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[ERROR] No.11416643 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an advice book or something out there that will help me get a gf

>> No.11416650


>> No.11416689

The Culture of Critique to be desu

>> No.11416699

Yeah all the guys who are good at getting girls read a special book that has the one weird trick that makes them attractive to the opposite sex.

>> No.11416717
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>> No.11416734

Fuck, now I lost again

>> No.11416738

Seconding this. I can't stand masturbating everyday without any hope of getting actual pussy.
Inb4 tinder

>> No.11416743

Reading: Ovid’s Art of Love, Plato, and Shakespeare. The first one’s your temporary bible, the second two are important for what I’m about to explain: you have to NOT want a gf. Do not SEEK one, but let them come to you, for the most part. What I mean is: focus on yourself. Look presentable, don’t be skinny or fat, be generally masculine, and have a hobby that you love. This hobby has to be something that could, if you mastered it, make you money. This hobby can be reading and writing but it cannot be movies and video games. Just accept this. If you can’t accpet it, then read more. Those prerequisites I listed above are the most important. Now, once you’ve done that, and you’ve maintained those prerequisites for 2 months to 6 months, during that time you should have put yourself into a mindset that you do not REALLY want a girl anymore. This is where the girl comes in. If you’re lucky, you’ll have friends where you can go hang out with them. Maybe you go to your university library. What I’m trying to say is, you have to actually go to places where you’ll meet a girl. Then, play it cool. Go up to her and just TALK to her. If you have a hobby, if you read, if you have friends, you will quite literally have moved past that worrying barrier.

>> No.11416744

12 rules for life by Jordan B Peterson

>> No.11416746
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The Manual: what women want and how to give it to them.
This is not pick up shit. This is an actually good book that will tell you why girls reject you.

>> No.11416749

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, every other answer is a meme

>> No.11416777

I heard Models by Mark Manson is good, but yeah, I'm also a lonely loser.

>> No.11416834
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Actual faggot here, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
However, when I was still in my ‘’denial phrase’’ I was trying to pick up chicks with no grounding in sexual lust or romantic aspirations, but just to boost my ego and gain status. I have no books to offer, but the ‘’Nice guys finish last’’ meme is true to some extent, girls like it when you’re a rascal, I.E don’t give a fuck, à la Chad. Synergizing this with taking care of yourself (lifting, grooming yourself) and developing an interesting and charismatic personality will help you tremendously. Good luck OP.

>> No.11416835

Exit time space, enter the reality of a holographic multidimensional universe. Get ripped at the gym, grow a beard, start smoking cigarettes, develop a taste for psychedelic music, start playing the harmonium, read philosophy, history, science, classic literature. develop skills that will make you a self sustainable human, Start prepping for the apocalypse, unplug from technology, speak with the charisma of a cult leader, study cult leaders. Eat only organic food and treat your body as a temple. Do yoga, fast, practice traditional Japanese martial arts, take up swordfighting. Study the mechanics of sex until mastery. Develop a spiritual connection with nature

This path and this path alone will get you the wife you deserve

>> No.11416844

Don't, 2 weeks in and I'm already regretting

>> No.11416849

How feasible is it without the lifting bit?
Also I'm 170cm

>> No.11416870

how to make friends and influence people

>> No.11416890
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>How feasible is it without the lifting bit?
Also I'm 170cm

Getting laid? shit I don’t know lol. Lifting has array of benefits, lifting is a testosterone booster. Testosterone helps you feel, act and think manlier, thus more successful with women. If you cant lift because you live on a deserted island with no weights, think about eating healthier, and avoiding estrogenic foods like Onions that prevent testosterone production. Also if you think being a ‘’manlet’’ is a hindrance to getting laid, it will be. Being confident despite your shortcomings (no pun intended) Is a turn on.

>> No.11416901


i meant S.O.Y

>> No.11416908


>study the blade

God damn it.

>> No.11417176
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Take the GreenPill

>> No.11417206

No. Is the answer.
I look like a hobo and spent my weekends drinking cider at the river bank.
And i got a gf.
Where is the logic in that?
Just do you and trust that it will happen. And obviously put yourself out there, socially i mean.
You arent going to find one in your room while wanking into a sock.

