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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 175 KB, 640x800, 1283721209919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1142363 No.1142363 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me what drugs you've taken, /lit/.

>> No.1142370
File: 63 KB, 900x600, fear_and_loathing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of them

>> No.1142374
File: 20 KB, 375x500, TyBrax2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None, also you are on the wrong board.



>> No.1142376
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>> No.1142379

Taken regularly: weed and MDMA
Taken occasionally: mephedrone, ketamine, mescaline, speed
Tried: mushrooms, DPH, DXM, coke, oxycodone, ephedrine, cat nip

>> No.1142382


Tybrax, you're an idiot. People who read and write take drugs, not just /b/tards. Fuck your own fac e.

>> No.1142383

>People who read and write take drugs
Little children, cool.

>> No.1142387 [DELETED] 

I like what's TyBrax is saying for a change.

>> No.1142390
File: 5 KB, 100x100, h1 (47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't drink, you don't take drugs... What do you do for fun exactly? (P.S. The right answer is "gratuitous amounts of sex.")

>> No.1142392

vicodin,weed,hydrocodone, some homemade shit i made from chemicals in middle school i use to huff,kratom

im trying to get my hands on salvia but they dont sell it in georgia

>> No.1142393
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for a change

Big day tomorrow /lit/. Freshers week. Hope I make friends but I might be too scared too try it.

>> No.1142396

I hope they see you for the boring little bitch you really are.

>> No.1142400


Where and what do you study?

>> No.1142402

I'm 18 & not in uni yet & you've been hurting my feelings an awful lot lately...

I know you like to do all the craziest stuff in life but I care about my physical health more than doing that stuff. Also drinking makes me depressed.

>> No.1142407

And you're not depressed now? Just a barrel of laughs you are.

>> No.1142410
File: 10 KB, 500x281, h1 (44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been hurting your feelings an awful lot lately...?

>> No.1142418

kl, any advice?

yes, you just didnt notice. well you dont post much but i mean when you do.

>> No.1142429
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Well, uh, toughen up, mang. I've no idea what you're referring to, but I don't bear you any ill will.

>> No.1142434


>> No.1142442

i didnt say you did.

kill urself.

>> No.1142452

Synthetic cannabinoids
Some others too..

>> No.1142462

One of these is not like the other...

>> No.1142463

glad im not an american caving in to peer pressure like you guise.

>> No.1142464

druggie here

shrooms and ketamine are my favorites

>> No.1142472

All you do is fucking troll, troll, troll, troll. Don't you have anything better to do?

>> No.1142477

no, tybrax is a huge fucking loser

>> No.1142479

im not a troll, i just ended up looking like one since everyone gives up arguing & just calls me a troll because they cant prove me wrong.

>> No.1142481

no he doesn't do drugs remember

>> No.1142490

No wonder most of you are such pricks if you just do drugs all day. It's not "cool" or "sticking it to the man" or "finding yourself", these days it's just unhealthy conformism.

>> No.1142493

>Calling someone else a prick

Oh my head.

>> No.1142495

pic makes me rage by n e way:
2ci, DMT, cocaine, smoke pot every blue moon (not really my thing, usually hhhhhate potheads), LSD and ecstasy.
I'm only really a fan of the first, third and next-to-last.
Plus drinking is and will always be my biggest late-nite hobby.

>> No.1142496

ritalin, adderall (both recreationally), alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, pot, LSD

Was on prozac for a brief period of time.

>> No.1142498
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>I am above the petty pleasures of the unwashed proletariat

>> No.1142500

I'm not nasty that often.

>> No.1142502


You're acting like an asshole, by the way.

>> No.1142504

I'm pretentious for caring about my health? Wow.

>> No.1142507

How so? I can't really defend myself if I dont know what you're talking about.

>> No.1142510
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>> No.1142515
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>I do not understand this criticism that you are directing toward me, is it wrong that I look down on others for things that affect me in no way?

>> No.1142516


>> No.1142523
File: 2 KB, 130x98, TyBrax17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you don't cut yourself. You can't say learning that someone cuts doesn't change your perception of them can you?

