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/lit/ - Literature

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11425200 No.11425200 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite part of this book? Cite page numbers or try to provide location-specific information if possible because I don't "read" books per se, but only the best parts of books, and have moved on to this one.

>> No.11425201

>only the best parts of books
What the fuck is wrong with you. I've never heard of this flavour of autism.

>> No.11425210

Only way to roll, homeboy. I live to seek the Master Aesthetic and time is limited.

>> No.11425223

Read short stories if your ADHD is that bad

>> No.11425236

I've read hundreds of books in my life, front to back is just not my prerogative anymore. But we're getting sidetracked here.

>> No.11425247

But what if your favourite part is a part that most people don't like? You'll never know if you don't read it all.

My favourite part is Winter B.S. 1960 – Tucson AZ when Jim's Dad talks about Brando and tennis

>> No.11425248

You're not going to get any enjoyment out of infinite jest if you don't read it the whole way through. The plot is non-linear and a decent chunk of the book is interwoven endnotes. The structure is half the point of the book.

>> No.11425269

I have read linearly to page 250 of IJ. I don't dislike it or anything but I'm not sure I can justify the hours required to finish it so I'd like to evaluate other's favorite parts in isolation and maybe see where it goes from there. My favorite part was the video phone part.

>> No.11425278

The best part is where OP kills himself.

>> No.11425370

I mostly call people plebs just when they disagree with me but your posts reek of genuinely bad taste and an immature view of art.

>> No.11425387


>I'm not sure I can justify the hours required

He posted on 4chan.

>> No.11425388

No, I'm just older than you and more conscious of how my time is best spent.

>> No.11425403

Yeah man you're so woke you're spending your saturday on 4chan trying to bait people.

>> No.11425412

I asked a question. Did you provide an answer to it?

>> No.11425414

>I don't "read" books per se
>I don't "read"

Fuck off pseud

>> No.11425419
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god tier bait here

>> No.11425425

You're a fucking idiot and people trying to assert themselves as superior in this cesspool of failure are pathetic

>> No.11425426

yeah, try reading the part on page kys

>> No.11425440

>willingly missing out on 3/4 of a books sub-text.
maybe this would work if you were reading satire but for 99% of books this is some underage autism alright.

>> No.11425452

I understand what youre doing and respect, but it seems kind of useless for IJ

>> No.11425465

It’s a waste of time to read random parts of a large interconnected book out of context because you think they’re the best. It’s more fulfilling to read it all through or not read it at all. Your idea fits much better for nonfiction (where you can skim or skip over parts which have info you’re not interested in) or something like the Canterbury Tales or Boccaccio’s Decameron made up of many stories.

Seriously, you think you’re being efficient but you’re just deadening your possible appreciation of literature. It’s like saying “What are the best parts of a movie so I can just skip to those parts and watch them all? My time is limited and I’m an efficient practical person.” I don’t even know why I typed this all out when I know it’s bait.

>> No.11425468

>getting baited this hard
The whole metafictional purpose of the novel's "boring moments" is you take the bad with the good in art as well as life. Skipping out on that is bound to trigger anyone who actually read and understand what DFW was trying to get across.

>> No.11425716

youre an idiot op, but my favorite part is the footnote with the father's filmography

>> No.11425751

In 2 seconds

>> No.11425794

Okay, that admittedly is worth reading in its own right.

>> No.11425994

I liked the gay porn scene where a guy slices his dick open with a razor before fucking a male prostitute and giving him AIDS
Don't remember the page number but it's near the end

>> No.11426020

The description of the Ennet House facility. I think it's around page 170-190.

>> No.11426746

Naw man, the whole point is the guy who sliced his dick is the one who contracts AIDS from the bottom.. Followed by an awkwardly long end credits scene of the dudes just sobbing. Wasn’t it like half the entire running length?

>> No.11426761

Man, I'm just hating lit recently.

>> No.11426929
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