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11426406 No.11426406 [Reply] [Original]

Are people typically capable of changing their fundamental nature, are there any good books on this?

>> No.11426415
File: 156 KB, 900x1200, theactofkilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as "fundamental nature" you can change anything about you if you try hard enough.

>> No.11426422

Yes. One is called: How to Stop Posting Jezebels, Get Actual Replies, and Influence /lit/ - Anonymous

>> No.11426430

you can but it's a stupid and overwhelmingly difficult thing to do. Much better to accept yourself for who you are and learn how to be comfortable with it. Not in the "I'm a lazy person so I won't do my HW way" but in the "I'm a shameless contrarian and I like being negative and some people will like me for it some won't" kind of way

>> No.11426445
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sneaky is way too hot to be a man

>> No.11426451
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>> No.11426460

all philosophy, read it until the right bit hits. start with the greeks and romans, its for the best.

>> No.11426497

I should not find this picture as outrageously hot as I do.

>> No.11426498
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>> No.11426552
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>> No.11426561

There is no fundamental nature. Best way to change is to recognise this. Check out Hume or Asvagosha. Who is the braphogg?

>> No.11426569

what a brapphog; a horse; snifffff; o yes, that's it; i likey, me likey a lot; me likey long period, long eons; o videlicet, thou smell'st so prettily today; o verily i say, unto the kingdom of heaven; and videlicet jacob ben joseph and he had a song joseph ben jacob; and azumbaleth verily led to habsoleth; and verily snifffffff; o, that's pungent, dearest; that's pungent; that's god; that's god; if someone asks me god, that's god; snifffffff; o oracle, o nymph, o star; o heavens; in thy orisons be all my sins remembered

>> No.11426580


>> No.11426585
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You should have just asked me in my own thread where I made my argument and I would've given you the answer.

>> No.11426935


To date, short of tramautic events like car accidents or physical damage to the brain; the only known phenomenon reliably known to induce significant and permanent change in peoples personalities is the usage of psychedelics. Some of the more recent books on psychedelic research cover this.


>> No.11426977

untrue. your genetics and biology, the actual material makeup of your physical body, while not determining you to one fate, does narrow your options signifcantly to only a few things. If your father or mother were a certain way, chances are you WILL inherit some of that nature and there isnt much you can do to change that entirely. The same goes for things like illnesses as well, obviously.


there is no "one fundamental nature" for everyone but everyone's way of being and ultimately entire life is dictated by a huge amount of material and historical forces outside of their control and that cannot be combated in any real way.

determinism is the truth. get over your teenage idealism. embrace it

>> No.11426979

Of course there is a fundamental nature, if only basic reactions shared by all humans such as hunger, thirst, anger, etc...

>> No.11426984

Absolutely, but you have to destroy your current flawed personality and rebuild a new one. This takes time, a cognitive behavioral therapist, and perhaps some drugs and the willingness to go through hell and back again.

>> No.11426987

the marxist idea of structure--->superstructure also applies to human beings, if the structure is biology and the superstructure is personality

all things are found already

>> No.11427001

think of a spaceship orbiting a black hole. the black hole is your personality or life and the forces implied, and the spaceship is you. the spaceship will never be able to escape the black hole going at the same speed or slower. the only way to escape is to radically change speed. in your case, your environment and experiences.

take this very seriously. it is your one life. you dont get another one. if time is flat like we think it is than your life doesnt even end, it's always there. it is worth it to do whatever it takes, to radically change speeds in order to get away from the black hole. if that means going to an entirely different city, country, whatever. do it. if it means starting a workour regiment, do it. if it means forcing yourself to socialize more, do it. if it means undergoing some kind of mission or struggle you feel is keeping you from feeling alive, do it.

No half measures. no excuses. No wasting time. Do whatever it takes. "Life" is the most important thing in life. its the only thing that matters

>> No.11427007

A strong experience will do it. Psychedelics can sometimes be a way to do this, but not often it seems from personal experience.

Religion can also do this for some people. I would imagine getting this shift in yourself without drugs or religion would have to be a constant battle of doings things you wouldnt do. You would just have to do it long enough for it to become part of you, like a monk

>> No.11427008

Narcissius and Goldmund by Herman Hesse

>> No.11427089

Holy mother of fucking boomer posting

>> No.11427090

reminder this is what /lit/ actually fucking believes because its full of 18 year olds who know nothing about life

>> No.11427104


>> No.11427127

>if time is flat like we think
Time is actually bent and everyone knows it

>> No.11427134


How does he do it? He looks like an average nerd (kinda like me) when he's without the girly dress-up.

>> No.11427159

you ask how when you should be asking should

>> No.11427164

Well, with how good he is at being girl - I say he definitely should. I would even say MUST.

>> No.11427166
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my God that is a nice brapper

>> No.11427168

Do you actually need to fucking ask? Buckets of makeup, airbrushing, photoshop, favorable angles, and being an androgynous young man.

>> No.11427171

Nope. Spiritual experiences can be influencial but psychedelics aren't the only means of inducing them. People change all the time through persistent daily effort. A community of like minded people is helpful here

>> No.11427174


>> No.11427206

Okay, so go out and buy hundreds of dollars worth of makeup, learn how to airbrush, learn how to take flattering photos, and probably pay a few women to help you put it all together.
After all this time and money, you will be a cute girl. In pictures, at least- even Sneaky looks like a man in a dress in person.