>> No.1142529
File: 100 KB, 396x556, 1284968952625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would it? It's not as if they're cutting me.

>> No.1142531

tybrax i identify with you, i have no friends, never done drugs or drunk alcohol, but why do you have to be a twat about it on the internet? skip the thread, stop whining, spend time constructively.

>> No.1142534

You eat cheeseburgers. You are a terrible bad person because I care about my health...

>> No.1142543

Agreed, filthy Americans

>> No.1142548


and i drink once or twice a month.

i've done shrooms twice.

>> No.1142551
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>> No.1142554

>spend time constructively
I'm procrastinating as you would learn from a quick glance over the thread. I'm going to fucking hate these care-free students tomorrow.

you probably think i feel above them but i genuinely believe im shit-tier for not being able to have the same priorities. i still think of them as mid-tier people though & god-tier people would probably be like that guy from paisley that posts on here.

>> No.1142555

sure isn't /lit/ in here

>> No.1142559

I'm a gay-tier people

>> No.1142562
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>> No.1142565
File: 7 KB, 203x248, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be in hipster uniform right now pleasing the lads?

>> No.1142566

theres only 3 tiers & dont think your sexuality affects where you go you cancerous piece of shit.

>> No.1142568

Awww thanks Ty.

And also a clever pun, good work.

As for me I have never done any drugs, I have never really seen the point.

>> No.1142572
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"Today, McDonald’s Europe has approximately 375,000 employees. Together with its franchisees it operates more than 6,700 restaurants in 39 countries serving over 12 million customers a day."

>> No.1142575

im gonna go in tomorrow & pretend i dont have beliefs & just copy everyone & try to one-up them.

i mean, you fail at life if you have sex with more than 10 people over freshers. think i'll fuck, maybe do drugs if those casuals are hardcore enough to bring any. also gonna go to the rave. gonna go to the sadcore shitcore band's concert hopefully meet for music taste gods there.

>> No.1142580

Tybrax <3

>> No.1142582

*if you dont have sex

>> No.1142583

currently: heroin, nicotine
previously: alcohol, MDMA, cocaine, weed, PCP, LSD, DXM, 2cI,LSA (a lot of analogues) DMT, crystal meth (twice--it's terrible), amphetamines, barbituates, benzos, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antibiotics, lithium

>> No.1142584
File: 35 KB, 470x375, Al Green-AAG-000246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont talk like that :(

Good luck.

>> No.1142585

what pun?

>> No.1142590
File: 623 KB, 3000x2400, AlGreen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats's a straight up lie Ty..

>> No.1142593
File: 21 KB, 200x250, carlton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried weed once, but it was so weak that nothing happened.

I'm kinda glad, sometimes I have nightmares that I try a drug which is so uncontrollably euphoric that I start to want to hurt myself.

>> No.1142595

Ty, you are GUARANTEED to get laid over Fresher's.

At least, that's what everyone told me. Of course, I didn't get laid.


>> No.1142599

You called him God tier, his name on the tiny chat is "God"

Although you probably just meant he was an awesome person, which he is I wished I lived nearer so I could go to the meet ups.

>> No.1142600

why would i want to? i'm not a deluded fucktard like all you idiots that think "virginity" exists. really why would i want to do that with a stranger?

>> No.1142602

I can't even read this. Learn to fucking type. Maybe you should have been took some methamphetamine for your ADHD so you could actually learn something in English class.

>> No.1142605
File: 130 KB, 300x300, Deer01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..dont take drugs Ty.

>> No.1142609
File: 14 KB, 266x299, trainspotting_renton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm the only one who uses heroin on /lit/
really, anon? What about Coleridge, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, etc.? Have we lost the tradition of the opiate-fueled dionysian?

>> No.1142612

only the last sentence is hard to read. I meant i would go to this shitty local sad-rock band's show & meet some music expertz there. I dont have ADHD.

Also I did well in English, I just didn't want to take it further since delivering talks is so exhausting.

>> No.1142622
File: 812 KB, 439x192, amagad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks their creativity was fuelled by opiates.

>> No.1142623

I'm sure you'll do fine at freshers Ty, people tend to be boring and stupid but that comes with the territory.

