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11423577 No.11423577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the saddest thing I ever read. Are we 140+bros really this fucked? It explains so much how the normies hate us as much as they do, why the women are disgusted by us, why people would prefer we would just drop dead.

>"Members of high IQ societies above 145, often comment that around this IQ, qualitatively different thinking emerges. By this they mean that the 145+ person doesn't just do the same things, intellectually, as a lower IQ person, just faster and more accurately, but actually engages in fundamentally different intellectual processes. David Wechsler, D. K. Simonton, et alia, have observed the same thing."

>In other words, a significant percentage of people with IQs over 140 are being systematically and, most likely inappropriately, excluded from the population that addresses the biggest problems of our time or who are responsible for assuring the efficient operation of social, scientific, political and economic institutions. This benefits neither the excluded group nor society in general. For society, it is a horrendous waste of a very valuable resource. For the high IQ person it is a personal tragedy, commonly resulting in unrealized social, educational and productive potential.


>> No.11423584

>tfw to smart

>> No.11423593

High INT low WIS. Don't minmax irl character creation

>> No.11423601

>It explains so much how the normies hate us as much as they do, why the women are disgusted by us, why people would prefer we would just drop dead.
Ha-ha, holy shit what the fuck are you even talking about.

>> No.11423619

High IQ is an indicator of intelligence but remember it isn’t definitive. Just because OP got above average on an IQ test when he was a toddler doesn’t make him any less of the brainlet pseud he is now.

>> No.11423636

Went looking to find Wechsler or Simonton saying that high IQ individuals have qualitatively different thinking processes to no avail. If anyone can find such a source, please share, but I'm inclined to think the author of the polymath piece is making shit up as usual.

>> No.11423717

>I always act dumber than I am to fit in
>Even dumb people look down on me
>I am superior to 99.9 % of people

>> No.11423721


>> No.11423752

nothing is more cringey than this “oh woe is me I’m CURSED with brilliance” schtick. do something with your life if you’re so miserable (you won’t)

>> No.11423774

>By this they mean that the 145+ person doesn't just do the same things, intellectually, as a lower IQ person, just faster and more accurately, but actually engages in fundamentally different intellectual processes
That's called autism

>> No.11423780

iq is a meme

>> No.11423789


I can believe that higher IQ is a powerful thing, but I wonder, does this translate to them being gifted communicators? This seems partially to hope that high IQ people are here to save us from ourselves, rather than just being in the same imperfect lot as the rest of us.

>> No.11423796

I read somewhere that most people we term "genius" actually have an IQ of around 120.

Smart enough to get things done, but dumb enough to not be a total sperg.

>> No.11423812
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So the reason I'm an outcast NEET failure is because I have a 140+IQ? Thanks anon, I needed the boost!

>> No.11423813


What Is Intelligence Anyway? - Asimov -Essay

>> No.11423814


>> No.11423833

Literally tumblr tier brainlet coping
>I'm a genius I'm just lazy and think differently which doesn't translate into acrually being smart!

>> No.11423841
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>tfw to smart to be happy

>> No.11423888

The article itself is sensible, the comments on the article in that website somewhat pathetic. A lot of them are by people extremely pretentious about their IQ (something you are born with, don’t really choose) and saying “tfw to smart” and “wow I agree with this article I have x IQ sure sucks living with stupider people wow I’m so superior have I mentioned I have a genius IQ?” even when they haven’t really done anything with their lives, made the contributions of a Gauss or da Vinci or Bach or Shakespeare. It’s hard to hear but: no one cares if you’re just really smart. People care what you can contribute to others and the world intellectually, emotionally, and/or physically.

Again, though, some of the ideas in the article itself are insightful: how highly gifted children may find the curriculum around them too slow and their peers not intelligent enough and thus be ostracized, and then grow up to become jaded drop-outs with seemingly too poor grades and a not-so-good intellectual track record for their high IQ. People make fun of it but the idea that our society and education system is too unstimulating for incredibly smart kids and thus wastes their potential is a serious one, the “smart but lazy” meme has basis in reality, who knows if the new da Vinci was just some poor or middle class kid who became socially and emotionally stunted from childhood due to not having a stimulating enough environment, thus becoming a jaded dropout and wasting their intellectual potential?

