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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.11419109 [Reply] [Original]

>Coming back to /lit/ after 4 years absence

>> No.11419120
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Turn away while you can. This place's gone to shit.

>> No.11419176

welcome home, oldfag.

>> No.11419182

Pretty dank now, huh pops?

>> No.11419207

Nice late 2016 lingo

>> No.11419211

WHAT are we DOING in your SWAMP?

>> No.11419228
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What are you doing back? You managed to escape!

>> No.11419237

dude, this place is like a nazi hangout now, fucking sucks so bad, i kind of hate this site now actually, just so fuckin toxic

>> No.11419243

2016 election finally killed this site, 2020 will be horrifying

>> No.11419244

/pol/ changed 4chan for the worse. Some boards are still okay. This is one of them. No board can escape their reach tho.

>> No.11419247

were u doin a bid or something? longest i quit was a year which i kind of regret now cuz lit wasnt nearly as bad back then, then recently i quit for six months but after a night out drinking at some hipster bar i had to come back and talk to some true autists and not fake autists

>> No.11419253

this place fucking sucks now and the mods let it happen.

>> No.11419255

/ck/'s pretty good....but every so often /pol/ manages to shit that up too

>> No.11419258


>> No.11419259
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>> No.11419266
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some of us are still around

>> No.11419354

anyone down to quit for like 4 years we come back midway through trump's second term maybe things will have died down

>> No.11419358

>trump’s second term
don’t make me laugh

>> No.11419367

>clueless liberal thinks trump isn't going to win even bigger in 2020

that kind of head in the sand attitude completely failed in 2016 but why not double down and try it again in 2020! good plan bro

>> No.11419368

Yeah, it's actually half decent now.

>> No.11419370


>> No.11419372

it's basically the same shit with less Infinite Jest threads
half of the board is contrarians who hate it now (although they've never actually read it)

best thread ever
has it been that long already?

>> No.11419373


>> No.11419380

much more likely to happen than his first one. I'm indifferent to him, but I expect him to win if he runs again.

>> No.11419397

He proved he was a sellout and was not the ultra savvy businessman he made himself out to be. The most hated candidate in history still beat him overall, 30k in 2 states is all you need to flip the map.

>> No.11419437

Andrew Yang will be the next president. Feel free to screenshot this post.

>> No.11419447

You're right, there won't be elections and the Presidency is going to become a hereditary position. Ivanka will be our next president after she's killed or blinded Don Jr, Tiffany, and Eric. She might let Barron live and exile him to Alaska.

>> No.11419452

fuck drumpf, open borders now, remember the six million, less old white men in literature!!!!111!!!. feel like old times now?

>> No.11419453

>chinese president

dream on man, right now mayor deblasio is working to implement a plan to discriminate against asian students in nyc's most competitive schools, he was supposed to be a "progressive" mayor, closer to bernie than the clintons, and his legacy defining policy goal is to reduce the number of asians in elite public schools, the yellow menace is alive and well in the hearts and minds of democrats

>> No.11419495

we wrote two more books but they kinda sucked

>> No.11419672


The heebs are pretty fussy on account of their child sacrifices getting squeezed by the crackdoen on human trafficking. They pay their wagecucks handsomely though to astroturf and divide with the power of penile shock imagery.

>> No.11419978
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>> No.11419982

how the fuck do nazis manage to fuck up food?
"don't use spices they're nigger magic?"

>> No.11420608

basically yes

>> No.11420811

I'm speechless

>> No.11420815
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>> No.11420837
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> advocating for monarchy
Get out of here brit

>> No.11420841
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Regardless of how dumb /pol/ is, twittards and tumblrinas must go.

>> No.11420847

has dino tendies been coming over recently /

>> No.11420856

This board has not got any worse. You have just matured.