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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 677 KB, 1500x1000, HOPPE immigration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11411720 No.11411720 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get my hands on nationalist literature.
Sound arguments for promotion of one's race, the importance of tradition, against race mixing,etc.
Besides Mein Kampf, I know there were a bunch of 19th century authors who were into that.
thank you

>> No.11411723

Unironically >>>/pol/ would probably be more helpful. But if you insist on getting our recommendations I'd start with my diary desu

>> No.11411735
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>I'm here from /pol/. Tell me about Evola fellow white people

>> No.11411740

Look into the Conservative Revolutionary movement and the arguments of theorists like Heidegger and Schmitt that a state must be rooted in some kind of tradition (national, geographical, historical, etc.) that precedes nonsense like "rational self-interest" or economistic scientism in order for them to have a meaningful life

>> No.11411756
File: 110 KB, 657x539, dur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh racial purity

>> No.11411759

There is literally no argument for promoting mass immigration and race-mixing
I truly believe that the situation we see now will be the end of Western culture, you need only to look at Sweden or the United-Kingdom to see where uncontrolled immigration from 3rd world countries leads us
If people were educated to be proud of their history and of themselves, they wouldn't generate into wasteful and pointless consumerism.

>> No.11411790

It would be great for the world if western culture ended

>> No.11411799

That quote from Hoppe is peak brainletism and goes to show most libertarians are babies who will rally behind the gubmint when their conservative positions are threatened. Pathetic.

>> No.11411821

>That 30 year old boomer who is scared of nationalism
/lit/ used to be better
Just read Mussolini, evola , etc
Get one of those meme charts on /pol/

>> No.11411824

It would be great if you presented arguments, despite the fact that I asked for literature recommendations

>> No.11411896

What your talking about is white nationalism. Which has next to nothing to do with the vast canons of nationalist movements across Europe. If you're American, you're fucked really unless you want to go full neocon boomer-core. Just check out

>> No.11411918

>There is literally no argument for promoting mass immigration and race-mixing
Maybe you should read something that presents any of the numerous arguments for freer migration.

Free and open markets for everything including labor and real estate will provide greater prosperity for all. If you're too neurotic to deal with that then please go take a long walk off a short pier and stay out of the way of my wealth and well-being.

>> No.11412016

>no argument for race-mixing
Geneticist here. From a scientific standpoint the opposite is true: there's no argument for deliberately avoiding what you call race-mixing.

>> No.11412033
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muh blank slatism

>> No.11412042

>will provide greater prosperity for all
If you assume that differences in trust or ability to maintain norms among populations do not exist, which is patently insane.

>> No.11412048

If you think your feelings override observed trends then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you should start an account on Tumblr so you can share all your feelings with the other sensitive souls there.

>> No.11412049

Im curious how homegenous your neighborhood is?

>> No.11412080

Tabula rasa doesn’t mean what you think it means

>> No.11412087 [SPOILER] 
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>What is conservation

>> No.11412110

use "ethnicity" instead of "race", nobody outside of the USA takes "race" seriously

>> No.11412113

Mussolini never actually believed in the racial bullshit, only deported jews just to please hitler

>> No.11412117

Not very homogeneous at all. Right at 60% non-hispanic white with about even numbers of asian and black in the remainder. The S&P500 and 100 companies plus the university and the startups it's spun off don't seem to mind.

>> No.11412134

Yet despite mass immigration, the majority of the population have not become more prosperous. And even if they did, economic gains are not the only factor that can contribute to a happy individual and healthy society. There is also, in Europe at least, mass opposition to continued immigration despite years of public information campaigns/propaganda espousing the benefits. Is that purely based on ignorance and tribal emotion, or would you accept that there is perhaps another factor at play that causes people to continue to oppose it, i.e. some other negative social aspect of immigration that is being ignored by government?

>> No.11412141

why do you americans think you can have a racial homogeneous country when you had to make up the "white race" concept in the first place because you were already a mixture of various "white" ethnicities and then deliberately imported blacks

>> No.11412148
File: 182 KB, 882x709, 1529972306666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking bad at your job are you that you don't realize that mass immigration has routinely killed off genotypic diversity in human history.


>> No.11412151

your neighborhood is 20% black?

>> No.11412166

>despite years of public information campaigns/propaganda espousing the benefits
I have seen none of this in Italy, besides some politicians saying that we needed to keep up the working population to pay retirement money for boomers, which is actually true

>> No.11412169


What is this word salad? I just answered the question as near as I could and said it was not homogeneous.

I think the governments are doing what their people won't and filling the demand for more workers and consumers by allowing more immigration. Maybe if so many first-worlders weren't too busy staring at their own navels to reproduce there wouldn't be such a demand.

>> No.11412191

americans didnt make up the white race concept, it is centuries older than america, and every other race that comes into contact with europeans groups them together into a vague 'white race'

>> No.11412218

>Demand for more workers
>Rampant unemployment
wow. its almost as you're asspulling bs to fit your perspective :O

Jeez, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, France and etc really need more more people! Especially Spain! A 30% unemployment rate is not enough!!! We must go higher!!!!!!

>> No.11412223

Do you honestly not understand the difference between a society of mostly the same ancestry (+85% European) and some multikulti shithole where everyone is only out for their own group? The left here is actively trying to shift the demographics to take the historical majority culture (broadly European) and turn it into an ever shrinking minority. Of course there is opposition that isn't articulated very well but the concern is real.

>> No.11412224

>I think the governments are doing what their people won't and filling the demand for more workers and consumers by allowing more immigration.
I think so too but if people are benefiting by cheaper goods and services because of low-wage immigrants then why is it still so widely opposed. Do you think it's 100% ignorance/racism?