Just have fun and get through it, try not to do anything crazy and above all

>> No.1142624

why? do you not ?

>> No.1142627
File: 170 KB, 320x497, theartoftrolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1142629

He wasn't really implying that, just pointing out a minor tradition of opiate use in literature.

>> No.1142631
File: 17 KB, 313x417, cute kitten(weee).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm against the use of drugs.

>> No.1142633

I'll bet you don't even drink alcohol you goddamn worthless sack of shit

>> No.1142634

but you do everything else? cool logic.

>> No.1142635

Ban all the tripfags in this thread, then /lit/ will be good again.

>> No.1142640

You have clearly never tried them, because you do not know the vivid-waking dreams that they cause both when you are high on them and when you are sick from them. They produce and aura, which is intimate with creativity. I'll quote Antonin Artaud on this: It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must from time to time be present.

>> No.1142641

Yea man fuck coffee!

>> No.1142643

What drink, yeah.. drinking is legal Ty......

>> No.1142647

they produce an aura* (what i meant to type)

>> No.1142648

Tybrax is going through a phase, I was the same way when I say 18.

>> No.1142649

I wonder if Shakespeare did drugs.....

>> No.1142656 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 562x437, ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm against x because it's legal. X is legal, so it's okay.

>> No.1142659

well give me advice in hindsight or ill asume you're just talking BS,

>> No.1142661

I don't know, but Ben Franklin sure as hell did.

>> No.1142664

not doing something because its illegal doesnt make sense if its extremely hard to get caught doing it.

>> No.1142667

Drugs are illegal in the UK dumbass.

>> No.1142671
File: 39 KB, 562x437, ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm against x because it's illegal. X is okay, because it's legal.

>> No.1142675
File: 303 KB, 315x464, bro4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay, you seem a bit awkward right now.

>> No.1142678

All of them!? No coffee, no wine, no medicine..

>> No.1142682

You know what i mean..

>> No.1142685

Please mods, ban Mogwai !!YOt9Y28V773 and TyBrax !WvWWh.l.CE. Everyone send emails to admin@4chan.org. This is the only way /lit/ can be saved.

>> No.1142688

Marijuana -- recommended
Ecstasy -- recommended
Cocaine -- no longer interested, not recommended
Dexedrine -- never again
Adderall -- meh, it's okay
Xanax -- yeah, why not
Clonazepam -- much milder than xanax, but yeah

>> No.1142689

Wow, Tybrax has done his best to ruin a good thread. Way to go, tripfaggot. GTFO my /lit/ and take your moronic pseudo-trolling with you.

Drugs I've taken:

Practically everything except PCP and IV meth. Someday, someday.

>> No.1142690

wonder if i should go to the "speed meet". i think the types of people that would go to that kind of thing would want to go to all the events during freshers whereas i dont.

>> No.1142696

>Tybrax has done his best to ruin a good thread.

>This is the only way /lit/ can be saved.

I sage & fuckup off-topic threads & get shit for it. same for posting in or creating on-topic ones. kl.

>> No.1142697

Shut the fuck up, Tybrax. Nobody cares what you have to say, especially considering 90% of what you say consists of off-topic narcissistic babblings that have nothing to do with the thread.

>> No.1142700

this "off-topic" thread had no hope of stopping, you shud be thanking me.

>> No.1142706

Nah the speed meets are generally horrible.

The people who go are either non social nerds who can't talk to others at all or the really out going people who want to know everyone and party.

I went to one today and really regretted it.

>> No.1142707

Just ignore the tripfaggots. Talking directly to them only feeds their enormous, over-sized internet egos.

Back on topic: weed, booze, salvia

>> No.1142708

>The people who go are either non social nerds who can't talk to others at all
& what would be so bad about meeting these kinds of people?

i probably am one.

>> No.1142715



>> No.1142716

No they are nice, but the clue is in the name, they wont talk to you. They will just sit there stammer a bit and then you all get moved on.

I did meet 2 that were able to hold a conversation though, we are going to meet up for stuff tomorrow.

>> No.1142720


>> No.1142721

Brax I'd really love to help you so you can GTFO my /lit/ but I don't have much experience with these kinds of things unfortunately.