>> No.11427210
File: 107 KB, 1275x802, skank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoke enough weed and you can cut your dick off

>> No.11427329

imaging sniffing that hole. makes me weak

>> No.11428357

Someone should tell this spic cunt with the ankle tattoo that those who live by the sword die by the sword, it's bullshit like that that has sapped me of any and all sympathy or empathy for the "plight" of the immigrants and Latin Americans in general, they are proud of their uncivilized, blood-soaked culture and the sooner it vanishes the better.

>> No.11428359

No you don't. You have a severe mental illness.

>> No.11428375 [DELETED] 

yo did u see that video on liveleak where this lady in venezuela called the cops after getting robbed and the cops were corrupt so they told the gang and then they went back to her house and shot her right in front of her daughter, seriously one of the most ice cold things ive seen, the kid is screaming "mommmeeee" as the guy unloads his semi-auto into her skull till the clip is empty, i was like wow , i almost wanted to pull a infowars and pretend it was fake propoganda to make us sympathetic to immigrants but idk man looked p fuckin real

>> No.11428385

That ass, though. Bless Brazil.

>> No.11428393

Do you think somehow pumping money or inviting those people into a first world country will somehow save them? It is their nature and they must evolve past it naturally

>> No.11428396

What a disgusting image

>> No.11428418

There's enough videos of Latinos flaying each other alive and hacking women to pieces with an axe (women who by the way were previously recorded carving the throat of some bound, gagged anonymous victim.) Another one biting the dust thanks to the system they embraced a long fucking time ago with their "Drug dealers are the modern day Robin Hoods," propaganda doesn't bother me in the slightest. They chose this life, the same way Americans chose dull, saccharine, Ozzie and Harriet conformity. We embrace peace and quiet, they embrace blood and guts, high stakes adventures that don't always pay off. Now they're upset because oh, the ruthless dealers have seized control nation wide and nobody can escape their influence and those who resist are put to the sword/machete/AR-15? Fuck 'em.

>> No.11428425

>There is no such thing as "fundamental nature" you can change anything about you if you try hard enough.
Tranny cope.

If you could change something fundamental it wouldn't be called fundamental. Have some respect for the language you employ.

>> No.11428426

if you went to brasil and tried to touch that ass your head and your body would end up in separate favelas

>> No.11428438

yo i saw some blog post linked from a tech site where someone estimated the number of skulls in mexico city or whatever and it turns out when cortez or w/e said he saw a pile of 100,000 heads of sacrifice victims it wasn't an exaggeration

>> No.11428440

>determinism is the truth. get over your teenage idealism. embrace it

Nassim Taleb would disagree. Read his book on the black swan theory, he gives plenty of examples that combat determinism.

>> No.11428441

Taleb is a cryptoreactionary fraudster

>> No.11428450

End of thread.

>> No.11428459

If it is really fundamental then no

>> No.11428466

Hnnngg sauce

>> No.11428490
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 1502862394143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jezebel posting with Latinas

They all turn to shit after they hit their peak early.

>> No.11428511

dude i see mad latin milfs all over the fuckin place i just saw one today that was only a 9 cuz i had to take one point off for being over 35, i mean i was like woah

>> No.11428525


>> No.11428601

Go to bed late 20th century French philosophers, you are drunk.

>> No.11428606

How can I at once want to fuck the absolute life out of a woman while simultaneously seeing her as a vapid husk of a human being? I think the knee-jerk response is to ask how those two thoughts could be opposed, but really, if one sees someone as inhuman, how can we still be so sexually attracted to them?

>> No.11429006

Beyond biology, you also have fundamental physics to your being, and of course, are contained within cause & effect. There are many levels that everything has a fundamental nature on.

>> No.11429244

dude they are mothers at 14, ofc it's not hard to find some decent latina milfs

>> No.11429477

>5. All boards that default to the Yotsuba B or Burichan (blue) themes are to be considered "work safe." Violators may be temporarily banned and their posts removed. Note: Spoilered pornography or other "not safe for work" content is NOT allowed on the work safe boards.

>> No.11429571


why do girls flaunt their posteriors but modestly guard their sexfeet? are they keeping their feetsies chaste?

>> No.11429576

God youre fucking dumb

>> No.11429583

Regret can change the nature of a man.

>> No.11429591

You can't "change" who you are, after all you're just chemical reactions interacting with your local ecosystem.

>> No.11429606
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>> No.11429629

watch her turn into another goblino by 40

you're disgusting

>> No.11429635

>it isnt inconceivable that im not just a puppet if i suspend everything i know about reality
so brave anon

>> No.11429650

>hey bro you're not based just on chemicals
>why? Oh because if you were chemicals you couldn't trust them, but you're not chemicals so still don't trust them

>> No.11429652
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From a scientific perspective it is possible to "Reprogram" yourself by repeating the desired behavioral trait until it becomes second nature.

Of course since the undesirable one was there first it's always possible to relapse.

The thing is that it only works if you genuinely want it too, which means no, you can't retrain thots into liking your incel ass.

>> No.11429795

Just remember that furries exist and you'll have your answer

>> No.11429802

I am just who I am and if people don't like that then that's fine. I know people use that as a justification for being assholes but yeah. I just do my own thing and people are okay with it or not. The only person I really live for or try to impress is myself and I enjoy my life. Mostly.