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[ERROR] No.11418879 [Reply] [Original]

can someone tell me why Peterson's standard for what is good and bad literature is whether or not the author gets the "archetypes correct"?

>> No.11418885
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for instance, Harry Potter is good because of the archetypes. I really do not get how that is relevant.

>> No.11418939


His logic states that archetypes are merely stories expressed as simple and effectively as possible. If a movie is full of typical archetypes, then the ideas are communicated very well.

>> No.11419007

Archetypes are, in the Jungian sense, a distillation of facets of reality. So if you take every instance of an overbearing mother and found their representative average, you'd get a story similar to the devouring mother.

Peterson's point is that if the story has any truth in it, it probably uses some of these archetypes either intentionally or unintentionally. I happen to agree with this point. What is the point of a story if it has no bearing on reality?

>> No.11419159

archetypes are the abstract decoding of instinctual behavior and values, our human essence, the foundational pillars of behavior

the "Shadow" is when one of our peculiarities (pillars) take an imbalanced dominion of the others, psychopathology; misplaced aim (focus/attention), refusal to acknowledge one's delinquencies, they are in the dark. Imagine muscle imbalances except mental. Peterson usually talk about the "devouring mother", this is when the (self-acclaimed) savior denotes purity upon the (implied) eternally oppressed, treating them like faultless children in need of incessant advocacy: Pathological Compassion. An inability to see oneself clearly, similar to "cognitive dissonance" except there's no discomfort: Not Even Wrong.

>> No.11419183

and a story with proper depictions of the archetypes, teaches us (subconsciously) the path to virtue through a type of admiration: Good stories guides us unto the path of good. But we won't know until take a step on this "path", that is the sensation of "Meaning"; the Process of Becoming an individual we would admire if it was someone-else.

>> No.11419709

You can’t get the archetypes correctly or incorrectly they’re literally the building blocks of a story
Every story gets them correctly

>> No.11420358

it's the didacticist angle of literary criticism, i.e. cancer

>> No.11420991

I liked the archetypes of "Atlas shrugged", really made a good fictional framework for the realistic message.

>> No.11420994

Or they're cliched

>> No.11421002


>> No.11421014

nice argumentation desu

>> No.11421035

What would you do if you came back to your car and saw two Staceys dancing in it?

>> No.11421060

i would go " holy fuck, a mazda miata? What fuckin idiot would buy that ugly car? Is that yours girls? How can u be happy and dancing when your car's lookin that ugly?" then i would turn around and go for a 1h walk, hoping they left when i come back.

>> No.11421072

So basically he loves the cliche, generic, and uncreative?

>> No.11421076

If bitches were dancing in my car it'd be the kind of dance where I join in and we come out of it a lot happier and sweatier than we started.

>> No.11421088

Dayum. You really be about that?

>> No.11421129

It's the primary reason why women dance in cars. People who drive Mazda Miata are exceptions.