>> No.1142722

/r9k/ are misogynist rejects like yourself

doesnt sound too bad

>> No.1142726

how was 2c-b? shit's nonexistent where i am

>> No.1142731

I'll also note they were in the minority, there was about 50 talkie naggy idiots and maybe 7 nerds.

God I hate Sydney.

>> No.1142736

Haha! Thanks for a textbook case of projection, tripfaggot. Maybe if you did drugs you'd be less of a loser.

>> No.1142739

actually i'm not going to go solely because I will be unbearable for the outgoing people to deal with & ill feel like a freak. wonder what I should do.

think i should do the thing I was joking about earlier? like totally just party hard try to get sex & stuff even if i feel scared or sick by it? or just be a social sub-human freak again?

>> No.1142746

2c-b is pretty boss... more visuals than 2c-e or 2c-i for sure but less of a mind fuck

definitely recommendable for exploring the psychedelic headspace though

and for the last time, STFU Tybrax and stop derailing this thread. /reported

>> No.1142752

This is an off-topic thread, a fact that your delusional mind is repeatedly ignoring.

>> No.1142753

>just be a social sub-human freak again?

This is probably the best idea, you have no reason to change yourself just because you think you don't fit the norm, it's University, there will be people who are like you and you will gravitate towards each other.

Or you wont, shit happens but there's no reason to do something silly because of it.

If worst comes to worst you can always just hang out with me, hell we might even be in the same Uni right now.

>> No.1142754
File: 102 KB, 273x400, al green 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go against your self morals.

>> No.1142757

>Maybe if you did drugs you'd be less of a loser
So is that your answer to the post below mine. Should I ignore feeling sick in order to be a party person? wonder how awkward it is meeting someone you had a one-night stand with...

>> No.1142762

Heroin (and all other opiates, but mostly heroin) have all my love

>> No.1142766

Don't force it, that never has good results.

Plus it's INCREDIBLY AWKWARD to meet a one night stand the morning after, even more so if you can't remember anything about them.

>> No.1142767

i'm not living on campus fortunately.

>> No.1142771


opiates are god tier drugs for writing

>> No.1142772

then why do you do it?

>> No.1142779

I've done it a couple times while traveling, woke up and couldn't remember the night before, woman in my bed, no memory of her at all.

I don't do it any more but those were some weird and awkward times.

>> No.1142783

Fuck off if you can't contribute, tripfaggot.

Has anyone tried reading while on DXM? Shit's SO cash.

>> No.1142785

Neither am I but you will see these people at classes and such and might hang out with them when not at Uni.

It's what I did.

>> No.1142787

Slews of prescription pills (Valium, hydro,etc)

>> No.1142788 [DELETED] 

are you going to a university in glasgow?

>> No.1142792
File: 26 KB, 700x342, Lifeofastraightedger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just postin' here to make more irrelevant, off-topic comments about how much of a reject I am in order to further derail the conversation

pic related

>> No.1142800 [DELETED] 

how does it compare to 2c-c? i've only tried 2c-c and it was pretty much FRACTALS EVERYWHERE

>> No.1142801

Sadly not this time, I'm at Paisley Uni now (this is the guy from the meet up threads) but I went to Glasgow Uni at kelvin grove for a year and a half before deciding the course wasn't for me and switching to what I'm on now.

I barely even did the whole freshers thing and I still made friends through the year just from being around.

I do spend the majority of my spare time in Glasgow though so the offer to hang out still stand.

>> No.1142806

how does it compare to 2c-c? i've only tried 2c-c and it was pretty much FRACTALS EVERYWHERE

>> No.1142824
File: 15 KB, 306x400, HUPPERT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, this is probably one of the most amazing things I have ever seen: http://inhabitat.com/2010/09/20/french-wine-vending-machines-may-make-their-way-to-the-us/

>> No.1142825

I've been offered heroin before but declined, since I didn't want to spend 25 bucks on a single stamp. I have a decent natural tolerance to opiates already, so I didn't think it'd be worth it. Plus, I'm wary of stepping up to the needle.

On a related note, has anyone tried mephedrone? I heard it was risky.

