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[ERROR] No.11421800 [Reply] [Original]

Need books to get but I do not know what

I have a lot of ebay bucks to blow this month and books are what I am picking.

>> No.11422686

While your selection is pretty highbrow by /pol/ standards, you don't need to read any books to hate niggers and jews.

>> No.11422732

I've read The Bell Curve and The Culture of Critique. These exact books are usually copy-pasted around various right-wing intellectual threads on /pol/. But truthfully, I don't see the point if the only message they hold if "muh white genes, I am superiori". It just gives /pol/ an excuse to feel better than other races without having accomplished shit themselves

>> No.11422749

>you don't need to read any books to hate niggers and jews.
This. It comes naturally to me :D

>> No.11422753

The Bell Curve has very little content about race, and you'll learn a lot about psychometrics if you read it along with S.J.Gould's Mismeasure of Man, if you don't mind Gould's retarded strawman arguments.

>> No.11422764

really its pseudo quantified bullshit for brainlet mouth-breathers

>> No.11422768

You can learn more from /pol/'s infographics than from any book, and that's not even me memeing. Learned the truth there myself

>> No.11422769

>But truthfully, I don't see the point if the only message they hold if "muh white genes, I am superiori". It just gives /pol/ an excuse to feel better than other races without having accomplished shit themselves
I agree with this. Personally, I see it as a reason to make the best of my situation. I was born white and that is a gift. I should use that as a reason to study maths, literature, and science like a madman and try to make a contribution in the name of my people. What is the point of being a superior white man if I did nothing to give back for it?

>> No.11422773

>the only message they hold if "muh white genes, I am superiori"
It's funny because just some decades ago, people would murder each other based on nationality, hell, nazis considered even the rest of Europe to be sub-human. Now they are all united under the "white people" umbrella.
I wonder if some time from now we'll be fighting the evil of feminism under the "male" umbrella

>> No.11422787

Why the fuck is /pol/ reading a book about human accomplishments in art while they can't produce jack shit? It's pathetic. I expected the alt-right to be some new punk movement or radical neoclassicism, but it doesn't contribute absolutely anything culturally, just leaves the field completely to the terrible, terrible leftists.

>> No.11422798

>Decline of the West
you are not going to get anything you might expect from this at all

>> No.11422807

I'm from /pol/ (I'm white from German and English stock) and so far -- through meme magic -- we've elected a president, caused Brexit, turned the YouTube comment section into a hotbed of redpilled exchanges, and the same goes for 4chan where we've spread merchant memes to every board to the point at which when I go to other websites like hltv.org (gaming website for 12 y.o. counter-strike gamers), I see a lot of redpilled knowledge about truth, Muslims and Sweden/Germany.
We produce jack shit? Think again, we're single-handledly turning this world from degeneracy-ridden hell hole on the verge of collapse into a more ethnically segregated and more masculine world. All while you're crying

>> No.11422813
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>> No.11422831

>Yeah well you havent accomplished anything thats why you care about your race!

Than I shouldnt have to care about ehatever ills it has caused on others as well. Lets be real most people are unextroidanary. This is why being on the same page is good. There is to much baggae with each race against another so it just makes it harder to believe well just get along for the sake of it. Especially when hanging this baggae over another gives more leverage.

>> No.11422839
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>> No.11422858

Most people don't even see race unless someone apes out

>> No.11422866


>> No.11422897
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>> No.11422898

stop moral posturing
everyone aligns themselves to some sort of group to climb the hierarchy. in a multiculti hellhole it's useful to be ethnocentric. in a homogenous nation you have to find other tools
the only thing that's important if it's a hierarchy that rewards productive behaviors and flourishing
a productive hierarchy can't be created in a brazil-like environment. it's not about "muh white genes" but it might have to do with ethnopolitics and mobilizing the right groups of people

>> No.11422905

Nice idpol

>> No.11422912
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This is a really horrible list

>> No.11422915

10k year explosion is great regardless of your opinion on race. Spengler is kind of a meme and if youre going to read old books there's better out there (and shorter), for example Ortega y Gasset. I don't find Charles Murray very interesting personally and you can easily learn about psychometrics without wasting your time. Haven't read Wade or CoC

Yeah but where the fuck the redpilled lit at? Or is the real redpill that were just supposed to beat eachother with clubs?

>> No.11422920

I really liked this book and if that makes me cringe idgaf

>> No.11422931

if you win, that's what you'll get; global brazil. the most successful people will also be those who are the most endogamic and ethnocentric, besides high IQ of course. it's simple game theory. they wont care about productive hierarchies as long as the structure is there to keep the lower castes from eating their babies and taking their stuff. it's a pointless political project

>> No.11422945


>> No.11422957

>you ain't the new punk mayne
This is nobody's aspiration

But yeah OP how about you try reading some authors that haven't been totally discredited by the passage of time, like Karl Marx

>> No.11422974

I'm brazilian and /pol/'s theory that Brazil is fucked due to race mixing is so fucking ridiculous. You only get away with it because racist brazilians hate themselves and agree with you, also no one knows shit about our country to have a qualified discussion with you.

