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/lit/ - Literature

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11412066 No.11412066 [Reply] [Original]

even literature and philosophy can not fulfill my empty pointless nihilist life.

what should I do anon?

chasing girls,fame,money?

>> No.11412072

My experience is that this stuff usually passes with time.

>> No.11412075

you're not reading the right philosophy

philosophy is the buttress of wholeness and not its foundation. lift, meditate, eat clean, work hard, read philosophy

>> No.11412090
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>my life
>what should I do

All that narcissism and nothing to do with it. Truly sad.

>> No.11412095

Get into anime.

>> No.11412096

>chasing girls,fame,money
Pointless question. You couldn’t get that shit even if you tried lol.

>> No.11412100

>chasing girls,fame,money?
Yes because people that chase these seem so fulfilled

>> No.11412132

Chase money and or fame and the girls will chase you.

>> No.11412203

You sound like a regular 21 year old. It'll pass, score some shrooms or acid if you want to speed things up. If you're a boomer complaining about this stuff you're fucked.

>> No.11412283

It's his thread, faggot.

>> No.11412319

Get a job and a family. Once you have bonded and feel the need to provide for them all of this disappears and feels like nonsense.

Seems very real in a certain part of life but it's just another phase without any ulterior meaning or truth to it.

>> No.11412326
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Chase God.

>> No.11412334

>just be the best you can anon!!!
Here's someone whose never felt anxiety or depression in his life.

>> No.11412353

Start small. You know what you need to do. If you’re not willing to do it, then you don’t deserve help.

>> No.11412363

What if you do this but your wife cheats on you and leaves you like many women do?

Even if you're the perfect husband she can still ''grow bored''.

>> No.11412376

Take care of the kids and get another woman. It's that simple.

All this philosophy and literature just distracts and misguides.

>> No.11412383

Read some Nietzsche.

>> No.11412387

quite the opposite, philosophy didn't save my life but it certainly helped keep me going

>> No.11412401

Literature and Philosophy are, in a sense, no different than any other hunger. Like with food, when consumed it's gone, and the hunger comes back. Literature is more honest; its just a trifling hobby. Philosophy, on the other hand, is the love of knowledge that consumes and destroys knowledge. Without food your hunger will kill you, without philosophy you lose nothing.

Girls, fame, money, philosophy, none of it will satisfy you; its all ephemeral. Nothing on this Earth will make you happy.

>> No.11412749

>not edging when fapping
I've solved you existantial crisis, summerfag

>> No.11412782

So you become the definition of cuck. lel

>> No.11413002

Felt emptiness is typically a symptom of loneliness

Feel less empty, and life's not as much of a "problem"

>> No.11413013
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>> No.11413016


>> No.11414012
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>There is a task in life which no individual can escape. It is to solve a great number of problems...I have divided them for clarity into three parts: problems of behavior toward others; problems of occupation; and problems of love. The manner in which an individual behaves toward these three problems and their subdivisions – that is his answer to the problems of life.

>> No.11414035
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>The first tie sets the problem of occupation... We /must/ work, whether we wish to work or whether we prefer to be idle. The question of work is not a matter for us to decide according to our personal whim or fancy. The only choice that remains open to the individual is the manner in which he or she makes his or her contribution to the commonwealth.

>> No.11414043

Unironically go to church.

>> No.11414054
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>The second group of problems arises out of the specific human need for communal life. As individuals we are too weak to live alone, and nature has given us the human community as the best weapon against extinction. . . . The manner of his social adjustment admits of a tremendous variety of solutions, but the adjustment itself is fundamental to the good life and to human happiness.

>> No.11414097
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>The third tie of a human being is that he is a member of one of the two sexes and not of the other. On his approach to the other sex and on the fulfillment of his sexual role depends his part in the continuance of mankind. This relationship between the two sexes also sets a problem. It, too, is a problem which cannot be solved apart from the other two problems. For a successful solution of the problem of love and marriage, an occupation contributing to the division of labor is necessary, as well as a good and friendly contact with other human beings. In our own day, the highest solution for this problem, the solution most coherent with the demands of society and of the division of labor, is monogamy. In the way in which an individual answers this problem the degree of his cooperation can always be seen.

>> No.11414101

>Girls, fame, money, philosophy, none of it will satisfy you; its all ephemeral. Nothing on this Earth will make you happy.

That's a philosophical statement—the only difference between you and a philosopher is that your teenager ideas wouldn't be able to survive scrutiny. Good job faggot.

>> No.11414107
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>THE SELF TASK: Adler never fully delineated this as a task, but it is evident throughout his writings. The crucial question this task touches upon is: There is an "I" and a "me" (myself), and how does the I relate to myself? People need to come to a conclusion about themselves, and that process and its outcome can greatly influence functioning in all of the other tasks. There are four main subtasks to examine: survival, body image, opinion, and evaluation.

>> No.11414140
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>THE SPIRITUAL TASK: There are five subtasks with which individuals deal: relationship to God, religion, the universe, immortality, and the meaning of life.
>THE PARENTING AND FAMILY TASK: How do we relate to our families? Should we marry or cohabitate? How do we solve the issues relating to our siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and children? This is similar to, but still different from, the social task. The bonds we have with family members can be much stronger, and much more intense, than with our friends.

>The life tasks are the points of contact between the person and the world. Too much emphasis upon either pole leaves the explorer with a distorted picture. Too much of an emphasis upon the subjective side presents a picture in which everything is relative; there is no basis for shared realities, common tasks, and mutual communication; and issues arise regarding the necessity of ethics and moral codes to guide conduct, for if life is completely a "matter of opinion," then anything goes. An overemphasis upon the objective pole results in the loss of personal freedom and responsibility as well. In that case the environment and heredity play too crucial a role, and people become reactors to life, constantly attempting to adjust to it and not playing any part in creating it.