>> No.1142831

The Midwest already has drive-thru liquor stores.

Props to the French, though. Nothing's been exported from there in years...

>> No.1142834

ok i'm going to the concert but you guys think i should pass on tomorrows speed meet?

>> No.1142835
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Oh, hush.

>> No.1142840

>/adv/ is that way

>> No.1142841
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>> No.1142848
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Weren't they going to start serving beer in Burger King?

>> No.1142852

Ah go if you want to, the worst that can happen is you regret going, which isn't bad.

Tell me how it goes on msn: Arodnap@hotmail.co.uk

>> No.1142855
File: 15 KB, 263x192, TyBrax13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, like D&E said, I'll probably be out your hands if I make some friends.

If I'm really as terrible as you make out giving me some of your elder wisdom is in your own interest too.

>> No.1142865

You seem to be making friends without our help.

Now all you have to do is get enough you stop posting here.

>> No.1142866

$20 says you'll be attention whoring it up here indefinitely after you fail at making friends

>> No.1142868

only irl friends can take my time away from /lit/

♥ help

>> No.1142873

what is the odds/ratio/percentage that i fail?

honest opinions pls. I'm gonna try to impress hipster people cos thats what my interests are, I'm gonna be hipster yep

>> No.1142876

If I'm reading it right the guy who posted that is Arodisena, the guy who does the meet ups in Scotland for /lit/ Last I heard you are from around there.

My advice? this is one person you have at least something in common with, start there and build up your group of friends with people you meet at Uni.

And then stop posting.

>> No.1142885
File: 359 KB, 521x620, gay dude from mad men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do drugs because i like myself and the "idea" of being high or drunk horrifies me also enjoy your shit-tier jobs druggies while i'm out being a huge business magnate due to my clean lifestyle

>> No.1142892

If you are trying to impress hipsters then you have already failed.

They tend to not get impressed by much, and when they do it's by silly things like retro video games and stuff.

Just go out and meet people, what group someone belongs to is irrelevant next to if you actually like the person.

I've seen goths and neds talking happily with each other because they were friends, people are not limited by their group.

>> No.1142897

I have to appeal to peoples tastes though. I need to use my interests/opinions on them to make friends.

>> No.1142910

>I have to appeal to peoples tastes though. I need to use my interests/opinions on them to make friends
>coming from the faggot who constantly bitches about people "liking other people for their tastes rather than that person" etc

>> No.1142911

The best way to make friends is just to be nice and personable, thinking you need to be a goth to make friends with a goth is silly.

The people who make friends easily and make the most friends don't really belong to any group, they are just nice people.

hell I shall use the Scottish meet up guy as an example, he posts on a bunch of boards and is generally well liked, the few who have met him irl think he is awesome but the only thing I have found out from talking to them is that he is 'nice' that is the number one comment about him.

People who make friends easily are nice, be nice = make friends.

>> No.1142913

I know I still believe in that. I don't think I have anything to offer as a person to get friends though. Which would kind of make sense, there's alot of evidence suggesting that is true.

Yeah but like I said that guys in the god-tier group, he can offer something as a person so he doesnt need to cave to peer pressure or anything, he's just attractive as a person. Whereas I'm aiming to make friends with mid-tier people by imitating them. Mid-tier is scary enough, I don't have the skills for god-tier.

>> No.1142921

I think you have a 65% chance of failing so I'd rather you got institutionalized in order to stop posting here.

>> No.1142924

then why don't you just let the god-tier guy make friends with you and learn some skills from him.

You might not be able to get to god-tier but if you get enough you could be a passable mid-tier.

>> No.1142927


>> No.1142931

This is meet up guy.

My ''secret" to being so nice?

I just try and not be an ass to anyone, I'm polite and I try and make conversation.

That is literally all I do.

And I'd love to be friends with Ty but I'll let her decide if she wants to know me or not, manners cost nothing after all.

>> No.1142952

Aren't you scared they might not like you? You really just go up to anyone?

>> No.1142956

Cannabis, Poppers, Speed, Ecstasy, Ketamine, Mushrooms, Acid (party acid, not the trippy stuff), Mephedrome, Cocaine, Naphyrone, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), Salvia and a bunch of commercially available legal highs that were sold as P.e.p pills, don't know the active ingredient but the fuckers worked.