>> No.11422979

brazil is shit because it's catholic majority which means its corrupt and perverted

>> No.11422982

Whatever you say Rabbi

>> No.11422987

tell me about race and Brazil, I unironically have no fucking clue what your country is all about except that you used to be good at soccer

>> No.11422990

Why are leftists so scared to talk about muh idpol with the people who bludgeon people the most with it?

>> No.11423002

I met a /pol/tard at the supermarket yesterday and I walked up to him and I said "hi"... and he couldn't even look me in the eye to respond. He tried to. I could tell he was trying to to say something to me. After an awkward silence the best he could muster was; "h.......eh................................................*
So I thought about a few things for about 5 minutes. It was glorious. Then I struck him upside the head with a small crowbar.
He probably deserved it..


>> No.11423004

>This is nobody's aspiration
I mean, like a subculture that fights against this corrupt society and creates various art in their new style. The hippie movement might be a good equivalent also, they really did stir the pot a bit back in the day. Alt-right should do something along those lines (but obviously in the opposite direction politically). Since they care about the great western culture so much, why not contribute to it?

>> No.11423007

fuck you man that hurt

>> No.11423011

Because antifa are stupid thugs. Doesn't make poltards right

>> No.11423024

Thats not the point. No communist pussy would ever tell some minority group to not care about their identity.

>> No.11423028

Yes I would. Niggers who go on about "we wuz kangz" are also stupid.

>> No.11423040

diversity literally disengages you from your community and your interest in politics. putnam has already shown this. ethnic conflict is a constant in world history and actively pitting groups against each other in the same nation is not politics, it's brinkmanship. actively selling this concept as a question of tolerance is very disingenuous, especially when you consider how undiverse the enforcers are.
I don't care about racemixing or whatever. the problem is ethnic conflict and when every political matter becomes a surrogate battle for this ethnic conflict.

>> No.11423045

they do that all the time u dumbfuck, thats basically the trotskyist line, it was only stalin with his "socialism in one country" shit that communists started promoting every language group deserving its own state and rights and shit, maybe that was because stalin was a georgian who some how got control of the russian empire so he was woke on minority rights, but anyways no plenty of communist do tell minorities to stop fucking with identity politics and focus on organizing workers, true marxists only care about workers not poc feefees

>> No.11423127

That second Murray book real fun to read

>> No.11423129

Where's the art? Where's the science? Hell, I'd even take an aesthetic rally out of you guys at this point. You're controlled opposition, Jewish golems that wave tiki torches and spout vitriol in what has so far been a very successfully controlled matrix designed to ensure that any positive ethnoseparatism is pushed back 40 years. You, your "le redpilled" youtube comments, and your pornstar fucking tangerine are the worst thing to happen to the white race since the Frankfurt school. The communist vultures may have picked at the desiccated corpse of Western civilization but you ingrates are the slow bacterial decay.

>> No.11423138

You are talking out of your ass, but I'll agree that the bulk of religious people (evangelicals) is close minded and get in the way of having sensible discussions.


I'm not very well versed on the topic, but I'll give you some stuff to research by yourselves.

There was never racial purity on Brazil: before the slaves arrived, portuguese men were already fucking the natives, and after the slavery ended, there were a HUGE influx of immigrants to work here.
Talking about slavery, it practiacally ended at the start of the 20th century (and they made a shitty job at ending it), so it's easy to see how it would have effects to this day.
There is some racism (specially from the offspring of european immigrants, lol), but usually people coexist in peace, race isn't even a big deal since the majority of the population is mixed, and the tension we are seeing right now is mostly imported from the USA by brazilian SJW's (people are even using terms like "poc").

To make a long story short, Brazil is fucked because of it's dramatic unequality, not ethnic tension, that I guarantee you.

>> No.11423141

Interesting. Thanks for the rec

>> No.11423149

It makes me sad that that's how you view recent events.

>> No.11423204

Also, to adress your post a little better, there is not a single political movement concerned with race here.
We have workers vs. bosses, farmers vs. ambientalists, leftists vs conservatives...

You might be right when it comes to Europe and the USA, there is a clear conflict going on there. Your only mistake is to look our particular ethnic background and say "this is why they are fucked, let us learn this lesson"

>> No.11423308

I don't care about racial purity, what matters is identifiable groups working together. ethnocentricity is a good strategy so more intelligent people will stay "separated", especially in ruthless environments. they'll stay separated and therefore they'll be able to accumulate more wealth. because of ethnic tension there's no incentive for them to care about other groups, it would actually harm them. the inequality grows
you can redistribute the wealth but different ethnic groups will use this wealth in different ways, some more effectively than others. ethnic stratification remains and you still don't have a political project, only different ethnic groups vying for power in damaging ways
ethnically diverse mobilization is ineffectual mobilization. imagine if you had a 100 clones of yourself. maybe you wouldn't be able to come up with wildly different ideas but you'd be compatible; you can literally finish each others sentences.
in a very diverse society you don't know what to expect and cooperation falls apart or it only becomes possible on a much smaller scale. you're a fractured society, an easy prey for more cooperative groups

>> No.11423331

Good chart.