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File: 59 KB, 349x524, the_name_of_the_wind_cover_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11429745 No.11429745 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you, I enjoyed it.

>> No.11429810
File: 20 KB, 200x307, Slaughterhousefive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It deals with its themes intelligently, has an innovative structure, and Vonnegut himself is very likable. Never heard any actual criticisms other than "lol pleb lit for teenagers."

>> No.11429843

>It deals with its themes intelligently,

What the hell is this even supposed to mean?

>> No.11429846


Slaughterhouse Five is probably my favourite book

>> No.11429847

Was it as fedora as people say it is?

>> No.11429860

That part where he owns his teacher in front of the class is like IRL me

>> No.11429863


Sympathy - and the way they explain it - is probably the best 'magic' in any fantasy world. Good book, I enjoyed it.

>> No.11429876
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>> No.11429885

Imagine getting cucked in your own self insert Harry Potter fanfiction

>> No.11430207
File: 101 KB, 541x767, pUD090HfSW2S169M9Sroj-B5mHVuQRHcuJFDGk2SQug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it too. I enjoyed it in the same way that you might enjoy sitting on the couch as a 14yo daydreaming about how cool it would be to learn magic in a fantasy world and be good at it. But I don't think it's particularly good. It was easy, enjoyable fantasy. Only part I really disliked was the interactions with the main character's love interest. don't remember the details, read it years ago.

On a related note, I don't like shitting on genre fiction or anything not "/lit/ approved" too much. I honestly think reading is good for your mental health, and I'd rather have people reading shitty fiction for 6 hours a day than watching "rupaul's angry faggot challenge" or "my diabetus life".

>> No.11430308

So did I. I do not give a piss about mary sue characters, I love the escapism. As long as it is well written I will enjoy it. Fuck the contrarians and edgelords here who read philosophy and dry shit and jack off to Mishima.

>> No.11430398


>> No.11430923

That it isn't written like YA with the themes being delivered by a cartoonish villain's views being wrong and a plucky protagonist's views being right, I'd guess

>> No.11431090
File: 50 KB, 376x568, 1530204682219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"BRO! This book is REALLY good. You have to read it."
>Reads it until I reach a scene where he cucks another bard and steals his girl by making some awesome lute solo.
If it was satire, I would keep reading it for the giggles.

>> No.11431262

The first book is very subdued compared to the second where he goes full anime.

>> No.11431280

What the fuck does it mean for a theme to be delivered? I completely understand why you enjoy YA.

>> No.11431361

This one is pretty dry but the sequel is comedy gold.

>> No.11431625

Why would you assume somebody shitting on YA loves it? And why are you acting like an obtuse retard that doesn't understand the concept of a piece having themes?

>> No.11431679

The original poster doesn't hate the book because he described it as "intelligent." He's not merely saying books have themes, but rather he's talking some nonsense about themes being delivered by cartoon characters and something about morality.

>> No.11431718

i think i fell asleep 10 minutes into it and then never touched it again

>> No.11433042
File: 252 KB, 500x500, 1528344713093-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it too and I enjoyed the second book even more and im highly anticipating book 3 and there is nothing the contrarians can do about it
>inb4 '/sffg/'
>inb4 'you have to go back'

>> No.11433193

Reeeeeee I read this in fucking middle school its YA self insert mary sue trash but i want a resolution to the story where's thethe 3rd book you hack its been 7 years

>> No.11433343

I had a professor who held it up during class and gave a rant for 15+ minutes about how it was trash.

It’s still on my pile though.

>> No.11433381
File: 29 KB, 220x380, patfuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

things that never happened
he never intended to release book 3, it's his ploy to stay relevant forever without doing anymore work. then maybe on his deathbed, he'll write some amazing "anonymous fanfiction" which resolves the story and all the loose ends incredibly and everyone worships it, but it will never be respected as "the real story"
the dude is a real cunt and i have no doubt this is his plan

>> No.11433450

His early success ruined him. What was he, just out of college when the Name of the Wind came out? I know he said he was working the story long before he actually started writing it. The book is awful because young people are awful writers but because it became a huge success he's stuck with it. He can't go back and fix the malformed piece of shit that his underdeveloped child brain put out. He can only work with it.

I don't think it's any wonder why the third book hasn't come out because I would absolutely hate having to work on it.

>> No.11433724

well he painted himself into a corner of a corner of a corner as far as the plot, world development, and character development go. it's literally impossible to deliver on what he built

>> No.11433832

Between Rothfuss, Lynch and GRRM, I don't know who will end up finishing their series first.

>> No.11433872

they will alwys finish with anonymous fanfiction when they realize their death is imminent, so GRRM first probably

>> No.11434425


I think I enjoyed it just because he was like a literal manga protag. Sympathy was a pretty cool kinda magic, too.

>> No.11434518

>tfw you look like the unholy spawn of Robbie Coltrane and a rabid honey badger but you wear a stupid Dread Pirate Roberts shirt and an even stupider gnome hat to make up for it

>> No.11434736

He’s too busy hysterically retweeting the latest trump outrage these days.

>> No.11434747
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Science fiction peaked with this.

>> No.11434985

Didn't he actually blame Trump for the third book never coming out? Even though that was already like 5 years after his second book?

>> No.11435306
File: 64 KB, 640x1138, 46CA39CE-48E0-4546-9FCF-D7B203074C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he said he’s not releasing it while trump is president

>> No.11435826

After looking at his Goodreads profile I don't think he's self aware enough to hate the NOTW because he reads a ton of shitty fantasy. He's worse than a woman.

>> No.11436108

It's my friend's favourite book and he lend it to me to read it a few weeks ago.
It was easily digestible and an alright story to breeze through. It did make me want to play D&D and is part of the reason I got started writing a story about the most recent Pen and Paper adventure I was on.

>> No.11436648

lmfao what a complete faggot

>> No.11436731

Would not surprise me if some new villain turned out to be like Trump and it was all about racism and migrants.

>> No.11436837

it'd surprise me because that would mean the book had actually been released

>> No.11438478

A lot of times, yes. How he handles romantic interaction is terrible. Kvothe brags a lot aswell.

>> No.11438558

Mother Night is great too, underrated