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/lit/ - Literature

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1142169 No.1142169 [Reply] [Original]

>Mass Effect, a game with a complex story developed in Edmonton, will be required 'reading' for a course in contemporary Canadian fiction at Concordia University.


First we got the 'Twilight' University scholars and now they teach video games in literature courses.

What the fuck is wrong with you, 2010?

>> No.1142245

One could see it as opening alternative career paths to aspiring writers. While it seems absolutely ridiculous, video games aren't going anywhere and it's a major market. Why not prepare students for every writing outlet possible?

>> No.1142251

in its defense, Mass Effect has a pretty solid scifi story attached to it.

>> No.1142254

No worse than Buffy Studies.

>> No.1142263

I go to Concordia University.

I love video games and I think it's good that they're not ignoring them. But there must be better quality contemporary Canadian fiction than Mass Effect. This is just the kind of "forward thinking" shit that they like to pull all the time.

>> No.1142264
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>mfw when a course entirely about The Wire appears and no one complains

>> No.1142266

>But there must be better quality contemporary Canadian fiction than Mass Effect.

Haha. Perhaps a course on Celine Dion or Nickelback's lyrics?

>> No.1142267

but eets so KLEESHAY

>> No.1142270

ME boasts excellent writing for a computer game. However, no amount of 'dark' characters and morality choices that have absolutely no bearing upon the plot can make it as complex and as interesting as, say, your average PKD novel.

>> No.1142271

I guess they just got sick of reading short stories about how it's cold and gray.

>> No.1142279

>Not Planescape: Torment
>Not Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines
>Not System Shock 2

>> No.1142287

Note the word 'Canadian'

>> No.1142467

I'd understand, if it were Planescape: Torment, but Mass Effect?

>> No.1142611
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PORTAL is a game I would bravely describe as "ART". Not "artsy", not "cinematic",not "innovative". Its just a well told story in a really weird way but with a barrier of entry.

>> No.1142724
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I have played both Mass Effects, and I have degrees in both Eng. Lit. and Comp. Sci.
I gotta say: Narrative is narrative, if you want to quibble about what "good" narrative is, then it sounds like there's a paper in it for you. You can go all Post-modernist Literary Criticism on their speculatively fictitious asses... Also, we can get all of the narrative generated by recent Sci-Fi television scripts currently in production in B.C.!