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11427438 No.11427438 [Reply] [Original]

>buy my sister American Psycho for her birthday
>come home for the weekend and we are talking about it
>”Anon are you trying to base your personality around this fictional character?”
Jesus Christ what are some books that will help me develop a real personality rather than just copying it

>> No.11427485

You can only develop your personality through genuine interaction with other people.
You can never escape the emulation of those you admire, but you will be able to, through the trial and error of human interaction and your own feelings stemming from these interactions, be able to see your true self, and grow in a way that is positive.

>> No.11427497

>bases his personality on a character from a book
>picks Patrick Bateman
the fuck OP?

>> No.11427516

At least he didn't try to be Christlike, then someone would have kicked his teeth in.

>> No.11427563

Just fucking go out and do something with your life, character does not develop from just reading books, it is shaped by the challenges you overcome and life raping your ass in general.

>> No.11427574

Yes if I were born a starving African child I would have such a well developed identity, fuck off you imbecile

>> No.11427785

t. The guy basing his personality on american psycho

>> No.11427848

The Sickness Unto Death
Practice in Christianity
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11428117
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What do you guys think >>175280817

>> No.11428121

Oops >>>/a/175280817

>> No.11428123

i think you should stop posting

>> No.11428133

Kiyotaka is pretty much a non narcisistic Bateman, though, and I have the same problem, everytime I read the LN I start acting like him, so it's not just a shitpost.

Also don't worry, I'll stop posting in two weeks forever in 4shill

>> No.11428142

a-are you going to become an hero?

>> No.11428175

Let’s hope OP gives his sister a copy of The Stranger before he puts his cape on

>> No.11428180

I'd give his sister my copy of The Stranger if you catch my drift

>> No.11428213

Name a better pick, protip you can't.

>> No.11428219

Pablo from For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.11428223

for me, it's the Judge

>> No.11428236

The Cat from The Cat in the Hat.

>> No.11428254

The Cat is based but I don't think one can emulate him.

>> No.11428261

Eggs in general from Story of the Eye

>> No.11428380

Does it ever occur to people that rather than a person basing their personality around a piece of art, literature, whatever, perhaps the artist, author, had some insight into people's personalities and behaviors and managed to illustrate it in terms others could recognize and relate to? That sometimes Art imitates Life? Tell your sister that you aren't based on Patrick Bateman, Patrick Bateman is based on you. The novel is a sad montage of the state of being for many living in modern America. Is that so hard to understand? Lots of people, myself included, have personality traits that reverberate in the pages of "American Psycho," as well as the movie adaptation. Simple as that. Tell her you're not clever enough to alter your personality to assume some perceived ideal extracted from the pages of a novel. Be humble.

>> No.11428412

give her a copy of kafka on the shore and write a little question mark and heart by the first sex scene

>> No.11428435

>listening to women for advice

see that's the problem with your personality not the books you read

>> No.11428501

The meme answer is that you should go out and live life and so on.

The true answer is that you should read A Hero of Our Time

>> No.11428535

Is this mean penis? Sorry, English not good

>> No.11428568

But the book is about a person developing a fake personality.

>> No.11428582

Unironically this. And if you're going to emulate a book it should be mein kampf.

>> No.11428593

Bateman doesnt have a personality

>> No.11428621

William James

>> No.11428633

Breh, my English is not proper enough to emulate Willy J.

>> No.11428636

If emulation is merely imitation to you, you are not truly striving to crawl into somebody else's skin. Proper emulation is a becoming into their being, which would include developing your English skills.

>> No.11428640

You and op both need to read Greeks.

>> No.11428674

Top kek

>> No.11428704

Anyone from anything.


>> No.11428711

>emulating slaves of the gods/fate, or slaves of the state, or literal slaves

Nah I'm good