>> No.11423924

Gonna play devil's advocate just for it's own sake.
You complaim about the people commenting in tha article, but don't you agree that you have defended their pov? If they feel frustrated with the lack of stimulation and social achievement because of their perceived intelligence, aren't they exactly the type of people you say may be ostracized by contemporary society?
Obviously we see flaunting intelligence as arrogance when it's not justified, but how can we judge it that way when the potential of gifted people isn't explored?
Worse of all, I can't think of a way to fix this irl. Maybe outliers in both ends are destined to be excluded in a democratic model of society.

>> No.11423930
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>sitting pretty at a cool 127
the perfect iq

>> No.11423959

Look IQ is a social construct. On average a 'white' Male is smarter than their black brethren, but if the test tested memory recall of poetical rap lyrics whites would fail and blacks would be on top. The way the test is constructed puts minorities and women at a disadvantage. Smart whites have next to no communication abilities and yet they are regarded a brilliant. Lmao.

>> No.11423964

Blacks have rhythm

>> No.11423969


>> No.11424108

I am doing things but I hit the wall because the 120s own society and are completely puzzled by our kind.

>> No.11424111

Yes, unfortunately. We have immense potential but society will never accept us, society wants 120s.

>> No.11424120

Cultural bias argument? Because black people dont know how to identify f-cking shapes.

>> No.11424140

Look, who has determined the names and the spatial constructs of these 'shapes' for hundreds of years? I know this is hard to understand but when language is constructed by white people for white (men) people there will always be a bias. That is why women have difficulty in mathematics- a language developed for white men by white men to keep science segregated. Laws aware written to exclude minorities through white legalese. Am I getting through to you?

>> No.11424146

ahahaha great post man this board sure has a lot of comedians

>> No.11424172

>Members of high IQ societies above 145
Anyone who joins a society whose membership is based solely on IQ is just labelling themselves as a pseudo-intellectual and deserves to be excluded from any meaningful discussion.

>> No.11424178

That's "too," smart...

>> No.11424179

>Members of high IQ societies above 145, often comment that around this IQ, qualitatively different thinking emerges.
not only is this obviously biased self-reporting, but it's self-reporting from a population that SELF-SELECTS into HIGH IQ SOCIETIES i.e. total fucking asshat rejects
good stuff.

>> No.11424182

I'm willing to bet almost anyone with a reasonable claim to being described as a "genius" either doesn't know or doesn't care what they would score on an IQ test.

>> No.11424195

If you think you have it bad imagine what life is like for those of us with IQs above 160. I assume you chose 140 because your IQ is around 140. Naturally I would have made a post about people with IQs above 160.

>> No.11424197

what's it like
tell us

>> No.11424213

Must be like having an 9 inch dick. Not enough loose enough holes :(

>> No.11424233

It's delightful, to tell you the truth. Contrary to what the 125ers assert, smarter people aren't more depressed than people of average intelligence. If we happen to be unhappy it's easy for us to identify the source of those feelings and make the necessary lifestyle adjustments to assuage them. Those of us who remain unhappy allow ourselves to feel that way when happiness is a low priority. The perennially unhappy, those unhappy against their will, lack the intelligence and self-awareness needed to improve their lives.

>> No.11424247

aren't people with high iqs significantly more likely to experience serious mental health disorders? like schizophrenia, dysthymia, autism, various anxiety disorders, and so on?
what diet and exercise regimen would you recommend for someone with a high iq and obsessive compulsive disorder?

>> No.11424258

except this isn't how iq works...

well sorta

see the inequality of man

>> No.11424271

> tfw to smart too take this bait, hats off two you sir!

>> No.11424296

White legalese?