>> No.11417226

Is there a book that can help me not jerk off everyday?

>> No.11417271
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>> No.11417322

The Bible.

>> No.11417333

Not my diary desu

>> No.11417345

>treat your body like a temple
>smoke cigarettes

>> No.11417360

Esoteric literature. They all the something similar: get as masculine as possible to get pussy.

>> No.11417371

A textbook on statistics and probability, then you realize that you have more chances of getting a gf if you tried asking girls out

>> No.11417375

too real

>> No.11417377

every temple has candles in it

>> No.11417394

You know, that's probably the best advice to give someone who can't get a girlfriend. You just need to get on with your life and pursue your goals and interests, and just hope one day you run into someone you likes you as much as you like them. There's no point in trying hard to get a s/o if you're not finding one, so the best thing you can do is wait and be patient, not self deprecate yourself and play victim. But you already know the answer to why you can't get a girlfriend; you're butt ugly in both looks and personality, and all the girls will just fuck the top 20% of guys until they're 30 and by the grace of god you might get the scraps by the time you're bald. There's no hope, you've already accepted that, your fate is sealed. So why bitch about it and meme at any sort of honest advice? You're the source of your own misery.

>> No.11417397

not if i use bayesian probability including my smell and shyness

>> No.11417412

How are you on a literature forum and yet you're retarded enough to think that a fucking bean can have the mammalian hormone known as estrogen in it?

>> No.11417449

>mfw I work out AND smoke as much as I can daily

I'm stealing your phrase for now on.

>> No.11417610

you know, this is the most sound advice, together with "just be yourself" and I mean that unironically
the thing is that "being yourself" should be taken as "be who you wanna be/do what you wanna do" and that is actually pretty fucking hard when you have a lot of social evaluation surrounding you or you are trying to pursue some kind of agenda (like getting a gf), which is something that always leads you to be who you think you are supposed to be, not yourself

>be me, 18 year old kissless virgin
>look like a hobo, fat af, no money
>hobbies include shitposting all day and getting drunk for cheap whenever I can
>literally had many opportunities with girls, but had no idea what to do
>end up meeting a qt that pushes through the "omg he doesn't have a clue" barrier
>we end up staying together for 6 years

>be me, 24 years old, just broke up
>also lost a lot of weight, not fat anymore
>months later realize "ok, it's time to learn what to do with girls I guess"
>end up following a lot of "pua tier" advice, kiss random girls every now and then
>it's always shitty
>I wanna find someone that we love each other and whatnot
>this is shit
>tbqh was way better when I was a kissless virgin, even though I wouldn't act cause I was dumb the interactions were way more meaningful
>stop giving a fuck

>be me, 26 years old, not giving a fuck
>don't even try hard to look good as I was doing before
>hobo looking most of the time
>meet qt3.14, fall in love, we stay together for a year

and after breaking up that last one (sort of recently) it seems like every time I'm trying hard it's frustrating as fuck and not good and every person I met briefly that it was nice was when I was "not giving a fuck and just having fun". Pure anecdotal stuff, but I just feel like it works that way and there's always confirmation.

And it makes sense desu

Me when trying hard:
>try talking to girls with an agenda in my
>feel frustrated every time it doesn't work
>feel frustrated every time it "works" but it's not meaningful
>not enjoying going all that much because I'm this constant loop of seeking and frustrating
>trying hard even with girls that I can sense I don't have much in common cause it's like I'm looking for some sort of validation

Me when not giving a fuck:
>go out to do things I like with people I like
>enjoy it way more
>start conversations with random people don't even know how and without an agenda
>some of these people are girls
>with some of these girls we end up like each other, yay
>some of these people I don't like but I'm not trying to make them like me
>and if it doesn't happen it's ok, it was never the goal anyway
>much less frustration
>ppl probably can sense that I look much more happier and whatnot

I mean, at some point if it doesn't happen there's always this bug on the back of my head like "omg when am I gonna meet someone" that is frustrating and makes it hard to not fall on the first mode again, and every now and then I do, but I'm learning not to