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[ERROR] No.11417823 [Reply] [Original]

I'm /lit/.

How do I get /fitlit/?

>> No.11417826

it won't help you get a gf

>> No.11417827

I just wanna work on myself for my own self, not for others

>> No.11417835

You pick up heavy shit and you put it back down eventually then you keep doing that

>> No.11417841
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>I just wanna work on myself for my own self, not for others

Heh.. thats what you think buddy

>> No.11417842

swim, dance, hike, fuck hos
basically way more cardio than /fit/

>> No.11417846

depends if you're looking for aesthetics or actual fitness

>> No.11417850

>replacing nude male wrestling with fucking hoes
not gonna make it

>> No.11417852

lift weights
eat protein

>> No.11417858

Care explaining?

>> No.11417899
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Intermittent fasting, the only thing you drink is water and black coffee/plain tea, no fast food, look up how many calories and how much protein you should eat and eat that.

Do some sort of exercise every day. Even if its just walking around for 30 minutes, just do something everyday and increase the challenge over time.

Eventually go to /fit/ and look up how to lift

>> No.11417977

actual fitness means diet and sleep
aesthetics means intense physical activity, which might be harmful depending on your situation

Can't remember his name but I read about some japanese doctor saying that our heart has 2 billion beats in the span of our lifetime and that if you want to live longer you have to avoid sudden spikes and putting it in too much stress. It depends on whether you did sports as a child, in which case you should have a lower heartbeat.

So what this old yello nigga said was to just take a 20/30 min walk every day, go to sleep early [since 10pm-2am is the non-REM phase which is the most important] and eat one meal a day, or as /fit/ calls it, OMAD. Look up Dr. Jason Fung on the matter. It's not only about weight loss since it has various benefits for your body.

>> No.11417987

Has to be a shoop.
No way in hell that qt is reading Hegel

>> No.11417993

Lift books
Read weights

>> No.11417998

>Big Guy 4 U guy here
Just came back from the gym after benching two plate for sets of ten.

>read starting strength, by Mark rippetoe
>buy 20kg of oats
>gallon of milk a day
>then after 1.5 years do brolov Jr

You'll be the talk of the town little Jimmy.

>> No.11418355

When others exist 'for me' because I see them and have revealed a subset of tools, and 'others' exist merely to take blame, I'm not so sure about that.
Not him by the way, but he gave me a reason to post, which I obviously needed.

>> No.11418438

IF perhaps even OMAD. Run. Run a lot. Run everyday. When you're skinnyfat, start to lift.

>> No.11418462
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You work out
You could listen to audiobooks while you run

>> No.11418560

I'm pretty much on some sort of OMAD right now but I always considered that to be unhealthy..

I don't see that being a good book experience to be honest

>> No.11419417

holy shit, oats

>> No.11419463

It won't increase the total odds of getting a gf, but it certainly will increase the average attractiveness of potential gfs should you get one.

>> No.11420379

Yes it will.

>> No.11420679

what are /fitlit/ books, Mishima?

>> No.11420753
