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[ERROR] No.11420361 [Reply] [Original]

>smirking during debate, particularly when defensive
>”feels over reals”
>”well technically....”

>> No.11420368
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Its a thing called logic

>> No.11420480
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>people actually believe that 'objective' reality, science and facts are anything in the face of myth, romanticism and abstraction

Not /lit/.

>> No.11420494

>Ben Shapiro FUCKS Helpless College Girl With FACTS and LOGIC

>> No.11420498
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>> No.11420499

>"how do you even define 'white'"

>> No.11420893

Ben Shapiro is literally the right wing Destiny

>> No.11420909

Why exactly, are people pseuds when they actually believe something and have principles?

Being a jaded 4chan contrarian clearly doesn't get you anywhere in life.

>> No.11420921

There's no real criterion for pseuds, as far as im concerned Hegel was a pseud, that thread yesterday claimed Plato was a pseud, anyone can be a pseud and probably is. I'm a pseud, you're a pseud, lit is infested with pseuds, everyone who even knows the name Latour is a pseud. Its just like how shit you don't like is a meme. Jordan Peterson is a meme philosopher, Infinite Jest is a meme book, Accelerationism is a meme, Gen Z is a meme, everyone and everything that matters is a meme. Which is >>exactly<< what a pseud like me >>would<< say, isnt it?

>> No.11420944

Good post revealing what 4chan is like.

>> No.11420992

It shows you how low quality entertainment on the right is when as big a figure as Ben is a twitch streamer on the left.

>> No.11420998

The right just woke up, give it a minute to brush its teeth

>> No.11421000

I just cringed so hard that i'm now permanently constipated.

>> No.11421028
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I'm not gonna do that.

>> No.11421038

We'll purge Crowder and Shapiro if you purge the tankies

>> No.11421099

>the right just woke up
what have been the past 40 years of neoliberalism then, you retard

>> No.11421110
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lefty/pol/ in charge of insults.

>> No.11421126

You're the one taking it as an insult. Also, F A N T A S T I C argument, just as SMART and WOKE as claiming the right wing was asleep, as if we've had anything BUT right wing in the past 30 years. If people think fucking Obama and Hillary are radical leftwingers and borderline commies, I fail to see how I'm wrong.

>> No.11421136

Wholly depends on where you are talking about. Most of Western Europe has had left-wing governments for decades. It wasn't untill 2015 that it was all shook up and SocDems went straight to hell.

And before you say SocDems aren't left-wing, fuck off, they are left-wing, they are just not revolutionary. Deal with it.

>> No.11421143

Neoliberalism isn't about right or left, it's about technologisation of knowledge. Read Leo Strauss' 'What is Political philosophy?' In which he elegantly refutes the (pseudo-)scientific approach to politics. There's too much in common between this scientific gaze and Heidegger and what has been called de-politicization.

>> No.11421145

Both Obama and Hillary aren't SocDems

>> No.11421162

They both have SocDem ideas. Obama literally wanted to create a single payer healthcare system like what most of Europe has, but was stopped in Congress; you certainly can't call that right-wing, at least not in the liberal economic sense.

>> No.11421167

The 4chan contrarian IS the pseud.

>> No.11421168

Sweet damnation art my man

>> No.11421187

enjoy the dumb paradigm your in, frankly I liked it better when your buzzword was "capitalism"

>> No.11421193

If I ever walked into somebody's house and saw this I would start foaming uncontrollably, grab whatever hard blunt object is nearest, and crack my own skull open to end the cringe.

>> No.11421196

strawmen, insults, hostility, snark, lack of understanding, yeah you're a pseud all right

>> No.11421203

>I fail to see how I'm wrong
Obviously, if you could see it you wouldn't be such a brainlet

>> No.11421246



>> No.11421254

>Jordan Peterson is a meme philosopher, Infinite Jest is a meme book, Accelerationism is a meme, Gen Z is a meme

All of these statements are true though

>> No.11421258

>gay marriage, tranny rights, massive third world immigration are right wing

>> No.11421271

Fuck I should've asked for more, I've failed you God-Emperor

Variations of this but unironically are also a meme

>> No.11421278


I'll purge the young turks if you take Gavin McInnes.

>> No.11421279

>Universal healthcare is social democracy
universal healthcare is a basic staple of liberalism and has been since the french revolution, american retardation aside.
Neoliberalism most definitely is about being right wing, it was a reaction against a perceived influence of the left and shit like welfare state, taxation of idle fortune and blah blah bllah
still no argumments
>laissez faire laissez passer is a leftist idea
>individual rights are leftist
>exploring cheap labour is leftist

>> No.11421285

Why would I argue with an obvious pseud? You don't even know your own side let alone mine

>> No.11421299
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my man

>> No.11421302

>Freeze peach