>> No.11424320

Realizing that conforming deadens intelligence and typically valuing intelligence we tend to behave in ways that confound ordinary people, and so we're diagnosed with various "disorders" by professionals paid to help their patients conform and thereby become more functional, productive members of society, never mind the health of that society. Psychologists are tacit defenders of the status quo. But to answer your questions more directly, I don't know.

>> No.11424328

lol okay dude, have a good night

>> No.11424348

You too.

>> No.11424365

All this
You speak like a 17 year old who uses a thesaurus for a Facebook post

>> No.11424376
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Incredibly smart people have trouble fitting into a middlebrow world, news at 11

>> No.11424413

The fact that you believe that either means you're a total fucking autist or just retarded.
A good friend and I tested in the 150s and we do fine socially we're just not fucking spergs.
One of his friends tested above 160 and hes weird (in my opinion I don't really like the guy but my friend does for some reason so whatever) probably because he actually has autism. Also if you're gonna be that cocky have something to show for it. This woe is me for being too smart shit is fucking sad and cringey

>> No.11424471
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>he isn't a 131 high spec normie+

Anything much above that and you're actually useless and it's good that you won't reproduce

>> No.11424496

Evil by night
Angel by day

>> No.11424521

>tested at 134
>I'm by far the least successful person I've ever met
>literal retards, permafried drug addicts etc have accomplished far more than me in life
IQ means jack when you're inherently a useless piece of shit

>> No.11424522

You aren't inherently useless, you just aren't letting yourself succeed mate. I have faith in you

>> No.11424524

imagine the 140s being the 120s' 100s, and the 120s being subhuman apes.

>> No.11424637
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How is your valve OP?

>> No.11424672

The opposite is true. People with high IQ are more likely to be successful and well-adjusted. And instead of just dropping names and omitting sources, I will refer you to:

Martin et al., 2010: Mental Disorders Among Gifted and Nongifted Youth: A Selected Review of the Epidemiologic Literature, Gifted Child Quarterly, 54, 31-41.

>> No.11424719

>People with high IQ are more likely to be successful and well-adjusted
only until a certain point, op is talking about 140+ IQ, which is very rare and would be considered as outliers in scientific lit.

>> No.11424743


>qualitatively different thinking emerges.
>the quality of other people's thinking is accessible once you reach +145 so you can draw the comparison

Holy..... apart from mind-reading, do they also see time the way Dr. Manhattan does?

>> No.11424752

>Walks about Athens talking patiently with men far less intelligent than himself in order to awaken their latent capacity for philosophical contemplation
>140+ bro

>> No.11424826


Once you start thinking that you are superior, you are falling behind...

>> No.11424865

I wonder if it's the high IQ or the obsession with being high IQ - special and different - that leads to social rejection.

>> No.11424872


I love you, Anon and we're all rooting for you. The world needs you to feel better about yourself because the world needs alot of help.

>> No.11424878

It's called being a pathetic low achievement loser and trying to justify it by also looking down on people that are more successful than you

>> No.11424884

>WAAAAAH it's society's fault I'm a loser

Stop being emo you fags

>> No.11424887

You wonder that, because you're not that smart, no offense.

Anecdotal, but I know a few very smart people and none of them are happy in the most conventional sense. They oscillate between sadness, anxiety and boredom.
Also I'm pretty damn sure none of them ever took an IQ test. But they did get good grades in school.

>> No.11424934

Because you fell for the Jesus meme. Normal people like to signal humility. A genius would typically understand that it's okay to care about how smart you are.

>> No.11424943
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So why don't they become psychology, physics, philology, mathematics etc professors?

Peterson has an IQ above 150, yet has no trouble engaging in work, family, social life etc.

>> No.11424954

>Peterson has an IQ above 150
Source: Peterson

>> No.11424975
File: 124 KB, 500x802, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Smartest man in the world," Chris Langan (highest ever recorded IQ of 195) was banned from facebook today for this post

>> No.11425030

>highest ever recorded IQ of 195
>shitposting racebaiter on facebook


>> No.11425410

All of these high IQ claims and not a single drop of evidence to back them up.

>> No.11425413

is this real, this cant be real