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/lit/ - Literature

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1142109 No.1142109 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s favourite mythology?

Personally, I'm partial to the Egyptian and South American ones.

>> No.1142128

As just as much a movie fan as a lit fan, I'd have to say the American mythology of the westward settlement; the Western.

>> No.1142131

I always found Greek mythology to be pretty extensive.

>> No.1142133


>> No.1142144

I always enjoyed the Judeo-Christian mythos.

>> No.1142148

I'm partial to Norse and Judeo-Christian mythologies. Slavic seems pretty interesting as well, but it's a bit harder to find a lot of that.

>> No.1142153
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Roman mythology

>> No.1142176


I don't know anyone IRL who would realise this is a troll. Good one.

>> No.1142180

The Aztec-Mayan ones were pretty cool.

>> No.1142185

Judaic/Caballa, and Irish. Also a bit of interest in Greek, but not as much as Irish and Judaic.

>> No.1142322
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>> No.1142340


you should stop spending time with the town drunks then

greek mythology is my favourite though

>> No.1142342

Japanese/Shinto mythos is interesting as all hell.
Aside from that I'm more interested in Norse than any other western mythologies

>> No.1142358

Favorite: Norse.

Can everyone agree that Dogon is shit-tier mythology?

>> No.1142361

Christian hagiographies are fun if you treat them as mythology. Otherwise, Slavic. Awesome unpronounceable names are awesome

>> No.1142686
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Norse here.

>> No.1142705
File: 185 KB, 549x640, tyrundfenrir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norse is best.

>> No.1142727

The one that accurately describes human history is my favorite. I'm speaking, of course, of Scientology,

>> No.1142776

Twilight mythology, so much better than all the oldtime classic stories

>> No.1142843


Is this a meme or am I just being dense?

>> No.1142844
File: 297 KB, 473x500, rock on buddhas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egyptian mythology is awesome. When I was younger (like 4-9) I was obsessed with Egypt and I would watch every singe documentary of Egypt that would come on the History Channel. Now I'm more interested in Greek and Indian mythology and religion. I've read a lot about Buddha.

>> No.1142871

I'm quite fond of Greek mythology. I read a lot of them when I was a kid because I was made to (not being a native speaker and all), in order to improve my English. So, out of nostalgia more than anything else.