>> No.11412234
File: 123 KB, 490x415, Kentaro_Miura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>searching out books that reinforce/confirm your political views

>> No.11412237

Would those 30% be willing to relocate to countryside farms to pick vegetables for below the minimum wage?

>> No.11412240

works of Hamilton desu

>> No.11412241

Maybe you should return to leddit where you belong

>> No.11412245

>for below the minimum wage?
why not replace their welfare with paid work New Deal style

>> No.11412264

The labour market is not a zero-sum game

>> No.11412279

Yes, by far the main reason people oppose immigration is fear of having to deal with unfamiliar things, a weak understanding of economics, and on top of it a selfish "fuck you got mine" approach to the world outside their neighborhood. Now quit asking.

>> No.11412284

>I think the governments are doing what their people won't
gee I wonder if there’s a reason the people won’t you actual kike

>> No.11412302

I don't answer to loaded questions. Make the point you want to make.

Did I say it was? Did I even imply it was?

>cliche predicates of those who don't follow the current zeitgeist
Let me retort with "you're a cuck" because you don't understand how political communities work since you ignore the emotional aspect that is not taken into account in Economics.
>but "muuh game theory"
Please. This redefinition of what "winning" and "losing" mean is so typical from charlatans that it pains me that I took Economics in college.

>> No.11412323

>muh feelings
>you used language I think is cliched wow I can't even

>> No.11412341

>muuuh homo econimicus
>muuuh failed science losing more and legitimacy and place in the academia

>> No.11412369

me again (>>11412302)

I would like to add that zero-sum games do exist in any type of market. Winning and losing are subjective and intersubjective categories of determinate situations. Of course economists are going to say that the labor market isn't a zero-sum game. They have bias to support. It is funny though how you're using "feelings" and "emotions" to depreciate others' arguments when economical utility is just that: a psychological/subjective value of something. Alas, there's no such as nonutility in economics. Why would that be? Don't certain goods distress the consumer? Why is only NOW with behavioral economics being this studied?

>> No.11412374
File: 54 KB, 535x462, 1528041664913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is the point of all these wage and labor and safety laws and regulations if they are just going to be ignored by importing people from the third world who don't understand the language and aren't educated on their rights as laborers in said country?
And top of all of that, now you're criticizing the actual citizens of these countries for living under these laws, laws which were massively campaigned for by progressives as absolute necessities for first world nations
I mean seriously what the fuck is going on here? Why have these laws at all if this is how they are treated?
I've seen this shit in my MHA classes, students and professors will criticize institutions for not offering high wages and health care plans. Then they will say we need immigrants because greedy Americans demand high wages and health care plans for work.

>> No.11412397

That way lieth ethnic cleansing anon, realize the hate in your heart is just some tribal monkey shit and move on, it ain't like your opinion is going to save the day anyway, you just wanna lend some respectability to your hate, right?

>> No.11412539

Nobody owns Europe, it belongs to everyone.

>> No.11412545

the entire earth belongs to everyone you pleb

>> No.11412548

Mussolini was based af

>> No.11412584

>English move into North America, replace population
My god! The English EXTERMINATED those noble savages. How downright MEAN! History will judge them for this.
>africans move into germany, replace population
That way lieth ethnic cleansing anon, realize the hate in your heart is just some tribal monkey shit and move on, it ain't like your opinion is going to save the day anyway, you just wanna lend some respectability to your hate, right?

>> No.11413292

Where to start with Mussolini?

>> No.11413297
File: 172 KB, 1024x576, 1530072909462m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Other way round

>> No.11413306
File: 3.36 MB, 2392x3348, polbooks1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a couple charts i found on /pol/ a while back but havent used yet

>> No.11413310
File: 3.99 MB, 2248x3442, polbooks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11413311

you could read the Doctrine of Fascism, it's pretty short. Idk much about the italian meme man, but that text is sort of interesting

>> No.11413359
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, fascism-100-questions-asked-and-answered-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mosley is the best introduction to Fascism

>> No.11414078


>> No.11414085

What does it mean?

>> No.11414111

>I want you to subsidize my fantasy of being a feudal lord
>if you don't do this you're a communist
>check it out guys I found a way to derive ethical truth from logic and facts, no fee fees or morals here
>haha nice it confirms that the only reason I'm not already the uebermensch is that I'm oppressed by naturally inferior apes
>*collects public university paycheck*
At least he's not Rand.

>> No.11414119

Tbh you should both be doing that and looking for books opposing, to learn more about the arguments on both sides.

>> No.11415315

>english move into North America
>africans move into germany
>i think these happened in the exact same way with the exact same power dynamics and thus are equivalent
>people who believe one of these events was favorable and one was unfavorable are idiots
>i believe one of these events was favorable and one was unfavorable
Please try to form an opinion for yourself instead of for your opponents.

>> No.11415318

Sound arguments? There aren't any empirically based arguments because it only works in a theoretical setting that sets arbitrary boundaries.

>> No.11415333

>Please try to form an opinion for yourself instead of for your opponents
>only I’m allowed to do that

>> No.11415530

Foundations of the 19th century by Houston Chamberlain
It's the start of the German myth, it's what redpilled the Nazis

>> No.11415535

Heidegger's post ww2 work was a correcting of liberal post modernism that sprang from him

>> No.11415554

>There is literally no argument for promoting mass immigration and race-mixing
It seems you have no argument against it. Thats why you come to /lit/ asking for books that you can just reference instead of actually using your brain.

>> No.11415556

>mass immigration after WW2
>golden era of prosperity after WW2
Really gets the noggin' joggin'

>> No.11415567

upvoted, my friend!

>> No.11415685

>kill, ban or subdue Nazis after WW2
>economy booms


>> No.11415989
