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/lit/ - Literature

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11427487 No.11427487 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/izen here who sometimes likes to read. how accurate is this? I've read a few books on this list and i gotta say I enjoyed Don Quixote as much if not more than i enjoyed crime and punishment.

Are Joyce/Tolstoy really the power house this list suggests

>> No.11427512

Joyce, Tolstoy, and Proust are the holy trinity of novelists (and Moby Dick the great one-hit wonder), but Shakespeare is of course the one true lord of lords.

>> No.11427522

> realornot.jpg
Who the fuck compiled this garbage?

>> No.11427536

It says /lit/ at the top...so....you did.

>> No.11427541
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top fucking kek

>> No.11427543

I've yet to read a book on an end of year list that wasn't worth reading, so in that sense they're good guidelines.

Whether it's accurate is the wrong question, though, as the lists are always measures of popularity. Most are democratic votes, this particular one was produced by a /lit/ discord (to great controversy at the time, but who cares now), so it's never going to be an actual guide to which books are the best, more a sense of the taste of /lit/.

If you're looking for a recommendation, Borges' Ficciones (or Labyrinths for more content) are a good bet, but frankly all the books are good bets.

Final note - Don Quixote IS better than Crime and Punishment. Keep up the good work /fit/ friend.

>> No.11427559

You utter negro, these lists aren't quality rankings. They're popularity rankings. No, it's not accurate to your bumfuck interpretation.

>> No.11427567

Also, bear in mind this may as well be a "big list of the Western Canon". There's plenty of great non-Western stuff out there, and although you won't generally find a chart for it it's well worth diving into...even if you have to sort stuff out for yourself.

>> No.11427577

Thanks for the recommendation, friend.

I really enjoy collections of short stories.
Ficciones sounds like an adventure.

>> No.11427580

Leave the young man trying to look cultured by parroting opinions about authors he's read two books by alone.