Because I like fucking drugs!

Oddly enough I find this very appropriate material for /lit/ because 'Lit' is the local slang for high.

Meph's fucking awesome, great party drug, but it can get people a little oddly if they have any underlying psychological problems. I'm generally OK, I've been on a few 3 day long Meph sessions without any real ill effects (shitty comedowns aside) but its definitely not for everybody. If you live somewhere its still legal and can get it online or you know someone selling it uncut, by all means have a go. Just be careful and bare in mind that it is rather moreish. Whatever amount you get you will probably go through.

>> No.1142960

>And I'd love to be friends with Ty
Bullshit. Why does everyone give her all this attention, worst tripfag on the board and no, you wouldn't for exactly that reason.

>> No.1142966

Why would I be scared?

The single worst thing that can happen is they don't want to talk to you, which either means giving you an odd look like your crazy or telling you to fuck off.

And then you apologize and fuck off.

Plus most people don't mind a random conversation with a stranger so long as you are not creepy towards them, when I first started talking to people I had no idea what to say so I'd just say random things.

A choice example would be "It's a nice day today isn't it?"

It's a horrible way to start a conversation but I used it for a while to build experiences, Now I'm confident in my personal ability's and I will quite happily start conversations with anyone at all.

It's like asking a girl out, the worst she can say is no and if you never ask you'll never know if she will say yes. so the key point is to ask.

>> No.1142980

I guess I find those outcomes scarier than you do, doesn't seem worth the risk.

>> No.1142996

I suppose for some people the idea of rejection is horrible but you've got to remember that it really doesn't matter.

Do something for me, next time you see a cute girl you'd like to ask out, go do it.

She will more than likely say no, but you will feel great for the courage you needed to go do it, and the next time will be easier, and the time after that will be even easier, and so on and so on.

Social skills are just like any other skill, you need to learn it and you can't learn it without doing it and failing a few times.

>> No.1143004
File: 24 KB, 209x219, 1276257109632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anti-drug people, I have no problem with your choice not to take drugs but some of your reasoning is incorrect. As I have matured I have stayed relatively clean, the occasional hit or drink, but when I did smoke larger amount of marijuana I was a different person. Marijuana, among other drugs, helped me develop philosophically and psychologically. Now, I'm not saying this is true of everyone, or most people, but specific drugs have in fact changed my life and my perspective. I don't consider myself a druggie or a former druggie but I have experimented and I have benefited, greatly

>> No.1143006

This person is what I would deem a 'winner'

They will probably do very well in life because they have figured out that some things are worth the risk and they are actively taking those risks.

Bravo good anon, people like you are a dying breed in the world these days.

>> No.1143010

Because of the pic of the dog I read dog every time you said drug and it was funny

>> No.1143013

None, and frankly I dislike people who do. It's not an endearing personality trait in much the same way someone who gets willingly drunk all the time isn't.

>> No.1143026
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>> No.1143033
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TyBrax before and after meth. She talks a good game, huh?

>> No.1143050

>Social skills are just like any other skill, you need to learn it and you can't learn it without doing it and failing a few times
why should you have to practise something as natural as that? or that comes naturally to certain folk?

>> No.1143058

It seems Ty left the thread, shame.

>> No.1143066

im reading

>> No.1143073

Because it really does not come naturally to everyone, and even the people who it "comes naturally to" mostly just learnt how to do it when they were very small.

You know, those kids that just have to talk to EVERYONE at any sort of event or even in public.

>> No.1143074

keep reading

>> No.1143081

meth is so awesome... ahhh

>> No.1143084 [DELETED] 

For once i am glad you hijacked a thread, this guy is interesting to listen to (or read, whatever)

So just this once, thank you TyBrax

>> No.1143089

The guy's inspiring but at the same time I do feel giving up on something completely, because I've decided/seen that the risk isn't worth it imo. I don't know I wouldn't say I learn from those bad outcomes, I'm probably more likely to do better in a social situation if I've forgotten what it's like for a while.

