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1141259 No.1141259 [Reply] [Original]

>Mfw right after I spend fifteen minutes writing a shitty bit of story the thread 404s

>> No.1141262

then post here - make this a writing thread

>> No.1141263

post it anyway, I'll read it

>> No.1141266

Methinks the other OP had a hurt butt.

i wrote something and nobody commented on it, consider me his partner in hurtbuttedness

>> No.1141267

lol me to, i was waiting for a reply.

>> No.1141269

Someone tell me if this doesn't make sense. I'm drunk so I'm a bit off. I might actually develop this into something not shit.

"God damn it John the mirror's still too high up."

He grunted from the bathroom. Ass hole. It didn't look like he even moved it any lower, like he said he did. The mirror was at least at five and a half feet, my head didn't even reach the bottom.

"Where's the soap?"

The soap was coated in his thick curls of hair. Mr. Body Builder shaved his body more than I did, and the shit got everywhere. By the time I got to the bar of soap, it looked like moss coating a rock. I threw it out when he went to pick up some food; six layers of toilet paper guarding my hands.

"Oh I don't know honey did you check--"

"There's no where to fucking check it's a motel goddamn bathroom!"

In a motel room with motel bed bugs biting our suburban asses because Body Builder lost all of my money. I hid the last bar of soap where he wouldn't find it. Climbing up on the bed to check the mirror was hard. I checked to make sure he wasn't looking at me.

In the mirror: me. Okay. Blood shot, maybe a wrinkle. I threw back my head. Ripples of hair. That's me.

Shit, the soap was sliding out. I pushed it back in.

Just then John barreled in from the bathroom, hugging my feet.

"Fuck it, I don't even care, I fucking love you."

The soap popped out of my vagina, and thudded on John's head. Shit.

>> No.1141273


Post your shit here, I want to read it and I'll comment on it. I declare this a general writing thread.

Also, yes, I have the hurt butt.

>> No.1141275
File: 71 KB, 300x300, artist_wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when you don't know about greenoval

>> No.1141276

Other OP here, sorry about that man, I didn't think anyone was taking it seriously since most of the shit being posted there was just making fun of it all, I didn't mean to be a dick.

>> No.1141278

Green ovals?

>> No.1141288



Craig grabbed onto his wife's legs as the police tried desperately to pull him away. his life was now over. A sucessful MC Donald's manager making OVER 9000 dollars a year with 5 children has been caught with child pornography on his laptop.


But they didn't listen. The police beat Craig mercilessly while he desperately grabbed onto his wife's legs while his young children helplessly watched at the doorway. as tears began to flow from his youngest daughter Haley eyes, the bloody beaten Craig was unconscious, and unable to grip his wife's legs anymore.

Craig was thrown into the party van downstairs, and his computer was confiscated. Although, a man was beaten into a bloody pulp in front of his wife and children, trialed as a sex offender and lost his prestigious job at MC Donald's [LOL WANT FRIES WITH THAT?] nothing of value was truly lost.

the end

>> No.1141286

>Never mind I discovered it

>> No.1141302

Fuck your memes and fuck them hard.

>> No.1141304


>> No.1141309

Same here OP, and after I discovered it 404'd I then closed the word document out of pure "oh fuck it" losing every bit of shit i typed up.

oh well.

>> No.1141311

I fucking lold so hard at the end. Probably just over tired but lol.

>> No.1141315

True story, bro

My first real display of weakness in my relationship was wrapping my arms around her feet one cold morning. Asking her to stay a little while longer.
She took her legs from me and clothed herself, smiling back at me briefly as she left the room.

At the start of our relationship we were standing tall next to each other, equals.

She looked away.
I put my arm around her shoulders.

She moved an inch.
My arms now around her hips, holding tighter.

She struggles slightly.
I'm grabbing her now, pleading at her knees.

She's starting to step away and I'm around her feet, asking her to stay a little while longer.

She takes her legs away from me and clothes herself, smiling back at me briefly as she leaves the room.

>> No.1141342

Thank god, I spent ages writing this >.>.
Fred 1.
Fred shook himself out of the stupor, he was bare and naked, and confused like a freshly slapped newborn. A mess of vomit and shit lined the carpet around him, fragments of which dagged his pubic hair, bleaching them and giving his genitals an almost lionesc ferocity. The stench rang with the rotten aroma of fish. It had been Wednesday when he had last eaten tuna tacos; what day is it today he wondered. He quickly gave up.
His surroundings were dark, barr the sepia glow of streetlight seeping in through the drawn curtains. He struggled to raise himself, but his body was limp and unresponsive. A small arm movement the best he could muster.

'Eh. What the fuck' his arms felt weird and foreign. He looked down to see a needle wedged in the crevice of his forearm; it rocked a little. His eyes saw pain, but only a dull ache crawled up his spine before disbursing in to nothing. At the bottom of the syringe was a dew of purplish liquid, an amalgam of blood mixed with wasted dope.

'Bah you little cunt, I'll get you out, I will' Fred spat at the parasite: the ambrosia which both alleviated and antagonized him. He motioned for his other arm, but it was dead, wedged under his corpse. No choice but to shake it out. He commanded the free arm to move, and it flailed in response like a fish with Downs' syndrome. The movement could not have been called elegant or violent, but it was enough, and so the syringe fell, resounding with an imperceptable cush as the woolen carpet cradled its fall.

With his arm free, he felt around the room once more.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. AHA. He rubbed in his hand the soft fibres of silk, probably a bed spread, definitely not his own. He pondered where exactly the fuck he was. But the exertion had been too much. His eyes drooped, his consciousness boarded the next bus, and he slipped back to coma. He exhaled a final 'Fuck it' and slept once more.

>> No.1141348

Fred 2.

His eyes struggled open, and through the encrusted sleep he made out the amber glow of a hotel room. His head was sandwiched against a the foot of a bed, his neck craned awkwardly atop a pile of red silk sheets. He felt and smelt like infected shit. As he raised himself a sharp jolt shot of pain shot up his arm, electrifying his cerebrum.

'Mother fucking Christ faggot'. A syringe fell from the his elbow fell and clanged against the brown-stained carpet. The cylinder rolled away, and he was wondering whether the residual fluid was good for another hit, when a chill swept up his spine. His head pivoted slowly, and as it did so, a humanoid shape inched its way into his field of view.

Standing before him was a girl. Her long black curled hair ran down to and curtained the aureoles of her full breasts. Her legs were long and taught, but her stomach was full, sheltering in its distention the outline of new life. Her dark Brazillian skin shone with the glow of motherhood, as if basted in oil and honey. She starred longingly at Fred. Her amber flaked irises warm and comforting. But still. She was dead.

The body swayed limply in the air, as if moved by an unfelt breeze, toes playing with the white bedding at the pivot of each swing. Unnerved by the pendulimic dance Fred embraced her legs. 'Oh god, oh god oh god. What the fuck. Fuck. What the fuck. Fuck. Oh god!' his thoughts scrambled in panic, but from his mouth came only the crescendo of a guttural cry.

>> No.1141352

There once was a monority
who ate at KFC
he finished his dinner
it tasted quite bitter
but that was only because he was a nigger

>> No.1141363

i'm not sure whether this is serious or not

excellent critique of stereotypes of modern black culture.

i'm sure that "nigger" did find his KFC "bitter", considering he has been consigned to eat it again and again by modern society.