of someone taking the name Quentin and then committing suicide is just a little bit too much in line with The Sound and The Fury. And no one likes the book THAT much.

>> No.1144121
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>> No.1145730

RIP quentin

>> No.1145737

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.