>> No.1143092

His advice has nothing to do with me so please take that back.

>> No.1143094

Pot semi-regularly.

Acid on a fortnightly/monthly.

MDMA on occasion.

Nothing else.

>> No.1143097

Ok done.

>> No.1143100

Ty i need to say it seeing as nobody else is..

right you need to stop posting self hate and asking for /lit/'s opinino on general life.

Thats what /adv/ is for, no hard feelings.
:) people just seem to be getting more and more annoyed.

>> No.1143106

You just do whatever you feel comfortable with Ty.

I'll be around should you ever want to talk or be friends, I've already posted my msn if you want it.

Just don't stress yourself.

>> No.1143107

>people just seem to be getting more and more annoyed
I don't really mind that. Also aren't you dumping share threads on /lit/?

>> No.1143118

I have tried a lot of drugs. I have enjoyed a lot of drugs. I have sacrificed a lot of things to and for drugs. I still indulge in the occasional speedball (intravenous mixture of heroin and cocaine) and smoke some reefers with my homies, but I can honestly say I do not miss my habit or hobby or whatever you kids are calling physical heroin addiction these days. I still trip when I can find something to trip on, which is getting harder and harder. I will drink, in moderation, when nothing else is around. I don't think there is anything inherently good or bad about drugs and drug use, just like anything else it's all up to people and people need to figure that out on their own. But speedballs are a little slice of heaven. And don't do meth.

>> No.1143136

I'll stop posting random share threads/roll threads & Al Green threads..

If you stop self hating and posting life stories every day.

We have a deal ty?

>> No.1143139


That's his msn, I talk to him sometimes. He's a nice guy, sent a postcard to Iceland for my birthday last year.

>> No.1143143

alcohol and weed

>> No.1143153

What would I gain from that deal, anything? no.

>> No.1143160

Nor would i, but it would clean up /lit/, dont you think.

>> No.1143163 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1143165

So? What would I gain from that?

Also not "self-hate", the NHS should really have a service to put sub-humans down. It's just really painful to know that I'm always so awkward & bothersome for anybody that I have to interact with .

>> No.1143173

Shrooms, weed, alcohol, probably getting more shrooms soon. Good stuff.

>> No.1143179

Pleasing the /lit/ faithful.

>> No.1143183

>right you need to stop posting self hate and asking for /lit/'s opinino on general life.

>Thats what /adv/ is for

Even other tripfags agree. Tybrax, your bullshit is not wanted here. Get the fuck out if you can't learn how to properly contribute.

>> No.1143188

I don't think that deserves or would get much thanks.

srsly tho hate having to be such a burden on everyone i meet/know.

>> No.1143193

solution: stop being a burden here by not posting

god, you can't seriously be this oblivious

>> No.1143194

Come on Ty...

I'll delete my Al Green folder.

>> No.1143195

For once, I agree with TyBrax. Drugs really aren't that great. Self-pleasure isn't really worth the generally harmful side

Also, this is very literary

>> No.1143197


>> No.1143198

looks like you need2lrn moderation and appropriate selection of drugs. If you're careful about it, the use of drugs can greatly enhance your life.

>> No.1143205

Go to a /lit/ meet up and just talk to the people.

We are all generally nice and if you don't say you are TyBrax no one will care, get some normal social experiences, it'll be healthy.

>> No.1143210

>health benefits of drugs
>basically null
Cool story, bro.

>> No.1143211

>For once, I agree with TyBrax
getting sick of hearing this phrase.

I don't care about being annoying on here.

This is going to be shit tomorrow, should I attempt to talk to anyone or just do the stuff I need to do to get inducted?

>> No.1143214

Many of you already know what I look like thanks to one anon.

>> No.1143230

Just do what you have to do to get inducted.

Although I would recomend talking with someone who you could meet up and hang out with outside the uni.

Being alone fucks with your head, having at least one caring ear is good for you.

>> No.1143236

Then I don't know, find someone who does not hate you.

At least a couple people in this thread seem to be reaching out to you and you seem to be ignoring them, just give it a try.

>> No.1143297

Occasionally I get stoned and take acid then read a book.

>> No.1143324

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get into locked a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.